Author Topic: same here  (Read 7004 times)


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same here
« on: January 17, 2014, 06:26:54 PM »
Also experiencing this - it bothered me enough that I decided to research and found this site - so glad!

I figured it would go away but it didn't.

The 11 is a very common number so I'm not making anything special of it yet. Also I'm pessimistic enough to know that if you really look hard enough you'll see it in everything - but these occurrences are way to frequent, incidental and some just plain freaky for me.

I've had some disturbing dreams at times that I'd rather not discuss.

I also noticed that some times when it occurs I am thinking of someone; surprisingly there seems to be an element of telepathy involved on both ends when I talk to that person.

What's bothering me is that there's no explanation for this - I've now realized I'm going to be stuck with it for the rest of my life? It's like something is communicating to me but I just don't get the message and it won't stop until I understand.

For now I decided to make it a happy moment every time I see an 11 in some way...

This is insane - but glad I'm not the only 11-case - ha ha


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Re: same here
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2014, 07:36:30 PM »
My 2 cents on 11, at my work there is a influential poster that sums the 11s up for me quite clearly.  It read "There is nothing more powerful then an idea whose time has come".   Ever notice how many really interesting thoughts come through at just that right time.  Such as an 11 time, or like you stated you notice it when you are thinking of others, Caring get the idea?  Ever stop to think where the source of your thoughts are from, is it all just up in your head, or is there a higher source your thoughts come from and the brain is the channel.  But don't freak out on it to much just  understand we share a connection, though we don't understand it yet.  We know its a good thing.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 07:54:32 PM by Dred »


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Re: same here
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2014, 05:03:01 AM »
   Well Dred and 1-1 TY for your posts. I thought that it would be interesting to find out what we all have in common and a very foggy picture is developing. it will continue to develop as more and more posts come along.
   The other day someone mentioned that they woke up one night and saw that it was 11 after the hour. That happened to me too.
   A long time ago, I think it was a woman who wrote in and said that she had a funny feeling when she was in the laundry room and looked at a clock in another room and it was 11 after the hour.
   1-1 just wrote that they have disturbing dreams and I have those same kind of bad dreams sometimes too.
   Just so you don't think I'm just saying these things here's another thing that happens when I see 11's on clocks. I am either starting something or finishing something. Does this happen to anyone else? Here's an example. I did some grocery shopping one day last week and when I got into the car my eyes just went to the clock in the dashboard and it was 11 after the hour. I had just finished my shopping. Of course the next thing I did was start the car and drive home so you could say that it happens when I stop and start doing something. I can't tell you how many times I've walked into the kitchen in the morning, right out of bed, in the dark, and have seen 11 after the hour on the clock in the the beginning of the day. Get it? This doesn't always happen but is somewhat of a pattern. Do you have 11 patterns? Please keep posting 11er's Steve


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Re: same here
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2014, 10:59:06 PM »
I see 11's so much when I am going to do something or I have finished doing something as well.  Very often I finish at work get in my car to leave and dashboard clock has an 11 or I'm at home and I get that craving to get up go to restroom or get a drink and bam there's an 11.


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Re: same here
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2014, 04:50:02 PM »
Hi All,
   New to this forum and so happy I found you all !" Hello"
 - I really do understand where you are all coming from ..... even to the extent of a bit of telepathy or what they might call a wave length or frequency ( unlike the movie ) !
   My husband died abruptly on 03-03-2003 = 11....... at 1.11 in the a.m. This was the start of my 11 experiences. This number has become so intense and beyond coincidence to see all day long every day in everything and didn't realize the 11 pertaining to the time and date of the death of my husband till later.
    I followed times and calendars with this 11 thing for years," this sounds a bit crazy" to see if something came from it, found Nothing! I have taken all kinds of avenues to try to figure it out, and still nothing. As many of you do , I Just smile when I see these 11's these days and often say ,"HI".
 I must tell ya of a special story.... I had kind of a panic attack on my birthday this year and went looking for some info and found this sight.
   It seemed like the whole house went ballistic with 11's everywhere. My old wind up antique clock stopped at 1.11. The microwave had the number 11 on the screen. The time on the computer was 11.11 . It was 11 degrees outside. And more that were seen earlier in the day. This all happened within a couple hours for the most part . It was the most I had seen all at once in such a short time . It was a little over whelming and un- nerving with so many 11's all over , and that was enough to go searching.
 I do accept the 11 thing as a happy and possative thing, even if we never know why or what the reason for seeing it is.
    On One more note.... Now I also seem to have this thing of connecting with people on the phone when we are calling eachother, such as having them on the other end before they or I dial. Or just a thought of something or someone and having it happen or the person show up. Now I see a lot of triple numbers as well, 3:33- 1:11- 2:22 . I don't know what to think ..... But it happens! I just wonder .... does anyone else have these other things go on as well? Maybe just a bit nuts!! LOL!


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Re: same here
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2014, 10:07:28 PM »
Hello jo11,
   Welcome to the club. So sorry to hear about your husband. Your story is a slightly different version of what we all are experiencing on one hand and on the other it's the same thing. I have been very active lately trying to get others to speak up on the subject of 11. May I suggest that you read some posts here, and on other topics, then return and expound a little more?
   Yes, I too, as probably others do, sense things to happen, like thinking of someone and a moment later the phone rings and it's them. Years ago before I became an 11er I was in my car, driving down the road with the radio on and a song began to play in my head and a split second later that song began to play on the radio! Weird huh? I think this is fairly common to all people, 11ers or not.
   I'm not a psychic, a prophet, a Jedi Knight or a lunatic. I'm just a person who sees a lot of 11's and trying to make sense of it. My dad died a couple of years ago and I was in his room when it happened and it happened at 11:11 pm. Hmmmm.
By the way I saw 9:11 and 1:11 today and it's only 7:00 pm pacific time. I might see it again. And again and again. Who knows?
   jo11, welcome, and hope to hear from you again soon. Love, 11erSteve


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Re: same here
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2014, 06:13:56 PM »
The same thing happens to me in the car. It seems as though every time I get in or out of the car it is 11 after the hour. It's so weird to start tiny things together and still being so confused. I also wake up in the middle the night at 11 after the hour several times throughout my work week. I understand that these are the most common times that any of us would be no o'clock but it just seems weird that I never look at the clock at any other time. I guess we will get closer to figuring it out as more people join us. It's amazing to have something unique and common but what is it mean for us? I think about it a lot and look forward to the day where we realize the purpose. Sometimes I think it's a warning of something bad other times I think it's there to leave me in the direction that I just can't see.


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Re: same here
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2014, 07:51:02 PM »
Angamie, and others. I read every post every day and am spending time reading other posts too. I still want to come up with a questionnaire to see what we have in common. Already it seem like a lot. waking up from a sound sleep to see 11 after, In our cars, when we start and stop doing things and other things which are NOT coincidences.
I am a chapter and a third away from finishing my second book and the last chapter is about being an 11er. I thought long and hard about it because coming forward can have its drawbacks, but I'm forging ahead anyway. Hope to get some other 11ers exposed to this site. the more the merrier. I wish others would speak up.
 Angamie, I know you are a little apprehensive but fear not. You are one of the chosen ones too so don't worry. Our spirits are eternal and I think we choose to be here. When we die we return to the Universe and we can choose to come back in this era or other eras in time. I fear not death because my spirit is eternal so I cannot be rubbed out, not that anyone is trying or will try.
   We are gifted to be 11ers so be proud and exhilarated because for some reason we are special. Love you all, 11erSteve


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Re: same here
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2014, 05:16:34 AM »
Oops! I may not have made myself perfectly clear in me last post. When I said they I think we come from the Universe it may have sounded like I was talking only about 11ers. All of us, 11ers or not, come from the Universe. I think that where we come from is a conscious place and we can choose to be here on Earth at this time or at other times, the past, the present or in the future. We all choose to come here, 11ers or not, because we have chosen a mission to accomplish while we are here. The trick is you have to awaken. You have to become conscious of what you sent yourself here to do. Awakening from a spiritual person to Earthling can be like coming out of anesthesia, it's not always so easy. Some never do, some kind of do and! Does that make sense? Hope so. Love 11erSteve


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Re: same here
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2014, 12:51:13 PM »
A question you could add on your questionaire, in relation to reknewing your faith in god and unseen forces after seeing 11...Have you become Ill since then?

Weirdest thing...i always get chronically ill every winter. Bronchitis and always the flu, cold, etc etc.  Ive yet to get sick with anything since last summer and no, i dont get flu shots...anyone else notice this by chance?


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Re: same here
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2014, 01:07:46 PM »
I keep getting sick about like normal.  Oh and by the way, please get your flu shot.  Seen lots of serious cases and a few young people die from the H1N1 strain this year.  I never have seen anyone get sick or die from the flu shot.


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Re: same here
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2014, 02:16:58 PM »
i dont buy into the whole propaganda of flu shots and whats been said about them. Ive just always had this belief that if i keep constantly trying to battle something, wether it be with flu shots, constant use of hand sanitizer, etc, things of that nature...then i feel like my natural immune system never gets its work. Usually i get good and sick once a year. During that extremley miserable time i take nothing for it, then i dont get sick again for an entire year. I know it sounds ignorant on my end, but it gets my immune system beefed up naturally.  If i see a particular flu or something thats really really affecting people (Remember SARS in 2003-4? a guy brought that to work after he came back from a trip in New THAT was a bad one), then ill go and get my shots because that could be something thats beyond my immune systems strength.

I truly do appreciate your concern though mike :)