Author Topic: What are your experiences with the number 11?  (Read 152941 times)

Big lion

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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #150 on: September 08, 2016, 01:03:05 PM »
ty for info Lin..
why do u say u think something big is going to happen. what feeling are you having it  thoughts or something more? also, I've seen a lot of video on youtube about these numbers 555, 777 etc. a lot of the video are saying different thing about the numbers. how do you know what or who the trust. since I've been gettin

Big lion

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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #151 on: September 08, 2016, 01:09:10 PM »
sorry don't what happen there...
since I've been getting these number a lot more my pursuit of getting to the bottom of this is at a max now. also thing have not been going well for me of late so I do believe with all my hearth that the solution to this event will help me in my direction and all the find the solution. as you said there are no accidents in life. if their are no accidents in life them we are on a path. it sure would be nice to have the map also. I also agree the more ppl need to post their experiences we can all help each other get to the source of the blessed gift. a gift that none of us seen to be able to open, yet we have it.. personally ill keep reading and praying for the answers


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #152 on: September 09, 2016, 04:15:00 PM »
What are your experiences with the 11 phenomenon? What brings you here?

The number 11 has been getting people's attention to the point of becoming a worldwide phenomenon. There is also huge historic significance behind this number. Feel free to post your personal experience with the number 11, 111, 11:11 and so on. You are not alone.

To check out the main site go to You can view my own experience, as well as learn more amazing facts and explore the meaning behind this amazing phenomenon.

My mother passed away last week, she was under hospice care, I was sitting in her room with my siblings, listening to them talk, I opened my phone and the time was 11:11. I've read about people randomly seeing 11's, I have never, that was the first time. because of the stories I've read, I looked over at my mom to see if she was still breathing, she was, I went back to listening to everyone talk, I looked over at her again and she was not breathing, I told my siblings shes not breathing, they said she's been doing that, she'll catch her breath in a second, but she was gone. After we called In the nurses I looked at the time and it was now 11:15.    I really believe she was trying to contact me, she was heavily medicated and was out of it for several days before she passed.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #153 on: September 10, 2016, 01:43:56 PM » condolences on losing your Mom.  There is no doubt in my mind that she was connecting with you spiritually.  Many people have said that they started seeing the 11:11 after a loved one has passed.  The prompt confirms that she is now in the spirit world.  If the prompt appears again take note on what is going on around you.  She may be trying to send you a message of some sort.  Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. 

After two years of keeping a meticulous record of my 11's I too noticed that it started just after a loved one passed but what I have also found is that someone quite possibly my loved one certainly has my back.  Each time I received the prompt it was a warning......a warning to pay attention because something was about to happen.  Now when I see it in my face I pay attention to everything around me even the people I am dealing with.  Someone in the spirit world is protecting me....guiding me.....and certainly loves me.  When I see the 333 it's a good sign....positive sign...I am on the right path...God is with me.   

BigLion..when I saw the 11:11 and the 555 my life changed....and I would see it several times at different times when I was standing in the same room with my husband which was significant because it was he who was profoundly changed by the loss of a loved one in his immediate family.  5 in numerology is the number for change.  So something may change for you and it might be a positive change even if it doesn't appear that way initially.

The signs are there...I have said this over and over...the signs are there we just need to pay attention to them.  Spiritual development is liberating......we get to see and sense things that can assist us through life.  We are very fortunate. ;)


Big lion

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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #154 on: September 12, 2016, 09:41:41 AM »
Ty Lin for your comments. as you stated I'm waiting on the results of a court case that will change my life. this event is what got me going with the 11's it caused my entire life to change. it also led me to become more spiritual as I saw no way out but Jesus. you can say after a lot of prayer my eyes were opened and I started to get the spiritual dreams. I agree that its after a life changing event and you start to think about your life. it was about 3 months after I started to notice the numbers. wow there is so much see, learn and  hear. I have also come to the conclusion that the world only attacks you senses (pleasures: but the catch it also cause money or so sort of transaction) which directly affects one of our 5 senses. this can lead to addictions of all sort. some time we are doing thing that we don't want to but we still do it. the question is if we don't want to do it and still do who is in charge of us spirit or flesh. lets not forget that we are spirit living in a body of flesh. if the flesh is ruling then we the spirit (the true u) is not ruling. that is why the scriptures say the Flesh and spirit is always at war. also if notice or spirit get upset only when we do wrong we cant get doing wrong off our minds. just a thought what is your feeling? please any one can add to my comment as we all are in the same boat with these prompts.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #155 on: September 13, 2016, 10:25:53 AM »
Thank you Lin.  I haven't seen 11:11 since but I have seen the number 11 several times since she passed, not as frequent now.  Also after she passed my bathroom light bulb on the right started flickering a few times then it stopped, then the bulb on the left started flickering. One afternoon while it was flickering I spoke aloud to my mom, told her I loved her etc. I went back later turned on the light and it flickered much faster got really bright and then suddenly just stopped. The feel in the room seemed different then. The light hadnt flickered anymore at all for a few days until yesterday, it flickered one time. My niece told me she woke hearing my moms voice saying she was healed, she said it was not a dream, this is the same day the flickering stopped.

Big lion

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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #156 on: September 13, 2016, 10:38:01 AM »
Bltullis.. I think your mom is saying she is ok now. I watch some near death experience and most of the people that pass and come back say they feel no pain and are very happy. most don't want to come back to the pain they are feeling in the flesh. I feel she is ok. take care of ur self and ur family. God bless


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #157 on: September 13, 2016, 11:45:58 AM »
Thank you Big Lion


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #158 on: November 12, 2016, 10:48:03 AM »
I have to share this, as I posted previously about seeing 11:11 when my Mom passed away, last night my new grandson was born,  date of birth 11-11-16 time 11:48! I really believe my Mom was sending her blessings!


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #159 on: November 13, 2016, 07:35:07 PM »
Bitullis......Congratulations on the birth of your Grandson on 11/11......!!  That was no accident!   :).



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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #160 on: December 30, 2016, 10:38:09 AM »
My experience started in Nov or Dec 2015.  Like everyone else, I started seeing many sequences of numbers 1010, 1111, etc for 3 months until I noticed it.  I mentioned it to my husband who told me about the study of numbers.  I started reading numerology sites.  I would see repeated 1 or 2 often.  I am going through a very difficult time of transition and have spent the last year not working and trying to pull myself back up.  Lots of challenges!  I'm hoping the numbers are letting me know I'm on the right track. I'm living my proper journey and the spirits are letting me know they are with me.  Some light at the end of the tunnel. 
I saw some posts about fear of the end of the world and the Mayan calendar back a few years ago....
Interesringly, I purchased a property in the Mayan Riviera in 2011!  The dream hasn't turned out as great as I'd hoped. 
I met some folks at a party last night who were talking about the phenomenon as it happened to them.  They tied it to a terrible health scare with their son. They believe the 11's were the spirits or universe letting them know it would all turn out ok.  Which it did! 


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #161 on: January 06, 2017, 08:47:31 PM »
Hi Weezaelle and welcome. 

Thanks for posting and sharing your experiences.  I believe the numbers appear with a great amount of significance especially during life changes.  And are being reassured that you are not alone....that you you will never be alone .....that spirit is with you....all the time.  Rest assured that you will get through every storm....that it is all part of life.....that each and every one of us will experience hardship(s) at some point during our life.  And we will experience joy and happiness as well.  We would not know joy and happiness without the hard times.....

Gene:  I hope whatever you are experiencing will pass soon.  I "predict" that 2017 will be a better year for all of us.  I just have a good feeling that things will workout.....i am very optimistic that the world may get a little better than it's been.  More and more people are having spiritual experiences....many people now know in their hearts that there is a lot more than just the physical plane that we experience.

I was out of the country for the past 31 days.....I visited seven countries....all of which had a lot of poverty.....during this time, I continued to experience repeating numbers that I receive frequently.....many times they appeared when I was thinking about how to help make the world a better place.

I also had another experience with the number 444.  Long story short, I was trying to enjoy a cup of coffee in solitude when an elderly man started yelling and creating a he was doing so I remember thinking about all I wanted to do was enjoy my coffee...why is this guy disturbing my peace?  So I smiled at him instead of yelling at him....asked him if I could buy him a chocolate chip cookie...he calmed right down....smiled at me and stopped being a PIA.  I glanced at my phone...three 444's.....the time 4:44 pm and two consecutive emails appeared.....all at 444.  It was me kudos for doing a good job!  No doubt about it....confirmation that I did the right thing....raised the vibration level .....

So I would like to wish everyone a very Happy and healthy New Year!  And please continue to share your experiences! 

Lin 8)

Big lion

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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #162 on: January 10, 2017, 02:54:11 PM »
Welcome Weezabelle.
this is just a quick note to say I agree with Lin. I feel that this year will be a good one for us 11ers. just to let you all know I spoke with someone that hears the spirits and she told me that the number is a special calling from God for a specific work we must do. she was not able to tell me that work, but she did make it clear that it was not a think to joke with. we must take it serous and we are surrounded by guardian angels whom are trying to help us complete our mission. my opinion as I have know this lady for a few years now and I stand by her divine knowledge as I have seen the things she has said in church come to pass.
we should all that time to pray for our specific instructions and direction.
also if anyone has spoken to anyone that see or hear please let us know what you have been told
be blesses and happy new year to all


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #163 on: January 11, 2017, 02:29:26 PM »
My experience started in Nov or Dec 2015.  Like everyone else, I started seeing many sequences of numbers 1010, 1111, etc for 3 months until I noticed it.  I mentioned it to my husband who told me about the study of numbers.  I started reading numerology sites.  I would see repeated 1 or 2 often.  I am going through a very difficult time of transition and have spent the last year not working and trying to pull myself back up.  Lots of challenges!  I'm hoping the numbers are letting me know I'm on the right track...

Welcome, Weezabelle. You are not alone in your experiences with the repeating numbers or in your challenges. There are a lot of people trying to pull themselves up right now. I think you are right about the numbers letting you know you are on the right track. I have had this feeling for quite some time that part of the message is to encourage. We are all individuals so we need to consider our own gut feeling and circumstances surrounding the numbers and synchronicity, in general, but I keep seeing them as much needed encouragement. They so frequently come at the moments I need a reminder that there is a bigger picture to our place in the universe, yet when my mind is usually farthest away from thinking about these various numbers when they come. We are not alone!


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #164 on: January 11, 2017, 02:56:38 PM »
Lin, It seems a lot of spiritual people are having the same feeling that 2017 is going to be a turnaround year. I like the sounds of that. I keep getting the numbers 123 coming at me fast which also makes me think that things are lining up for something big... I think with a few less challenges and distractions the good people of this world will be able to better able to help and encourage others who need it. The Bible mentions people being blessed so that they can be a blessing.

Sounds like you had a very busy and interesting month/trip. And no doubt enlightening!
