Author Topic: My whole story on 11  (Read 8991 times)


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My whole story on 11
« on: October 06, 2013, 02:11:02 AM »
Hi all 11ers!  I am new to the forums and stumbled here today.  After taking a few moments and reading some of the posts and responses, i have been ACHING for gene's approval to share my experiences with you, and i'm so glad to know im not the only one that's noticed this.  At first, i wanted to post this in the "your experiences with 11" thread but decided to make my own post because it will get lengthy.  A few posts suggested adding some personal info to find some connections between some of us, but i think this goes far beyond just sharing little details and what adds up to what.  I think, to get a good all around sense of this, i want to type out EVERYTHING that has happened to me...since i feel like i was "woken up" just recently over the summer time.

Firstly, My names **** and im a writer, fantasy stuff though, no science fiction. So have no fears, this wont hurt the eyes with large blocks of text ;)  This post is going to include how it all started this summer..and i was never intending to look for it..., possible numerology (im no math major by ANY means, so trust me, its simple addition at best), and all the little details and events, yes even events, that have happened to me that has caused me to renew my spiritual faith. All i ask if that you have an open mind and please, don't ridicule me for any of my ideas.  I have approached all of your ideas with an open mind as well and leave nothing to scorn whatsoever. Whatever is going on with these numbers is completely unexplained to all of us.  So if you've got a few minutes and if you want to see if you've gone thru similar things..then grab some popcorn and some coffee...because this is gonna get heavy! 

Lets start with the little things, some of the things other members asked for seeing if they are any connections.

My Name is Jason, i live "around" *****, **.  My blood type is O negative and my date of Birth is 11-12-79 and was born at 9:04 PM. I belong to no mainstream religion but i do beleive in God and Jesus...just not the way King James put it  or how any preacher preaches it.

It didnt start right away.  It actually started out with my fascination with Ancient History and how there are glaring facts that there had to be some kind of advanced civilization before us.  Places that still stand on the earth for all to view, Mostly all in stone.  Ancient Aliens was what kicked it off (funny huh?) but theres some truth to it. Whether you believe in aliens or not, whats definitely real is the technology that was used to craft some of these places that man cant, and still cant, achieve even in the modern day.  Now im not going to get into all of that right now, not yet. Because it detracts from my numerical experience.

As i researched these places and blogged about the ones i thought the most mysterious, i started thinking...there might actually be something to life out there thats way way beyond us...but im not buying it yet.  So while i was at work (i work at a Goodwill) i came across a book called Light Years by Gary Kinder that i saw out of nowhere, amongst all the books...kinda like i was drawn to it. Thats when the numbers began....

Im not going to get into all the details of its about a man named Eduard Meier and how he beleives he had come into contact with an alien race called the Pleiadians (from the constellation Pleiades), but my first 11-11 started in that book.  It seemed that whenever there was a specific date that involved "alien contact" The dates would add to 11-11 or within 1 (like 11-12). Numbers would come to 12-12 or 12-13 or 13-13 and 13-14 and so on and so on. My method of coming up with these numbers was by taking a date, adding the month and day and the last two numbers of the year.
I have NO idea where this came from, i never thought of anything like it just popped in my head to add the dates like that.  For example, if you cant get the month and day, then just add the last two numbers of the year the crash landing of Roswell New Mexico...1947...7+4=11

Thats just an example though, that wasnt the first thing i ever added.  Anyways back on topic, thats just the summary of how i started to think all of this might be some kind of higher intellegence trying to communicate in some way...but what are we trying to be told?  I know its hard to swallow at first, but ask yourself this:

Do you feel like your being "guided"?
Do you feel like you see 11s thats seems way way more than coincidence, not even statistically possible with as much as you could seem to see it.
.....does it end with 1:11 or 11:11?  such you see 222, 333, or even though you may not want to admit it, 777 quite more frequently than you want to admit? 
Do you feel strangey guided to start reading the Old Testament or at least, Revelations?

It seems like after 11-11, i only see the 2's 3's and 7's in threes, not four numbers...which i find odd BUT, i may have an possible answer for this too, but i dont want to get ahead of myself.

i kinda blew off anything after the Ones as mere coincidence...but it wasnt until i watched the second episode of Sleepy Hollow (i know your going to think im digging to much into this but bear with me) and the hotel room number Icabod comes out of in the beginning of the episode is 222.  Being that the show is about the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, i started reading Revalations, like im being strongly prompted to brush up on it once again.  I didnt see any correlation with Rev 2-22 but i kinda felt like i was on the right track with being guided to revalations.

After that, the 11's, 2's, 3's and 7's went completely haywire and ive been seeing it everywhere. Not because i think im subconsciously willing myself to see it, im REALLY seeing it.  Another example, i was reading up on the recent sinkholes appearing and was looking up in one that was "supposed" to be around lake erie.  As i went ot a site, it had a clock in military time, as i glanced at the clock really quick, it read 13:33 and 33 seconds...i swear to you, im not making that up.

Im not going to get into every single event where i saw the numbers, that would be too long winded.  But after about two months of this, with this past week really really amping up the amount of times i see 11:11 on clocks (Even today, i gave change to a customer taht was 11 dollars and 11 cents), i went to a private spot and prayed...the first time in YEARS, believe me.  just the nutshell version basicly what i said was:

"Ok God, or whoever out there is listening. I know i havent been the best person in the past, i know i abandoned you for a while there too...but with all the contradictions in today's religions, can you blame a rational sensible person for thinking this way??  I think youve been misinterpreted...I think you exist and i think your son most certainly did too...but over time, i think man has twisted your words to suit the needs of that particular time period...even today.  I think people have forgotten what your MAIN message was...and thats to love one another, to love they neighbor. And ill do my best to promote that message."

I dont know what possessed me to say it like that, other than what i thought lead up to what i thought god and jesus were misinterpretted as...i dont know what possesed me to say i know your message is LOVE.

But thats not the crazy part (HA! as if this doesnt sound crazy already!) i went into work a very short time afterwards.  I clock in and get to the register, my first customer is a young girl, probably around 17 with an acoustic guitar comes in and i think...hmmm...seems a little expensive to donate that!  but she asked if she could play for the customers.  Im thinking...ok, sure why not. maybe shes here to sing to some of the kids.
Nope...and this is within five minutes of being at work...she goes to the middle of the store, sits down and sings about jesus and her voice was like a choir of angels!!  If you dont believe me, i had the prescense of mind to get it on my phone, its up on facebook as your reading this. I have hard copies of it on my hard drive, so if you want it, just email me, ill send it to you.

Anyways, still not the last thing to happen.  i go to turn my cell phone back on but the numbers been recycled due to months of inactiviity.  So a customer service rep tells me to hang up, add my card and then press a couple numbers and ill be randomly assigned a new number.  Can you guess what three numbers were randomly assigned out of the four?  the last four of my phone number is 77*7 ( i leave one number out because i dont want someone to try and look up my number. If you think you really REALLY need to talk to me about any of this, email me, I WILL get back to you!) 
Now, if you add 0+0, you get zero. you cant get something if out of nothing, from adding zero plus zero.  And to add to this, ill point out if you use clocks in military time, what time does it become a minutes after 23:59?  yup, its 2400.  (making it 12am of a new day.) Not 00.00 

It will never be 00:00, never add zero's. always start from 1!

one more reason i never add zeros, and it points me something Nicholas Tesla did back in his day. If you google a letter he sent to the Red Cross, he claimed he heard what he thought may be a greeting in the electrical impulses of his tesla coil. A repeating pattern...faint, but he said there was no mistaking it.  In his letter, he said it could very well be the greatest discovery of all time....he said the greeting was 1....2....3.....

Tesla thought Math was the LANGUAGE of the universe and he was hailed as the greatest inventor of all time with ideas a hundred years ahead of its as universal wireless electricity and ways of communicating with Electricity...E-mails.  (not hailed for the message he delivered but for his inventions, for those not familiar with Tesla)

So thats my story. Its long winded, but heavily researched.  You may think me a crackpot and thats ok...its why i keep it all to myself.  But if i was wrong, or if im on the wrong path...then why...O the speed limit in my community 11 miles per hour???????  Where have you EVER heard of a place where the speed limit didnt end in zero or five......

God bless and thanks for hearing me out.


Should you wish to talk to me further on anything, inbox me here or email me, i will get back to you.  i know a lot of this sounds outlandish, but im not the only one seeing 11's everywhere ;)  i think the experience may be unique to that person, but the method of HOW we come to see it, is pretty much the same.  Time, money change, licsence plates, so on and so on.



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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2013, 10:02:17 AM »
I also wanted to add that i see a lot of peoples experiences started when they either lost faith or was at an extreme crossroads in their before you decide to make a life changing decision for yourself and you may be happier because of may have seen the numbers before that happened, but after the choice was made...did you really start to notice those 11's after that and actually thought....huh...thats odd (other than saying Oh, look at that, all ones! and go about your daily life ) :)

Thats how it was for me. I noticed the numbers but never gave them a second thought. After i said to myself id change and meant it....then i actually began to realize their increasing frequency.  I think thats one major thing that most of us have in common....


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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2013, 10:13:17 PM »

Well Pointman, this link was very helpful for me.  It is an introduction to the theory of Chaos.  It is the best representation that I have found for understanding what we are experiencing. 
Try reading to the last chapter, it will a little time but it is worth it.  I would love to get some feedback on this, from you or anyone else that reads it.


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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2013, 06:10:44 AM »
Hey there Mike. First and foremost, i wanted to thank you for directing towards that link.  Im up to Chapter 10 but before i went any further, i wanted to stop back over here and let you know that by now, i find a lot of information on this site very very useful as well.  I no longer think that math may be the language of the universe as Tesla suggested, but i definetly think its a way of communicating.....somehow and in someway

If youve ever seen my blog site on ancient history, you'd see that i love the mystery of everything and i like to try and understand it.  When this whole 11 thing kicked off, it became like my blogs but i kinda abandoned rationale and let my curiosity get the best of me as tried to fit the puzzle pieces together and see if i could make 2 + 2 a logical sounding 4.

I think that i what i sould at least do when it comes regarding this 11 phenomenon is that i stick with my gut on this one and maintain that its something thats definetly spiritual and its not meant for me to understand at the moment.  As much as i want to try and make sense of it all, i think the best thing i can say is that whatever powers that be that are out there...when they are ready for me to know, the truth might set us all free.  But if i continue trying to see the big picture of it all, i think id drive myself crazy.  I can always keep a mental note of when i see the patterns or at least, the 11's when they happen....and just be thankfull that im "awake" enough to recognize that its happening.

If your ever intersted, stop by my blogs and check out some of my work on what i consider unexplained ancient history and tell me what you think about some things or dont say anything if you like. i just like to make people aware of some of the things that still remain on our planet today that people seem to brush off, regardless if it proves something advanced was definelty happening back before modern man came to be here. 

All i ask is that should Gene swing by and see the site i have listed and you dont approve, thinking im trying to self promote my blogs...please by all means, alter this post and just remove the link.  But please dont ban me from here...ive tried on other forums at times to ask for some feedback and moderators thought i was simply there to promote.  This is the first, and probably the only forum ive ever come to when it comes to 11 though.  and my last post was done before i started googing things on the number....hence you may see a picture about my street sign with the 11mph on it, but youll find no mention of why its there.  People have a hard enough time with our unexplained history....adding something about a number that even we dont understand only complicates the "what a nutball" factor haha.

Thanks again for the link Mike, i plan on finishing it to the last chapter.  Heres the link to my Blogs:

Hope you enjoy to all who are interested and thanks again for the help. 


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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2013, 04:51:28 PM »
I realy liked your blogs.  I havent read all of them yet but the ones I did, I liked. I posted a comment/question about Genesis 4 13-24.  What other "people" and tools of "Bronze and Iron"???


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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2013, 06:12:53 PM »
Thanks for the interest! Its refreshing to see that someone appreciates my efforts and offers constructive ideas! 

Im going to look into the verses you posted. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand the whole scope of things just by a verse so theres times i may have to start from the beginning to get a better understanding.  i may read the bible, but i dont memorize it ;)  Thats always the fun part though, you can miss something the first or second  time you read it.


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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2013, 11:58:46 PM »

No problem with posting the blog link. Certain mysteries could always be relevant and since you are contributing interesting thoughts/insights on the 11 phenomenon there is no problem at all. I look forward to more closely checking out the blog write-ups when I get a chance.



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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2013, 07:56:53 AM »
Mike...i think ive stumbled onto something MAJOR.

but sadly, it doesnt have anything to do with the verses you asked me to look up. As i read last night, i started from the begginning and read beyond the verses you asked me to look at....and i think ive found something that may help all of us.

This may sound farfetched, but bear with me and hear me out...its about 11:17

Somewhere buried in these topics, i ran across a user that said he not only noticed 11's but the number 17 pops out as well.  i, myself, have not noticed this but that doesnt mean it hasnt taken root as something to keep in mind in case it needs to be brought up in the future....And im glad i did.

It seems 11:17 has been popping up a lot recently. I had responded to a post in here about movies with 11 in it. i wont repeat the whole thing, but if you get a second, take a read and it will lead you to my next observation.

As i was reading up on Genesis last night upon Mike's request, i felt compelled to contiue reading further and i came across something....something that does, indeed, have a mention of 11 and 17.  ill do a couple of verses prior to what it leads up to and then the verse that deserves some attention...and suprise suprise, that verse is Genesis, chapter 7, verse 11 of the Old Testament  i know a lot of us dont follow this kind of thing, or it may not be your lets read it like its goes

(7) And Noah went in, and his sonnes, and his wife, and his sonnes wives with him, into the Arke, because of the waters of the flood

(8) Of cleane beasts, and of beast that are not cleane, and of fowles, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth

(9) They went in two and two unto Noah and the Arke, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah

(10) And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the Earth

now here is where 17 is mentioned and its the 17th day of a special event.

(11) In the sixe hundredth year of Noahs life, in the second month, of the seventeenth day, the same day, were all the fountains of the great deepe broken up, and the windows of heaven opened

There was a reason i felt compelled to write all this down...when it comes to 11 and 17. October 17th of this year is when the US officially defualts and cant pay its bills. In terms of the economy...this can cause an epic collapse of catastropic proportions and i dont exaggerate on this.  If the government shut down contiunes (and the feeling i get when i think and type this is so strong, that i cant ignore it), not only will this affect the US and send us into a recession of epic proportions that makes the great depression seem like a mouse fart. (i dont want to make this ALL sound so doom and gloom, i hope the mouse fart made you giggle...but i know, its no laughing matter....)

But as i was saying though, not only will this effect america, but it will greatly impact the worlds economy, since all economies are based off the treasuries.

Mike...i think this was a message of warning that only we 11ers could see.  I think when it said the windows of heaven opened up, i dont think that meant that god came down and helped the flood waters receede.  I think it means that, if this comes to pass, we will be very closely watched by "God" see what we will do and react.  Will we panic or will our government come to its senses and realize the impact the shutdown is having on the people.  As of November 1st (the 11th month), the military will no longer be paid...if and when everything starts back up again, they will get their pay and the back pay. But as of the 1st (11-1......111), their paychecks will cease.  Also the families of the soliders that have, god rest their souls, died in afganistan have already recieved a second call from the government (today, as of 10-8) that they will not recieve the death benefits because the government can not afford to while everytihing is shut down.

On the 1st, social security, medicare and medicaid will be put on hold.  They cant afford to send the checks and they cant cover the medical costs of doctor visits and procedures....All of this could be the modern day "flood" of 2013.  i dare not wonder what comes next if the shutdown continues to December 1st...

This could be our not saying were in end times...but i am saying, that were trying to be told of the calamity that is about to occur if the government doesnt end this.  I dont want to say anything about all the politics, i dont want this derailed.  As im about to post this, its 7:56


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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2013, 10:09:47 AM »

I think that in the vast number of possibilities of this phenomenon you have a interesting theory.  However, many theorys prior to yours have forced numbers and patterns to fit into curent affairs of polictics, govenments and world events.  I think we all understand that the 11's is a sign or warning, I just think that along with this warning we should be getting a solution or way out to the events of the future.
Whats the point of getting a sneek peek if we can't do anthing about it or share its significants with others.

I like the way you think and how you pieced this theory together.  The Genisis reference was also to get you thinking about Tiaunaco and some of the questions you brought up in you blog.  I don't want to start you down a rabbit hole, but living at elevation may keep you safe from large reptiles!

Hope all of us 11's will soon have clear understanding, but untill then may love and compassion guide our paths.

I just had one more thought on the Genesis 11 refernece.  Are we (11") actualy building our own "tower of Babel".  Think about it, we now with the use of the internet and computers can break language, cultural and ideological barriers.  Will we soon be scattered?

« Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 10:47:22 AM by mikehancho11 »


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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2013, 01:04:11 PM »
I just had one more thought on the Genesis 11 reference.  Are we (11") actually building our own "tower of Babel".  Think about it, we now with the use of the internet and computers can break language, cultural and ideological barriers.  Will we soon be scattered?

This is great insight on your part!  Thats something i never considered, but it would make sense if you look at it from a bigger perspective. Its definitely not in the realm of the impossible.

You know, i think anyone who just happens on the sight wondering what the 11 hooplah is all about and started reading the post topic...theyd probably think were crazy....but to me, this make perfect sense and definitely something to ponder, that's for sure.  This is the reason i like the forums here so much, such great ideas can come about and it can completely make you see things from a different perspective

and about the sneak peek comment...your definitely right. I too question why this kind of knowledge or insight would be available to us if we can do nothing to prevent it. Maybe, over the course of time, that answer will be revealed when the time is right from the powers that be


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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2013, 07:37:12 PM »
Hi Everyone,

As my username suggests I am from a small island in the Caribbean and approximately 1 or two years ago, I can't say for sure because the first many times I saw the 11 I didn't pay attention to it and wrote it off as coincidence.  Last year however, I became keenly aware that the 11 was stalking me and I decided to pay attention.

At first what I noticed was 9:11 and I thought it might have to do with the event of Sept.11 but then I noticed I was feeling a sense of urgency and in truth there were some things going on in my life that needed urgent attention.  One main thing was my vehicle; I almost always saw the 9:11 when I was driving or thinking about or talking about my vehicle.  i had a distinct sense that I needed to sell it before anything went wrong with it. Well after it suffered serious engine damage I realized that, that was probably what the 9:11(s) were about and I saw them alot less after that.  But then it started up again within a few weeks with 4:11, 7:11, and other variations of 11 and I realized there was more to it.  I did a search online and came across this weird movie, which I still regret watching and I forgot to continue searching after that.  The 11(s) kept coming for a long time and so I searched and found you guys and some other very interesting material.  One of the things I found though as most of you are aware is that the number is associated with chaos and confusion and it makes sense to me that 9 and 11 are put together because they are almost opposites.  This is translated in my mind - when you think its peace and safety then comes sudden destruction or order and good governance will emerge but only after a great disturbance or sometimes things have to get worse before they get better etc.

I'll interject here that I am a christian and believe every word I read in the Bible not because I'm a conformist and easily indoctrinated because I'm not but because I am one who tests the things I read and have been told and if I find them worthy of belief I hold on to them and if not I toss them out or put them in holding until I can fit them somewhere.

Recently I spoke to a prophet here in my own country (and I don't mean some spooky weirdo he's an ordinary guy with a very good high profile job,  if you didn't know him or hear him speak you wouldn't know this about him).  I sheepishly asked him about this 11 phenomenon and of course he couldn't identify with it but simply said the number is not a good number in the scriptures and it could mean there is some confusion in your life that needs to be sorted out.  He didn't have to say anything more because the truth is there is a lot of chaos in my life.  I am not an organized person by any stretch of the imagination and that was the reason for most of the issues I have had to deal with in my life.

Anyways, you all may not be like me so that might not have been helpful to you however, after he said that to me and I made some resolutions about my life I began to see the 12(s) showing where 11 used to be.  Twelve in biblical numerology means governance/government.  I still see the 11's though at different times, sometimes when a particular individual calls me or when my life is a bit out of order at a particular time or in relation to a situation as well as the occasional random but its a lot less.

I do recognize some common threads among us though like the curiosity for the supernatural, alien citings and things like that.  I was 11 when I first saw this amazing phenomena in the sky and I called a couple of my boarding school mates and they saw it and tried to explain it away.  What I saw was something as bright as a star and it seemed to be that far away making crosses in the sky covering what must be thousands of miles at a time in sharp instant darted movements but not always the same distance each time so that if the crosses were drawn it would look very chaotic on a piece of paper.  There is no machine made by man that could do what I saw that night.  Also I find that I see shooting stars more often than the average person.  If I go outside and look up a t the sky for a couple of minutes I see one or two almost as if they fall because I'm looking for them instead of the other way around.

Then next thing is the idea of aliens having been on the earth before I have been telling people for a long time that the bible supports this view but it doesn't necessarily use the term aliens.  In Genesis 6:2 when it talks about the 'sons of God'coming on the earth and sleeping with women and the children being giants and heroes in the land.  These were not angels and most people believe, because angels at least the angels from Heaven don't have a adult activity they are not male or female according to Jesus and He would know better than anyone else.

I believe they were called 'sons of God' because they looked more like men but were obviously not men and in comparison more like God than men at least in the eyes of the writer.  I Jude it says that they left their place, which suggests that they had a geographic home unlike the angels who go wherever they are assigned.

Sorry guys I didn't intend to sound so preachy and long-winded.  Feel free to comment.


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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2013, 02:18:35 PM »
Hi Caribbean,

     i dont find your post preachy or long-winded whatsoever.  And if were, kind of, on the same page..ive been seeing some coincidences with the bible when i get the "feelings" about the numbers.  Latley, its been 44 ive been seeing everywhere...or combinations like 4:11, 9:11, 11:11 and things that add up to become 11 or 111.

Like you, i try to find the answers as matter how "weird" society thinks them to be.  When it comes to your tale here, what you believe has a lot to do with some of the conclusions ive come up with as i continue to research the phenomenon....and if thats if you can really call them "conclusions".  Every time i think ive found an answer, it turns out to constantly change...or lead me in another direction to research about.


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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2013, 04:13:17 PM »
other than my previous reply, i havent posted in here for a week or so.  Ive been trying to piece some things together to get a bigger picture or scope of things.  I know some people think i may look too closely and sometimes the numbers happens to show up because im subconsciously willing them to do so...but i still maintain that this isnt the case. 

Since i "woke up" over the summer when it came to 11 and other numerical anomolies, ive kept a notebook and i have always added to my experiences as i tend to forget things very quickly.  As i was reading the post by Caribbean, i noticed that some of the things he posted closely coincides to what ive been after pouring over my notes, i decided that maybe i should put up what i "think" ive come up with so far in regards to all of this.  I could be right, or wrong..or maybe just on the right track so to speak.  I mean, whatever i type about this is really up to interpretation.  Everyone has their own beliefs, and ill never dispute what anyone on here has come to believe.

First things first.  The phenomenon that is revolving around this number 11 seems unique to that person.  Its almost like you have a guide in a way, that tries to help or point you in the right direction. Wether you listen to this "guide" or not is up to you...but ive realized that the ones of us that do pay attention and keep it in mind, whatever the numerical warning (or prophecy, how ever you look at it) we end up not regretting it.

I think that when we noticed the anomalies the most is when their seems to be some kind of drastic change in our world events, or something that truly affects or lives and changes it, wether its for the good or the worse.  I think, once, someone had said that sometimes, the only reason that we see the numbers when it comes to huge events (like my prediction was about the government and the number 17) is only because i am trying to find the numbers and the if im trying to fit the numbers in there somehow.

All i truly can say about this in my defense (and trust me, i never viewed that persons opinion as a reason to get defensive) is that i honestly never look for the numbers...its almost as if they find me.  I tend to see them so often that i truly try to not look for any of them...they just pop up there...somehow.
If you go back to the bible and the verses that are associated with some of the things we quoted...the numbers also seem to either be in regard to a huge event or a very important fact.  In a previous reply, i had showed the numerical coincidences and how they had lined up with the great flood.  Carribeans quote on Genesis 6:2 is mostly about Noah and how he was the last of Gods "perfect" beings.  At the time of the flood, there had been so many crosses in the breeds of humans that i truly think the reason God called forth the flood was to removed those cross breeds (such as Giants, for one...the result of angels mating with humans).  But keep in mind, these were no ordinary angels as the bible references them to Satan and his followers.  For those that may not known, yes, Satan was once an angel that had fallen from grace.  This instance of the Angels mating with humanity is one of those instances that had him cast out.

Basicly, what im getting at, is if the numbers can coincide with major events back in the past..why cant they have the same association in today's society or even the worlds.

I also think i have found some meaning in the numbers as well...but this is up to interpretation of course.  You dont have to follow what i type here next, it might not be what you believe, but its become what ive come to believe.

The numbers that hold the most meaning, seem to go from 1 to 7. Those are the ones i get the strongest "feelings" about. This doesnt work for eight or nine, and i get no experiences or so much as a scant feeling when it comes to those ones.  The way i came about as to find meaning to them was that whenever a certain number combination popped up...i "looked around" and saw what was going on at that very moment. Whether it had to do with what was going on in my personal life or even something in the world.  Heres what ive come up with.

When i say number combinations, they never seem to come as one number by itself...such as 1,2,3 and so on. They always appear, to me, as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, and 77. The only exception is that can also show up as 111 or 1111.  Anyways, the meanings....

11's or 11:11 or 111- A positive sign.  Such you are on the right track, or on the verge of discovering something you may be looking into, or maybe something that is good to come.  Ive also noticed 11's showing significance when it comes to hope or inspiration.  (Such as the story of an indian girl named Malala.  She was 11 when she publicly came out against the Taliban and said women should earn an education as much as men.  A few years later, they had tracked her down and shot her in the head.  The girl survived and the doctors said it was a mircale she did...most people would never live after having a bullet removed from their brain...especially the part she was shot in.  To this day, at age 16, she continues to spread her message in defiance of the Taliban..even earning her a nobel peace prize.  Young women the world over, in different countries and cultures, stand up and believe in her message, inspiring them to yell "I AM MALALA!!") It was 3:33 am as i first heard and started documenting this story...and what i think the 3's stand for will be coming up shortly...

Another instance of 11 being a sign of hope is a story about Diana Nalad (sp?) and her 110 mile swim across the ocean at 64 years of age.  What she has done has been inspiration to many as it proves it doesnt matter how old you long as you have the will and the spirit....the belief in yourself that you can accomplish what 99% of everyone said that she could not, that you CAN do anything if you put your mind to it.

Ive heard and read of many people claiming that 11 is a bad sign or omen....its my belief that its being perceived in the wrong way perhaps. One example is when Carribean had said that he noticed the 11's before his car broke down for good.  I know that can be viewed as how it can be a bad omen...but look at it this way, because you paid attention to what you thought could be a message of some kind, you reacted sooner than you normally would have and had something done about the situation...and now your in a better one because of it ;)

22's- The possibility of being confronted with a great truth

33's- To self educate or to have a self-revelation

44's- Acceptance.  or a complete realization of something

55's- Protection

66's-  A great evil

77's- Holy, Good, or knowing that at that point in time...your not alone (but then again, i feel that once youve been "woken up"when it comes to the numbers, your never truly alone.  I just feel that when there are sevens in pairs or more, that i feel to be in the presence of something "good" more strongly than other times.

17-  A warning or Prophecy

Like i said, thats all up to interpretation or you could think im just completly nuts...but i truly feel, deep down, that im on to something.  Ive always been a rational and logical thinker and i know all of this really does defy all ration or logic...but...i cant explain it.  I just feel that im definetly on the right track. 

Best of luck as you all undertake your own personal journeys to come to some kind of understanding.  I still think i have much to learn, much much more!


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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2013, 03:58:46 PM »
Ok lost me with the whole alien thing...SAY WHAT??


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Re: My whole story on 11
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2013, 10:45:25 AM »
Ok, im glad i waited a little bit before answering this one...but ill explain the best i can.

I know that ive had some real "crackpot" theories since ive joined these boards.  When i started this was on October 6th and continued on throughout the month.  I kinda awoke to the whole thing i July-ish.  At the time i posted this, its when i started doing some heavy research on whatever i could find.  Its very difficult to find anything on all of this, because everyone whos having this expeirence is looking themselves, for answers.

i was trying to fit peices together...for what i now consider spiritual, i chalked it up to another phenomenon at the time of this post.  i wanted to delete all of this...but now that ive re-read it all, its like watching a child going from crawling to walking, while touching every outlet and putting every object i find on the table or floor in my mouth :P

I was very confused too and was trying to find answers to what i dont understand, needless to say, i really dont think its "Aliens" anymore lol.  Ive been coming more and more to the conclusion that we all have some kind of spirit guide and the numbers are a way of communicating with us on a personal level.  Again, this is a hard one to explain, but i think ill spare everyone the large blocks of text today haha :P  But to be honest for a second, do any of us...really feel like were "alone" while were on this journey of self discovery?

Everytime i come to this forum, i feel like everyone is waiting for a new post and waiting with baited breath...whats the next person going to say...can i relate to it in some way...

We all need to keep talking and sharing ideas! Look at my posts of rambling lol, we all have to start somewhere when it comes to an understanding of what were going through ;)

If you dont mind me asking, hows your journey gone so far Angamie?

Sending you all my best,