Author Topic: So i have some thoughts....  (Read 5135 times)


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So i have some thoughts....
« on: February 07, 2014, 10:12:45 PM »
I have many personal views in here.

Theres been a lot of things that ive been thinking about lately, and sometimes its hard to find a starting point on where i want to begin with this post.  I had some blog topics i was working on but i was constantly sidetracked by other things that kind of sparked my intuition and all i can do is follow.  Its kind of lick unlocking things you already knew...but the ego mind refuses to accept.

When we were children, we had no biases, hate, prejudice...other than my love of apples over brussell sprouts.  When i was at my job the other day, i saw three kids in the toy aisle, all different races talking over what toy looked like it was the most fun, they couldn't have been no less than five years old.  They didn't hate each other because the color of their skin was different, they didn't judge them on believing in a black, white, olive skinned jesus...or no jesus at all.

For the first time in a long time, i kinda stared at it in for the first time, really understood how when were indoctrinated at school to believe "THIS IS FACT" or when certain levels or structures of society tell you that its great to be rich and if your poor, its your own fault.  Or even telling you to hate somebody or disapprove over a white man marrying a black women or two men or women to love each other.

Where and when did we all go so wrong?  You look at these childrens and see, not the boundaries of physical appearances but the communication of consciousness (i cant spell that word to save my life).  in the most primitive level, even if it was over what toy looked like it was more fun to play with, you see three different races discussing their ideas and not judging off of anything other than that.  Its moments like that when you realize that, when we were children and so very very young...before we began to absorb the outside world and the lessons that it thought was fit for us to learn..whether it was studies, religion, etc...that at one point...we were all one.

Once you start looking into 11:11, you take yourself on a deeper journey than most others. And by coming on to this site, it shows that you aren't brushing this thing off as coincidence...that it leads you down a path that goes beyond common logic or reasoning. And the more you dig, the more things make start to view things in your own individual reality as different.  An example is media outlets and how fear and hate dominate the airwaves....but you rarely see anything "good".  Something that makes you feel good for seeing it and something that affirms that humanity isnt a lost cause...were just lost.

When it comes to things like spirit guides...someone once asked do you know that these entities can know what we think?  My thoughts are my own (in a nutshell).

But vibration says otherwise.  When you think a thought, any thought, they harbor a frequency.  hate and anger being the lowest while joy is higher and love being the highest.  Everything, and i do mean absolutely everything, is vibrational.  Your thoughts emit a frequency, unseen and unheard....but only by us ;)  Spiritual entities, whether you call them Angels, Midwayers or your spirit guides, they can pick up on that frequency.  These guides operate on a pure love vibration and frequency.  Now that doesn't mean you have to watch what you think every moment of every day...that would drive you simply mad. However, you still try to constantly keep yourself in a higher state of practicing love, compassion and forgiveness towards all the people of the earth that you encounter.  That may be easier said than done for many, but realize your reality is your own....just because someone is having a bad day, that doesn't mean you have to allow them to drag you down with them. Thats giving people like that what they want...and those are the people that refuse to see the higher reality that can actually be achieved by all people,

A perfect example of how peace can be achieved is by its leadership.  First you look at the ones that do it wrong...countries like russia whos gotten a world wide spotlight of how it tries to keep its people down with an iron fist. (look at how it treats its their gay citizens)

America is another, easily.  Media outlets that spread fear and paranoia. Im not going to get to deeply into that particular topic only because i know there are so many vast and differnt opinions...but i think we can all agree that every level of government...from city, to state, to the whole country is extremely corrupt and looks out for their own individual interests and not the interests of the people that "voted" them in.

Then you get to Africa.  Now look at that place...a place that was once ruled by total violence and had nearly lost all control.  Nelson Mandela steps in and love and peace becomes the main message...and you practically have a country thats harmonious.  Sure you have a few bad eggs here and there, but those eggs do not spoil the whole dozen.

I dont know where im getting at with all of this, perhaps this is something i should have saved for my blog.  But i think the main message im getting at is...if you allow your life to be led by love and allow your vibrational frequency to increase...not only will you evolve, your consciousness will also evolve...bringing you closer to being a being of light.  Our physical bodies are only instruments to how we want to communicate our thoughts.  Just like how you cant play music, without the composer behind the piano.

We need to start believing that we are spiritual beings having a physical existence...and not the other way around.

Peace and love,



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Re: So i have some thoughts....
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2014, 10:29:50 PM »
you can agree with this....or you might not.  Thats up to you

But if theres at least ONE thing, just ONE thing, that we can agree upon....just love one another.

You may think that your only one person....what can you possibly do?  But if theres only one thing that social media can teach...its that word of mouth is FAST.  You treat one person with compassion or love, and you may just brighten that persons day.  Then that next person treats the next person the same way (or they may not, who knows) but the fact that you better than not trying at all.


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Re: So i have some thoughts....
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2014, 09:41:51 PM »
Pointman 19 you are so deep. you and I are on the same frequency. When I read your posts it's like the same way I feel about things.
   I told you all that I am writing a book and I intended to mention about being an 11er. Well last Sunday I finished it and am polishing it up before sending it out to be self published. Chapter 10 is all about being an 11er and if I do say so myself it's pretty good.
   Pointman, let me tell you, and anyone else, that some of what I wrote was about kids and how they don't have ego's yet. Kids are pure and it seems to be a human condition that ego develops when we get beyond childhood. This secondary form of ego to me it's very prevalent in people in their late teens and early twenties and it continues forever unless it's put into check. Seems to effect men more than women. There is a form of ego that we use as a self preservation program like when facing an angry dog or a bear in the forest, ego kicks in and we fight or flee.
This secondary form of ego, that slowly creeps into our psyche, can be eliminated by doing nothing more than recognizing it and paying it no mind.
   A lot of my book stresses problem solving by pinpointing the cause of the problem, searching out the most logical solution and applying it. That and eliminating this secondary form of ego can get the human being a long way in growing and evolving into the more highly intelligent people we were meant to be.
   the other thing I recognize is that people, myself included can be tricked into thinking  certain thoughts by circumstances we find ourselves in. I did real estate in 2011 and 2012 and got practically nothing from it. I kept thinking, because I worked so hard at it that, "No matter what, I just cant win". And the other thought I had was "No matter what, I'm blocked." and I was miserable.
Thoughts become things and when I realized that I changed my thoughts, thanks to Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" and my life turned around 180 degrees and now every day is a miracle. Love you all 11erSteve


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Re: So i have some thoughts....
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2014, 05:54:16 AM »
I got your email and ill get back to you as soon as possible. i just wanted to chime in here really quick. 

Pointman, let me tell you, and anyone else, that some of what I wrote was about kids and how they don't have ego's yet.

Synchronicity strikes again! ;)

eliminating this secondary form of ego can get the human being a long way in growing and evolving into the more highly intelligent people we were meant to be.

Walter Russell said the exact same thing and this was back in the 30's and 40's. you should look him up, youll find that "Truth Seekers" like ourselves and Mr. Russell have A LOT in common.  And he didn't have access to information like we do these days. Which further shows that we need to look within ourselves to find real answers that our souls, not our ego (or secondary minds as you put it), will agree with. Meditate, Meditate, Meditate!

the other thing I recognize is that people, myself included can be tricked into thinking  certain thoughts by circumstances we find ourselves in. I did real estate in 2011 and 2012 and got practically nothing from it. I kept thinking, because I worked so hard at it that, "No matter what, I just cant win". And the other thought I had was "No matter what, I'm blocked." and I was miserable.
Thoughts become things and when I realized that I changed my thoughts, thanks to Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" and my life turned around 180 degrees and now every day is a miracle

I firmly beleive the Law of Attraction truly exists. Great minds like Einstein and Tesla realized this when it cames to how we shape our own individual realities.  No ones perception of reality is the same.  Are bills piling you up and your becomming stressed out?  That negativity will follow you, as you think about finances and how to pull out of it.  Im not saying the law of attraction will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams, as The Secret claims is can do....but im more aligned to the truth of...if you think it, and you keep positive, despite all the road blocks and negativity life throws at you, positivity will come back to you.  Like attracts Like, negativity attracts a lot of the same. 

Vibration, Frequency, Attraction, Synchronicity...these are but just a small few things that intermingle with the realities we call life.  If we are EVER to find out more about why were here, what our purpose is..and why negativity is everywhere you have to start looking into yourself and youll slowly start to realize that society is nothing more than a huge deception on a grand world wide stage.  Governments and powers that like to have control over the people dont want you to know that if we started to project feelings of love and will attract like and thats what we will start seeing in return. 

But you keep us in the FEAR vibration and frequency...and thats exactly what were going to get back.  This way governments feel like we NEED them in order to always feel safe.  But that facade is slowly crumbling as people become aware of its self serving interests and not our own....isnt it

PS, i just wanted to add...Did anyone notice that at Nelson Mandela's Funeral that there was no terror attacks like the media was trying to harp on and predict would happen?  Security was light at that stadium...a hell of a lot lighter than what we have to go through just to get on an airplane :P  All the worlds leaders, the perfect opportunity it would have been, right?  Believe it if you want to or not....there so much Joy and Love being projected at that stadium, thats exactly what they got back. Three world leaders, our president included, even took a selfie as they participated in the "good vibes of happiness" that were going was all smiles.

Even Sycronicity, that carried intent, was shown there.  Media outlets world wide were worried about terrorist attacks. But the worst thing that ever happened at that funeral was an interpreter...who wasn't an interpreter...and we all got a hearty chuckle out of that!


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Re: So i have some thoughts....
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2014, 08:52:25 AM »
It's February 11, 2014.  02/11/2014  0+2+1+1+2+0+1+4=11
Pay attention to your radars today. I'm not expecting anything good or bad to happen, just saying pay attention to your radar.
Love U all, 11erSteve


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Re: So i have some thoughts....
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2014, 02:45:22 PM »
It actually is an interesting day. 

i stumbled across this, but it seems that 2-11 is the day that a group of people are attempting to make a stand against the NSA.  I dont know how it would fare for them, but i give them the best of luck.


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Re: So i have some thoughts....
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2014, 02:26:08 PM »
Hi , sounds like our thoughts are all the same, vibrations are it exactly, without a doubt i believe this, we need to focus entirely on love and thankfullness for our lives and everything in it, all are lessons we have learnt and now must focus on love to evolve spiritually and to raise ourselves up to a higher plane level to connect with likeminded people, we will explain the way and many will follow, 11:11 ers accept and join us in sending and receiving loving thoughts as they are real living emotions that can and will change the way we think and change the world in which we live, open urself up to receiving love and happiness, now is the time, now  :)


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Re: So i have some thoughts....
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2014, 02:48:05 PM »
With you guys all the way, all the way..................