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Messages - akd11

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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« on: September 30, 2014, 05:32:23 PM »
Hi all,
it's really lovely to see all the wonderful experiences that people are having and the decisions that we are making in life from our intuition are leading to great things. We have to spread this positive association to our loved ones, even if we fear ridicule. It's one of the things we must overcome I feel. We sometimes have to throw ourselves in the deep end and allow ourselves to be put down when we know that what we are doing is for everyone's benefit.

I have mentioned in a previous post, but will mention it again that I see 11 and other combinations all the time. Every morning I am greeting with 11 facebook notifications (I take a screen shot every time). I see it in the car on the way to work, I see it on number plates, I see it in posts I write, I see it every-friggin-where. I started seeing it more when I welcomed it a few months back. Although I have always seen them, the triggering incident was when my grandmother died and I met someone at the same time who was deeply involved in all of this (I didn't know at the time). I started reading more into our history as human being's on this planet, bloodlines, the occult, religions, ET's, spiritual awakenings, out of body experiences and near death experiences bla bla and I had this moment of realisation that it was all connected. The logical processes in my mind put the whole puzzle together, it was scary at first but then very enlightening, but there is still some work to do. Each day I get closer to the truth the more I see the numbers. After my moment of clarity I recognised my path and what these numbers were telling me and I literally said out loud, 'OK I get it now', then I saw 11 again and I said 'Yes, OK I get it!' but then I said 'however don't stop as I still want to see this guidance'. Then I shit you not, it's just non stop, everywhere all the time. I'm not scared as I know at the end of the day I can ignore it and I won't see it any longer and that I have control over my free will and my future, but I don't want to do that.

Always seek the truth people, don't let anyone tell you how it is or should be, find the answers for yourself and trust your intuition and then help others find the same. :) That is why we are here!!
All the best to everyone.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Just seems to get worse and worse
« on: September 30, 2014, 05:10:05 PM »
I wish I could help you in some sort of way. I really feel for you and the negativity that you are experiencing. It's easy for me to say 'keep positive' or 'push the negativity out of your life', but at the end of the day my forum post can't jump out of the screen and do anything for you. The only person that can do anything about your situation is you. You sound like a good person with good intentions that has been caught up in a whirlwind of drama's that you cannot escape. I can assure you that you are not the only one that goes through this. Yelling and screaming with your loved ones will destroy your love and happiness, therefore it needs to be avoided at all costs. I have been caught up in this before myself, but I try to catch myself in these situations and consciously tell myself to just stop, shut up and that I can't always be 'right' or the 'winner' in an argument. I am not implying that this is how your behaving, but from my many experiences with arguing there usually is a problem on both ends, as arguing can only happen if there is a response to someone instigating negativity.
I almost lost my relationship with my parents and partner as a result of our ego's and constant arguing, it was a nightmare and a very dark sad period of my life. I couldn't take it anymore as I was literally drained emotionally and I only felt things were snowballing and getting worse. I started having issues with work my real estate agent, money, you name it everything was f*cked. All I could think of was, 'what did I do to deserve this shitty life?', as I felt this was an ongoing battle since my childhood. I can't remember exactly what happened, but something in my head clicked when I was thinking about it all and becoming more aware of the situation. It was time for a change, I pushed the bad feelings out and just started to concentrate on the small things that were going well in life. I lived near the beach, surely that was a good thing, so I started to go for little bike rides and I would invite my partner along. If they didn't want to go, then no big deal I would just go on my own for 10 minutes. I used the air in my face while riding to clear my thoughts and just think about peddling, I started exercising, I changed my diet and I felt better for it. It was hard to get motivated, but once I did it was easy. Then we had an opportunity to move house, it could have been a negative thing, but instead I thought of it as a new beginning and moved to the country side. Sure I drive hours to get to work, but it's worth it to live where I live! Since then my relationships have healed and I couldn't be any happier. The only thing that I get upset about now is seeing other people struggle.
Now I'm not saying this is what you should do, but I guess I'm trying to highlight what a big difference your frame of mind can make on your life, it's far more stronger than you realise. STOP FEARING THE 11'S AND CONNECTING IT With negativity. Sorry for the caps, the caps lock turned on without me pressing, I may have inadvertently pressed it, but it was definitely not deliberate. I left it because I don't think that things always happen by chance and perhaps this was an important thing to be highlighted.
I think I will leave my post as it is, as I could go on forever.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Hello from a newbie and my thoughts on 11
« on: September 30, 2014, 04:18:29 PM »
Thanks for the welcoming messages.
It's really great seeing people's posts and mingling with like minded people, as sometimes you can feel a little bit alone with your thoughts about the world.
The more that I am spreading the word about all of this, the more that I am actually finding people in person as well that feel this way, but they are also scared of bringing these things up with others in case they pass them off as being into new age spiritual crap. Although there is a lot of crap new age stuff out there, it's important not to lose sight of your own spirituality and ways of reaching and understanding it, as you don't always need a book to find answers. It's rather easy to find it within.
Thanks again and I look forward to more posts :)

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Just seems to get worse and worse
« on: September 24, 2014, 05:19:34 PM »
Hi Bridge,

I just wanted to put my 2 bobs on to your post. Seeing 11's doesn't always mean good, it only is good if you allow it to be. Everything is based on your perceptions and only you can control your future. 11's act as a guide, and awakening of some sort. Although your wife and son influence your life, at the end of the day you are the main driver of you. Take a hold of you and withdraw yourself from this negativity you feel. Go back to the beginning, go back to where you were happy and find out how to be like that again. I am sorry to here about your unfortunate family circumstances. It's always important to help others, but don't do it to the detriment of your health, well being and spirituality. It's really hard to get those bad thoughts out of your head, but you must persist, ending your life is NOT an option, it's the easy way out (sorry, but I feel it is).
Good will always come from bad, it's the nature of the universe, but you have to allow it to happen as it is up to your free will. As you start to act in positive ways your probabilities of a positive outcome will align. Remember you are the observer and what you observe will manifest, but it's like a path, if you stray away you may have to take the long way through uncleared track to get back onto the right one. Take control of you and your situation, there are always many other options but you just need to take a risk sometimes.

Stay true to yourself and don't let fear overtake you. You already know this though, you have just forgotten and we are here to remind you.

All the best.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Hello from a newbie and my thoughts on 11
« on: September 24, 2014, 05:03:02 PM »
Hi all,

I stumbled upon this forum earlier this month for the first time. It's hard to know where to start with this all of this, however I will give you a little background about myself.

I am rather young, younger than you may think, however age is but a perception and therefore meaningless as I am concerned. For my age I have been through a lot more than the average person and have "gained" a lot of wisdom. I write "gained" as I think it's actually more "remembering". I read a lot and enjoy educating myself about different aspects of the world whether it be physics, biology, spirituality, religions etc. I am not a religious person and I was actually raised by an atheist (one that will not budge!!). I am thankful for this as I have been raised to be very sceptical of everything, however I have enough spirituality to be open minded. As much as I like to see evidence in order to change my views, this evidence doesn't always have to be material but it has to be from a reliable source nonetheless. I have seen 11's for a very long time, I can't tell you when it started but I was definitely a child when it did. Now that I am more attuned to 11 and it's representation I see it in almost everything I do, some of it can also be attributed to confirmation bias, however I've almost learnt to distinguish between when it is and isn't. I also see my numerological sign all the time, being 5, just before writing this I saw 555, which confirmed to me I was ready to write this (I have been putting it off a little for the last month since discovering the forum as I wasn't sure what I wanted to convey). I experience many numbered patterns everyday throughout my life, but I am yet to fully master their meaning. But what I do know very well is to always trust my real intuition.

That's enough about me...

I haven't read many of the forum posts but it appears that others have also been led here by their intuition, much like me, and I believe that everything happens for a reason. Some will try to call us crazy or even accuse those that see number patterns as being 'possessed'. What a load of horse sh!t. Sorry I had to say that as I get upset with narrow minded views due to lack of experience and fear of understanding. It's clearly obvious that 11's have good intentions and the people that I know that experience 11's are generally really good people with a lot of love to give. So don't let anybody try and put you down because you see 11's or other number patterns, trust your instincts!

There is a lot of turmoil happening in this world at the moment and I'm sure everyone here also senses that as much as I do. But what is this turmoil and what does it mean for us? It is unfortunately dark and sinister and it's intentions are to stop people from educating themselves in spirituality and opening their minds. Why? Because we will discover the truths of the world and realise that the current materialistic society we live in is not going to help with our enlightenment whatsoever. What does this mean? People will spend more time loving instead of working to be able to spend more money and buy the things we think that we want/need. We all feel that this is wrong but struggle to change it as it's what society has become. The stresses of life and lack of time are all part of it, so is the crap that's on TV, on commercial radio, the newspapers bla bla (it's actually all a real mind f*ck). Sorry I should have warned that I do have a sailors mouth, but it's how I convey my emotions and honesty on subjects I am passionate about. If it's not directed at you don't take it personally.

So what can we do about all of this? Nothing! Absolutely nothing. We can't stop elitists when we are shackled by lack of monetary wealth, since we weren't born into money like them. But what we can do is take control of what's ours, our minds. Don't let negativity cloud your mind and gain insight from other people's experience and knowledge to grow yourself as a person. Don't take anyone's word for it, try and experience things yourself, listen to your gut and always love. That is the most important, love. Society is like a bunch of school kids in the school yard, there are smart ones, popular ones, introverted ones etc etc all at school to learn something but have different interests and different levels of understanding and ability to learn. Just like a parent still loves their child when they do something very wrong, we should be the same with our fellow peers. Guide them and educate them, but don't force your opinions on anyone else. As the old adage goes, 'you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink'. Don't get caught up in people's negativity, try to gain insight as to where people's negativity stems from and slowly try to counteract that with positivity. You can really learn a lot about yourself when you learn about others.

You are here because you need to share positivity and love and teach others, that is why not everyone see's what we see. I have written a lot, and I hope I haven't bored anyone. If I have I am sorry for that as I tend to always write way too much than I intend to. I have a lot of insight and links to other websites that share many of these views, which I will happily share with others if they are interested in learning more about the mysteries of this wonderful (sometimes dark) world.

Keep your mind clear, stand your ground and always stand up for what's right. Honesty is important even if it's not want people want to hear. They will hate you for it, but many eventually come around.

There is a Hungarian quote from the bible, which I think is very relevant to our society now.
"Jobb becsületesen élni szegénységben, mint tisztességtelenül és gazdagon" (Péld. 28:6)
Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways (Proverbs 28:6)

Although I do not like the bible very much (no disrespect to those who do), there are many important teachings and lessons that can be taken from it. Like I said, only look at the positives and at how you can grow and enlighten yourself.

All the best. I look forward to sharing more insights and gaining insight from others here.


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