Author Topic: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening  (Read 24420 times)


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2014, 12:27:05 PM »

I came back looking for posts and Spiritual Awakening is what jumped out for me the most.  I have been dealing with some life changes/decisions and have noticed the 11 prompts have tripled over the last few weeks! I posted previously that I had not been receiving the prompts too much over the past few months, but since returning to the forum and dealing with these life changes they have returned :) and I am THANKFUL!! For me they are affirming my Path and reminding me that I am not alone on this journey. I think in the end this is all what we wish for, reassurance!

As to answers why.....I keep saying I don't think we NEED an answer!  Just being LUCKY enough to have these 11:11 prompts is enough for me.

I wish you all peace and continue with THANKFULNESS prayers.



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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2014, 08:57:49 PM »
but since returning to the forum and dealing with these life changes they have returned :) and I am THANKFUL!! For me they are affirming my Path and reminding me that I am not alone on this journey. I think in the end this is all what we wish for, reassurance!

As to answers why.....I keep saying I don't think we NEED an answer!  Just being LUCKY enough to have these 11:11 prompts is enough for me.

We are lucky to have them. So many people ask for a sign that there is more out there than just what we see. How many of those have most of us on here had? No, we don't know the reason, but we are a part of something unique and amazing and for now we should at least be happy about that and get some strength from it. I don't know if I could have made it this far without this reassurance.


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2014, 09:11:02 PM »
I have a very foundational belief system since this whole thing has kicked off for me....and i need more, you know?  I need to keep looking.

Does that mean ive given up on this forum, not no, but hell no. i still come on to check to see if there are any new members or new ideas being proposed.  But i do look elsewhere for answers...because i know i dont have any. I have ideas to contribute, but thats what they are....ideas.  I WANT to keep learning and i WANT to keep expanding my awareness to a phenomenon that not many can put a finger on as to why it happens.


I think it is important that we keep looking and trying to understand things. The web is as huge place and there is nothing wrong with using it to try to understand more. It is easy to get derailed from those efforts, but I think what sets the group apart on here is that most people here do not blindly accept various theories. We want the truth, plain and simple. I know when I am able to I do research on the subject. Not as much as I would like to, but if we are meant to know more I want to know what it is. I wish I had the time and resources to find out everything possible and lay everything out there, but it just isn't the way it is right now. I don't think one person can do it, although some out there claim 100% to have the answers without much to back it up. So we sift through it all and keep an open mind to these theories and when the time is right we will make bigger strides at understanding the truth. I think our group here will be among the first to really know what is going on because there is an honest desire to really understand things. 


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2014, 09:23:48 PM »
Check back from time to time if you could still  please Lin, yes the state of the forums are too quiet.  Too much distraction in the world now, who can be bothered to care about a repeating number phenomenon.  Though staying connected might be in our best interest for those of us who understand their is more to this phenomenon then just seeing numbers on a clock.  Till there is a solid answer, we never know it could very well be related to the turn of events in the world and the times we are living in.  I won't rule anything out I've seen to much to take anything for granted now a days.

I have very little doubt that the events in the world are related to our repeating number phenomenon. And the mysteries of our planet and the universe as well.


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #19 on: November 11, 2014, 09:51:07 PM »

I definitely understand your frustration. I don't know why a lot of people who experience this stay silent. I am sure there are a number of reasons. I have gotten a fair amount of emails from people excited to be a part of the forum and sometimes telling me their experiences. They say they look forward to sharing, but then they don't. I have never been a salesman so I have never pressed anyone on it. I figure if they are compelled like the rest of us who try to reach out then they will be back at some point. I suspect that the contributions from everyone on here  are helping people who are reluctant to come forward. It lets them know they aren't alone and that in itself is a great relief to people who first become a part of this phenomenon. I also feel that all this is still just the tip of the iceberg.

You are always welcome here any time. I know your posts are very much enjoyed and helpful. I also know that I speak for most people on here in saying whether you come back or not that you will always be a part of our family. I suspect that when the dust settles on this world that all true 11ers will find out we are part of the ultimate family.


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #20 on: November 11, 2014, 10:25:28 PM »
I knew I was forgetting to mention something....Dred.....I too get that ringing sensation in my's fairly new for me......been going on for several months now and I never had it before........meant to tell you that.


Sometime a little over 10 years ago I had about 2 days where I had very loud ringing in my ears. I thought it was the result of many earaches I suffered as a child and that it was something I was probably going to have to live with. But it mostly went away. Definitely nothing like that since then. Just occasionally I notice a little. It was a lot more than a mere annoyance at that time. The reason I mention it is because it was somewhere in the general time period when I first started experiencing the 11 phenomenon and repeating numbers... With a number of people experiencing this I suppose there could be some kind of connection. At the time I never gave it any thought, which is why I am not certain exactly how close these two things were.


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2014, 05:22:13 AM »


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2014, 05:23:17 AM »
It's so funny; I look up and just now:


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2014, 09:00:00 AM »
I knew I was forgetting to mention something....Dred.....I too get that ringing sensation in my's fairly new for me......been going on for several months now and I never had it before........meant to tell you that.


Sometime a little over 10 years ago I had about 2 days where I had very loud ringing in my ears. I thought it was the result of many earaches I suffered as a child and that it was something I was probably going to have to live with. But it mostly went away. Definitely nothing like that since then. Just occasionally I notice a little. It was a lot more than a mere annoyance at that time. The reason I mention it is because it was somewhere in the general time period when I first started experiencing the 11 phenomenon and repeating numbers... With a number of people experiencing this I suppose there could be some kind of connection. At the time I never gave it any thought, which is why I am not certain exactly how close these two things were.

Yes Gene, I also have ringing in one ear; it started a little before experiencing the 11 phenomenon.


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2015, 10:42:18 PM »
I'm still here! I also get ringing in my ears from time to time. It just keeps getting more interesting. Do you guys ever wonder what would happen if we had like an 11er's  convention?


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2015, 10:16:53 AM »
More than just coincidence!  The numbers are communicating with us.....but at this point I believe that the numbers may communicate something different to all of us.  The question to ask when you receive the prompt is what was I thinking or doing at the time I received the prompt?  What is going on in your life?  If you read my previous posts you will see that it is more than just, when my realtor called to tell me she had a property I might be interested in at 1111 Keyway Rd.  I have had many experiences like that....when I checked out a book at the library on how to teach children to meditate it was 11:11 am on my receipt....and I could go on and on.

Yesterday I received 333 pm and woke during the night last night only to see 333 am again on my alarm clock.  Spirit is trying to communicate with me or, reassure me that everything will be ok in my life no matter what happens!    :-\. Again, I can only tell you how I have received the prompts.  Each one of you have had your own unique experiences.

In addition, I believe that we are evolving spiritually .....not all of us of course but many of us are evolving spiritually and the 11 prompts are reminding us that we are all one on this planet, we are all connected with each other and we all need to look out for one another.  11er's have a lot in common in that we all seem to have some psychic ability and/or awareness, we all feel like there is something else we need to do on this planet, we all seem to feel as though we don't fit in and are different.

My personal feeling......we are the people who will change the status quo....maybe in very small ways but we are the people who will ultimately make a difference and changes things for the better.  Even if it's just doing one small good thing a day for you or someone else.  Know that spirit is beside you....

Question everything my fellow 11er' I hope I've helped you with some of your questions Mouser.  I have participated long enough to see a pattern on this forum.  You are not alone there are many of us out there!!

Namaste and love to all 11er's,


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2015, 11:40:43 AM »
Oops!  Sorry 11er's I should have mentioned one other thing.  I said some of the things 11er's have in common are the following:

11er's have a lot in common in that we all seem to have some psychic ability and/or awareness, we all feel like there is something else we need to do on this planet, we all seem to feel as though we don't fit in and are different.

One other thing 11er's have reported is that some see it as a warning and state we should really pay attention when we see it.  I agree it can be a warning or just a nudge that says spirit is with you.  The last time I saw the 11's in droves was in appeared everywhere and I didn't pay attention.  Shortly thereafter we lost a very close 39 year old family member who died suddenly and without warning.  I should have seen the signs..... they were everywhere.  I couldn't prevent that death but now I really pay attention when I see it.  I don't view death as a negative but nevertheless the loss of that person in the physical dimension is overwhelming.  I was surrounded by spirit at the time it was unfolding.

To recap the commonalities:

1.  Most 11er's have some level of psychic ability and or awareness of spirit
2.  Most of us feel as though there is something more to do on this planet
3.  Most of us feel as though we are different in some way and don't fit in somehow
4.  Some of us see it as a warning that something bad might happen (personally or globally)

Did I miss anything?

Love all of you,


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2015, 04:44:17 PM »
Hello Lin and others,
   Yes Lin the numbers are communicating with us. Its been strong with me ever since I recognized that I was seeing 11s. So another trait that we all share is pattern recognition. Not everybody shares this ability but over and over,11s were presented to us until we recognized them.
   Years ago I was watching the evening news when my eyes just went to the clock and it just happened to be 5:11 P.M. I remember thinking to myself, "That's funny. I seem to recall seeing 11 after the hour a lot lately and it's right in front of me again"  I'll bet every 11ers experience is very similar. At some point it dawned on you, you've been seeing 11s ! And now you've become a part of the family of people who are experiencing a rather peculiar phenomenon.

   I think your observations of what we have in common are accurate Lin. I am throwing in "Pattern recognition" as another.

    People who experience 11s are not all the same even though we all share this one affliction. Some of us believe in some kind of a Higher Power.
   I think most spiritual people believe that your own personal spirit never expires. Some believe, as I do, that you go back to where you came from...another dimension. And for me in my life, this is where the 11s come from, so I think spirituality is another.
   I wish I had all of the answers because I'd surely share them with you but I don't. However as I close in on being 60 years old I know a few things for sure. One of them is if you have a sink full of dishes, it really doesn't matter where you begin as long as you get started. It's the only way to get to the bottom of the pile.

   And it will be the same thing for those of us who desire to reach conclusion on these baffling 11s. It doesn't matter where we begin as long as we get started. And we have a huge jump on things here at  It will be the only way to get to the bottom of things. And all it takes is communication.

   I've broken my silence, maybe you should consider doing the same. especially if you're new.
   Ok! Bye now, 11erSteve

   I think this is a great opportunity to get some dialog going. What do you others think?


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #28 on: February 04, 2015, 01:34:05 AM »
Something new I've noticed besides the growing ringing sensation in my ears.  Is a pulsing or fluttering sensation in my left eye.  It's only my left one don't know why it doesn't distort my vision at all I just feel this almost vibration or pulsing of the eye it is tough to describe, but wanted to ask you all if you notice anything similar or not.  It  could possibly just be me, but if it is something related to the phenomenon then that would make things very interesting because the eyes are considered the gateway to the soul, and if you are like me and digging down the rabbit hole of conspiracies many n.w.o. believers think that when the n.w.o. comes about they will be doing something to the eyes to disrupt the soul connection.  If they can cut the cord of your soul then they can keep you controlled.


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Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2015, 12:56:26 AM »
   I think your observations of what we have in common are accurate Lin. I am throwing in "Pattern recognition" as another.

I think that is a good one to add to Lin's, which were spot on. Recognizing patterns and/or what some would call coincidences. People who are not in tune think everything is random. For those of us who are alert we see the high improbability of so many coincidences occurring by chance. So we have some solid common factors with people experiencing frequent repeating numbers in their lives:

Common Factors in the 11 Phenomenon:

1.  Most 11er's have some level of psychic ability and or awareness of spirit
2.  Most of us feel as though there is something more to do on this planet
3.  Most of us feel as though we are different in some way and don't fit in somehow
4.  Some of us see it as a warning that something bad might happen (personally or globally)
5.  Recognizing patterns/coincidences