Author Topic: 1111 dreams  (Read 10103 times)


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1111 dreams
« on: April 03, 2011, 02:24:18 PM »
   Had a nightmare last night. My friendly husky became increasingly aggressive. The dream ended with him baring his teeth with a threatening eerie look in his eyes. His teeth formed the shape of 1 1 1 1. Astounded and freaked out by that I woke up.
    My theory here....I'm thinking too much about this, and thats reflected in my dream. Digital clocks can't read 2222, etc., so 1111 gets your attention. Add a little paranoia. I call the age we live in the age of paranoia, it fits.. I think this is a bunch of baloney. Once I start disqualifying digital clocks I see nothing substantial in this. Just another superstitious element in the mind of humankind. There are countless others.


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Re: 1111 dreams
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2011, 06:16:03 PM »
I don't see 11:11 as often as a lot of people, although it does happen beyond normal probability. I do see 11 with amazing frequency. I know the first thing that happens when you start experiencing this is to throw it off to coincidence or some explainable phenomena. I don't know if you had heard of this when it first started happening to you, but I hadn't. It was not just digital clocks. It was a barrage of things that just would keep flooding at me. I was not trying to make it happen. I was basically try to ignore it; Kind of like an annoying person who just will not shut up. It was incredibly irritating after a while. After a good length of time it struck me that either I had gone insane or this was happening to others. I did a search for something like "I keep seeing the number 11" and a slew of sites and experiences came up. It was amazing to me; and a relief that it wasn't just me.

Because this is a rather new phenomena, a lot of people do not know about it when it starts happening to them. This makes it different from people who consciously want to see UFO's, ghosts or Bigfoot... I think this makes it a much more remarkable and intriguing occurrence. Given the times we live in it makes you wonder if it is a sign of events to come. The number 11 is so prevalent in world history that it also gives one pause for thought. Just this year we have the terrible earthquake that hit Japan on the 11th of March. It was on the 11th of February that Egypt's President Mubarak stepped down after all the demonstrations and confrontations... There are just so many things that when you put them together they go beyond any possible mathematical chance.


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Re: 1111 dreams
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2011, 07:53:29 AM »
Hi, I am new here, but I see 11:11 on all clocks, etc. along with 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 10:10, 12:12, etc. but mostly the 11:11 and diff. versions of it such as 11 or 111.  Anyway, I am responding to your dream about the husky and seeing 1111.  I believe your dream is self-explanatory...I believe it shows your FEAR about and surrounding seeing 1111, and in the end of your post you even admitted your fear.  You confirmed your own dream, in my observation.  I am a dream interpreter, and to me, your dream means that you are afraid of what 1111 might mean, so it is easier to dismiss it. Just commenting on what I saw in your dream. 


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Re: 1111 dreams
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2011, 11:12:48 PM »
   Had a nightmare last night. My friendly husky became increasingly aggressive. The dream ended with him baring his teeth with a threatening eerie look in his eyes. His teeth formed the shape of 1 1 1 1. Astounded and freaked out by that I woke up.

I just went back and reread your description of your dream. A lot of people believe the number 11 signifies judgement. Your dream has a very prophetic tone to it.