Author Topic: it must be bad luck  (Read 7574 times)


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it must be bad luck
« on: February 24, 2014, 09:08:35 AM »
Ive written a few posts since ive been on this board,and it came to me ever since the 11s have become since and everyday thing.Ive noticed latley that things keep going in a downward spiral and are not slowing down.Im in the process of getting a divorce,one of my sons is a full blwon drug addict,and keeps dragging me down with me,not to mention the cols shoulder and complete hate from my wife that gets wose by the hour,so if i had anything good to say about seeing the 11s all the time,i can not see one goog thing that has come out of this,especially since taking the easy way out seems like a better and better idea,did not mean to bring anybodys day down but this is what ive finally come up with,not real happy at this momenet.


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Re: it must be bad luck
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2014, 03:32:27 AM »
Bridge I want to assume you might of been a little inebriated with the number of typos in comparison to your previous posts, and that is okay.  I get it more then most others would.  Life is really sucking for a lot of people right now in the world.  But you're here for a reason man, in one of your previous posts you mentioned surviving a crazy accident,  some one is definitely watching over you.  As for the problems you are going through, divorce and a child who is an addict these are things you can not fix.  You have control of one thing in your life, and that is YOU.  Times are hard right now man, and it is going to get a lot worse.  You have to be the rock your family can lean on when the time comes.  As I was an alcoholic who quit 3 years ago, I can tell you straight up drowning you misery is not the answer.  Alcohol does let the devil in I've seen it first hand.  Your child being a drug addict, how could you blame any kid today for abusing a substance, when they look at this world and don't see a place for them because the previous generations have taken the resources and left them with an enormous debt burden.  I can also tell you though man, that I was user to in my younger days, and all addictions can be recovered from.  What you can do is let your kid know you love him and you will be there lean on when they need it to put there stuff back together.  I often wonder if the 11's could also mean we are in the 11th hour, its our que to get ready for what is coming.  Get prepared man, and be the guiding light for others when the times go dark.  Thats my advice.


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Re: it must be bad luck
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 09:55:13 AM »
Well Dred,and it proably has a good meaning to it,believe it or not i was straight,got sober 6 years ago and dont regret one day for giving it up,has never even crossed my mind to go back.Im glad you made it through,things look a whole lot different from the other side.I also was a user back in the 70s,wasnt a trip i did not like.Ive got one son who is about as near as perfect as you can get the other has been thru every clinic you can think of.He is like the titanic,just keeps going down and down.Trust me Dredd ive tried everything.Im 62 now and things are supposed to lighten up a bit,i always in the belief that the 11s were a good thing,now they really have me wondering.I know were all marked for something,and i think what im going thru now has nothing to do with it.
Its what they say its all part of life,hope all works out for you and am very glad ya kicked the habit.
Good luck my friend,and thanks for responding back.


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Re: it must be bad luck
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2014, 03:58:11 PM »
Bridge, If there is one thing I am familiar with its bad luck. I can't contribute it to the 11 mystery because it started way before that for me. It has been rather relentless throughout the years and the odds of certain things happening are right up there with the odds of seeing 11 so frequently as so many people are. I would equate it to the bad luck version of hitting the lottery jackpot several times. I could fill books with my bad luck experiences, but most people who have had a less rocky course would likely not believe much of it.

From my own experience and from what I'm seeing of a lot of other people I would be more inclined to say the 11 is offering comfort rather than contributing to the problems. One can only hope. When I see it in the midst of wanting to pull my hair out it offers comfort in knowing that there is something out there greater than ourselves. It seems to give me indication that it is not all in vain and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This seems to be personally as well as in relation to the seemingly dead end course the planet is on. It seems to me that the vast majority of people experiencing this are really good people and I hope and pray that relief is around the corner for myself and all of you experiencing difficulties.


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1st time
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2014, 12:40:22 AM »
So this is my first time writting in a forum and Im actual a little nervous. However, I thought I was going crazy and I really have not found any answers on the internet. Everything talks about seeing 11:11. And that's not exactly my issue. I see 11 after the hour at least 5-8 times a day. 9:11, 6:11, 1:11 Etc... This morning my mother woke me up out my sleep, stumbling to the restroom I look at the time, its 6:11am. I try to think about what Im doing or thinking at the time I see it, but I dont know what to think of it. I think something is trying to get my attention but about what I dont know. I dont feel like its a bad thing just because I dont get that vibe. I would like to know what it means and Im glad to know Im not the only one going crazy. Not calling you beautiful people crazy  ;) just glad im not the only one.

Thanks for adding me


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Re: it must be bad luck
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2014, 09:41:56 AM »
Bridge, If there is one thing I am familiar with its bad luck. I can't contribute it to the 11 mystery because it started way before that for me. It has been rather relentless throughout the years and the odds of certain things happening are right up there with the odds of seeing 11 so frequently as so many people are. I would equate it to the bad luck version of hitting the lottery jackpot several times. I could fill books with my bad luck experiences, but most people who have had a less rocky course would likely not believe much of it.

From my own experience and from what I'm seeing of a lot of other people I would be more inclined to say the 11 is offering comfort rather than contributing to the problems. One can only hope. When I see it in the midst of wanting to pull my hair out it offers comfort in knowing that there is something out there greater than ourselves. It seems to give me indication that it is not all in vain and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This seems to be personally as well as in relation to the seemingly dead end course the planet is on. It seems to me that the vast majority of people experiencing this are really good people and I hope and pray that relief is around the corner for myself and all of you experiencing difficulties.


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Re: it must be bad luck
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2014, 09:54:58 AM »
Gene,glad you answered,and you brought up a lot of memmories i did not even share on the board
till after i saw your reply.Gene all i can say is as far as bad luck goes it also should have been my middle name.The scales are so far tipped in the bad luck department i starting to think its normal which i know is not true.If you ever get a chance listen to life on the other side by sylvia browne who has claimed to have been there and back many times and she goes into what life is like once we die.The one im listening to for the 100th time is a 3 cd set.Gene im ready to go now,except one
thing she says suicide is not an option unless everything is really going wrong and since you brought the subject of bad luck up i have to say ive really had just about enough i keep thinking no
not again this cant be happening nobody is supposed to go thru this much grief but there it is with
my buddies the 11s all day long at least 4 times every day,if this is an attention getter i wish who or whatever it is trying to get mine would just come out and give me a hand here or an inspirational voice would be great,well there is always tommorow good luck on your and everyone else on the board have a great 11 day.


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Re: it must be bad luck
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2014, 10:53:40 AM »
Bridge, Hopefully the bad luck will turn the other way soon. No, suicide is not a good option. If there is any meaning to life then it would seem that this would be the wrong thing to do. And just about everyone would have others who would be hurt for the rest of their lives by such an action, whether they realize it or not. There must be a meaning to all this. Perhaps when we are able we will be able to help others who are suffering out there. We know through these so-called coincidences that there is something going on out there that is currently beyond human understanding. We can only hope that there is a reward for all this at some point in time. We have been singled out for some reason.


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Re: it must be bad luck
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2014, 03:14:25 AM »
Hello Bridge66, hope you don't mind if I chime in.
I am reading a lot of posts from other 11ers, trying to see if we have some similar characteristics. I haven't read enough to come to a conclusion , but when I do I'll post what I think.
A lot of people get down, really down, and I think that everybody who 'gets it' has hit rock bottom. I know I have, and I know of a lot of others that have too. So please don't despair. You may be inches away from a breakthrough of some sort.
I think being an 11er is a blessing, and that we are awakened to something. If you read the post by Ladybug11, doesn't she sound just like the rest of us? Hang tough bridge66, like the rest of us, you are very special. Love 11erSteve   


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Re: it must be bad luck
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2014, 09:44:08 AM »
Well Steve glad you chimed in,its funny that you said most or quite a few have hit rock bottom,theres an old song from a band called ufo from the 70s,pretty much sums it up called rock bottom.Cant say things have gotten any better,still seeing constant 11s almost everyday,and this dark cloud keeps hovering above,if anybody had an extra 100,000 laying about it would proably get at least one shovel worth of seeing blue skys again.Just can not believe all the bad luck in the last couple of years and boy is it persistent,sure hope other 11ers are having better luck.If something is trying to get my attention they have,and all i can say is please lets be done with all this and move on to i would hope better things what i think we were put on this incarnation spiral.I have the idea of all the things i got wrong and lets start moving into a positive way of living,if i ever went down a list on things that could go wrong most people except 11ers would think your making this stuff up.Believe it or not there was actually a great time in my life that lasted for a good 7 years,than everything started falling apart like a cheap suit,as the old saying goes and id bet there is not one person if he or she had the chance would do quite a lot of things differently.Anyhow enough of this bad talk and try to look on thr brighter side of things today.Have a great happy 11er day to all you11ers out there.


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Re: it must be bad luck
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2014, 08:32:13 PM »
Cant say things have gotten any better,still seeing constant 11s almost everyday,and this dark cloud keeps hovering above

Same thing here. Relentless attacks/bad luck. Hopefully we are on the verge of something better.


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Re: it must be bad luck
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2014, 08:27:35 PM »
I agree with you all. There's always something crappy going on. I also have a cloud over my head and I'd really like some sunshine. I've been through hell. I've always been "the rice" of the family but it gets old and is really exhausting. I've spent so much of my life trying to save people in my family, I don't know how to save myself from it. It's been a nightmare dealing with being married to an addict with an enabling Mother. I will also write a book about my life and these 11's won't be left out. It's like someone's trying to tell me something. I wish they'd just write a damn letter or something....ugghhhh


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Re: it must be bad luck
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2014, 12:43:31 AM »
I agree with you all. There's always something crappy going on. I also have a cloud over my head and I'd really like some sunshine. I've been through hell. I've always been "the rice" of the family but it gets old and is really exhausting. I've spent so much of my life trying to save people in my family, I don't know how to save myself from it.

I can relate to trying to save others and being unable to save myself. I have always found it somewhat amusing that people are interested in my help/advice when I can't get things straightened out myself. But I suppose the advice isn't too bad as long as it doesn't come with the bad luck. Lol. So keep trying on your end.  :)