Author Topic: New to site  (Read 12285 times)


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New to site
« on: March 20, 2013, 02:08:45 PM »

I realized it was time to get on this forum ... Today I saw so many 11's that I looked thru email to find my member info.  When I closed that window on my phone - the time was 11:11.  I stared at it honestly until it became 11:12
I have high interest in understanding what is going on, however there is apprehension somewhat due to my 11 experience.

In 2011, eleven days after I was released from hospital (chronic pain condition) out-of-state where my I'm from I received a call. My mother in hospital ... pneumonia?  I turned to my boyfriend and these words came out of my mouth without me really thinking "Can you get my car ready in 48hrs, I'm driving to FL (cross-country)?  Within those 2 days family called, mom had Stage 3 lung cancer.  My mom, my best friend, my spiritual mentor ... I was in shock, yet weirdly prepared.

I packed up three pets and headed cross-country knowing the humidity in FL and my recent 3wk hospital stay meant possible relapses along my way.  My family was upset and concerned about my decision not to fly however to sit for that long a period in a plane had been hellish & I felt I had to drive for some reason.  My journey began with being run off road nearly head on collision in 75mph zone in rain and construction, nearly running out of gas in a bad area in the mts and many other scary obstacles. 

My journey is when the 11's became apparent like a lightbulb!!  Car clock, cell phone, text times, you name it the number was everywhere.  Like halfway through 30+ hr. drive I decided to Google a bit on the topic.  Somewhere I read it had to do with angels looking over you or something like that.  I felt God was assisting me and told mom of my 11 experience thus far and about what I read.  Mom being extremely spiritual was 100% open to what I was saying.

The car WAS meant to be driven down despite the trade-in value due to major damages from my trec cross-country.  We had to trade in both cars for a SUV to hold the oxygen tanks.  Mom was planning to move my way prior to her diagnosis and decided she wanted to begin her chemo here.  I crossed the country again with major overcome obstacles, number elevens, pets, mom and enough oxygen tanks to blow up if hit (oxygen co. gave us signs for windows notifying others). This was mom's adventure as she loved them! 

I need to skip some info bc dont wanna cry, but I realized a very short time ago that she passed 11/2011.  It like I knew the day but didn't put it together the month & year.  I never felt so sick to my stomach more in my life!!!  I felt as if I predicted her death!  I don't know what to make of this number, so I hope you all can understand some of my apprehension.  I'm trying to tell myself it was because she was a spiritual person and we were so close.  Puzzled :-(

I would love to hear your impressions of my experience.  I still see constant 11's but as I said it all began re. mom's diagnosis.  Thanks for reading my post! 


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Re: New to site
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2013, 08:13:31 PM »
Welcome to the forum, I'm new myself. Sorry to here about your Mom. Try reading Wishes Fulfilled or There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem by Dr. Wayne. Dyer. Has really help me out alot. You also my try reading, dying to be me, by Anita Moorjani.


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Re: New to site
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2013, 10:11:42 PM »
Thank you for your condolences :-)

I will write down those recommendations to read.  I appreciate your feedback! 


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Re: New to site
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2013, 09:42:42 AM »
Very sorry to hear about your mom,wish you the best moving on.I posted a little while
back about seeing a barage of 11s one day in particular,and what bothers me a bit about
your post was it reminded me of that day.It was like why so many and well the rest of the day
has a lot of down parts to it and its the first time i could put the 11s with bad news or bad luck.
Now after reading your post i sure hope this is not what the 11s mean in other words bad news
or luck to follow all the 11s.Wishing you happy 11s from here on in and welcome to the forum.


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Re: New to site
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2013, 03:27:34 PM »

I know what you mean ... I hope it's good not bad but I honestly can't tell.  Still seeing 11's and honestly life has been shaky/crumbling in numerous ways (health, financial etc...) to be honest with you.  I had to call 911 since last post which is why I haven't responded, I apologize.  Just now I wonder who came up with that number for emergencies anyway? Hmm  I've though despite the various obstacles I'm still alive!  :-)   

I'm still trying to think positive that the number has to do with mom and her spirituality.  She had her doctorate in divinity re. world religions and as I said was VERY spiritual. 

I feel I'm really missing something important here, like a missing piece of puzzle ... it has to do with this number 11.  I've decided I'm going to look further into the previous recommendation posted and work on my inner spirituality - for grief healing & clarity in life and hopefully any insight into 11's. 


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Last Post, leaving, sorry!
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2013, 11:54:44 AM »

This will be my last posting ... Urfortunately in my case, from what happened last night ... 11 is not a good number for me.

I saw 4:11 5:11 6:11 and I was unable to walk thereafter.  A 13yr old severe ballet injury suddenly re-occurred.  My right arch tore while standing at fridge.  After last Thurs 911 call from another medical condition !

Im bedridden on 2nd floor awaiting callback from Ballet CO ortho surgeon recommendation.   Just broke news to family cross-country.  They took care of me in wheelchair after surgery on both feet - I was so bad they said I would never walk again, I'm petrified!  Been praying off/on all night bc God is the only one who can help me!

I wish u all the best for the future, if I do happen to figure 11 out in my case then I will rejoin.  Tjanks!


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Re: New to site
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2013, 02:26:44 PM »
There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem. by Dr. Wayne Dyer. He will help you out and change your why of thinking. He also has other books and audio tapes.


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Re: New to site
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2013, 06:27:22 PM »
I'm awful sorry to hear about the things you are going through and have been through. I can relate to having a lot of bad things happening. Lately I've been having this 11 phenomenon happen during times of peak frustration. I take it as reassurance that we are not alone and that there is a bigger picture and better days will get here eventually. Believe me I know that is not much consolation when you are going through what you are going through. But being a part of this experience is a sign that most people ask for but don't get. At least not in such an in your face kinda way. If we learn nothing else in our earthly lives about the 11 experience it is that there is something bigger out there and presumably in control of things. I guess the bottom line is either God is ultimately on our side or he is not. We know there is an answer out there, in part because of this experience. My prayers are with you.


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Re: New to site
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2013, 10:13:13 PM »

Five years ago began finding a dime and penny together.  Sometimes two dimes and two pennies. I have no explanation for the coincidences? Or oddly to often The dime and penny in the closet, car, kitchen floor and most recently door to the garage.  Just got seat 11a on flight.Steve  started bring the coins back to me. He won't acknowledge something he can't explain. I stared putting them in one place just to see?

What it = number11.  Never thought of my gifts of a dime and penny would bring the 11's.

More to share soon.