Author Topic: What are your experiences with the number 11?  (Read 169104 times)


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Wait until you hear this!
« Reply #105 on: March 04, 2015, 02:10:40 PM »
I found this site only about 2 weeks ago after I started researching on-line if others are having the same experiences as me with seeing the number 11 on digital clocks, etc.   I first noticed the odd number of times I'd look at the clock and see "11" as the minutes (ie 3:11pm, 5:11pm, etc.). Somedays it's only once or twice, somedays it's several more.  It happens virtually every day. 

Well, I began reading others' posts to this site and a few more and saw that many people experienced seeing "11:11" on the clock.  I never had (or never remembered seeing that particular sequence) and found it strange that so many others had. Well, lo and behold, that same day for the first time I saw "11:11".  I really had no emotion whatsoever about feeling "left out" prior to this so seeking this experience out is not a possible explanation. I just found it curious that I had never seen 11:11 before that day but it was the same day I realized I had not........truly weird.

I am a psychologist by trade so am fully aware of the brain's power of suggestion, how the brain can "program" itself to wake up at a particular time even without the benefit of an alarm clock, etc.  But, this phenomenon is different as there's----at least in my case and I suspect in most other's experiences-----no intention, desire, etc. to see the number 11. In other words, it happens entirely randomly with no conscious level thought or interest in "seeking" the number 11 out. 

This is truly unexplainable.  I've read other's theories as to why it happens and frankly, find many of them quite far fetched but I am trying not to judge it and see where it goes.  I'd be happy to correspond with other "eleveners" to see if we can discover a common thread. 




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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #106 on: March 24, 2015, 07:56:18 PM »
Hello, I just wanted to state that I also am in the mental health field and found my expierence to be unfounded by any "natural laws" (so to say) ! This 11 past the hour is enough to drive the sane,....insane ! LOL and question ones reality ! I, like you, want to understand what the BIGGER purpose is and not deny what this is all about.

You may have tried to stop seeing this and or stop it as I have, but in my 7-8 years of this,.....its not going away !

Thanks for your time, Misdevio


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #107 on: March 25, 2015, 08:05:19 AM »
Ya know we put ourselves out there putting our idea's / and or beliefs of this phenomenon, and to have a psych come here calling our claims far fetched really makes me want to bring out the asshole in me.  I'm not here to diagnosed and or put on drugs I'm here to gain insight into a phenomenon we all share, so please by all means if you have something constructive to add then do so but I'm not a lab rat to be observed.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #108 on: March 27, 2015, 01:03:13 PM »
Hello Dred, I just read your post about us all coming here to understand and not be judged or medicated !
I truely hope you in NO way thought I was implying that anyone of us needs meds, nor was i trying to judge ! I was merely saying that I at times felt like this 11 thing was crazy and due to the field I work in.......I know, WE ARE ALL NOT CRAZY !!! I was actually trying to validate what we are all experiencing  !  My total apology if I came across in any other manner ! :)
  Misdevio  :o


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #109 on: March 27, 2015, 06:15:25 PM »
No that response was to the person who posted before you i should of quoted him so there wasn't confusion.  I really have posted a lot here and a psych coming here and saying we are far fetched upsets me.  Because whether it his intentions are curious and innocent this forum is driven by people wanting to speak.  Speaking for myself I am put on guard reading what he had posted.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #110 on: April 19, 2015, 11:54:26 PM »
I started seeing 11 everywhere about three years ago. Clocks, counters at work, etc. It was crazy for about a year, hundreds of times a day. Everything I would look at a counter or timer or clock it would be passing through 11. Whenever I saw it I would get an ominous  feeling, like, this is a sign, pay attention. I still see 11 more than normal and I still get that feeling  when I see it, but it is not as frequent. It is like it made sure it got my attention  and then backed off to a 4 or 5 time a day reminder. Lately I have been seeing multiples of 11 more often than 11 itself. This scares me because I like to think I have intelligence and I know one of the multiples of 11 is not a good sign?


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Re: Wait until you hear this!
« Reply #111 on: April 22, 2015, 12:35:38 AM »
But, this phenomenon is different as there's----at least in my case and I suspect in most other's experiences-----no intention, desire, etc. to see the number 11. In other words, it happens entirely randomly with no conscious level thought or interest in "seeking" the number 11 out.

This is so true. Not only does it seem to happen the most when it is not on the mind at all, but most people never knew anything like this existed when it started happening to them. This makes it much different than most mysteries the average person is at least aware of. Times when I started consciously looking at license plates or the clock thinking it was 11 after and such it happened less frequently than when I was busy and had no conscious thoughts about it. I think that is when we become fully aware that it is not something we are trying to attract. It is reaching out to us. Reaching out in places and times that are beyond any kind of chance.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #112 on: April 22, 2015, 01:53:27 AM »
Lately I have been seeing multiples of 11 more often than 11 itself. This scares me because I like to think I have intelligence and I know one of the multiples of 11 is not a good sign?

You are right. But numbers come from God. What man or evil entities do with them are their doing. I have to believe God is in control and for the good people of this world the numbers are there for our awareness and benefit.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #113 on: June 16, 2015, 12:56:32 PM »
Well Gene,i sure hope were all on the same page with seeing multiple 11s.In my last few posts I think I was narrowing in on this,every time I see 4 or 5 in a row I know trouble is coming and that's
exactly what happens,and the more posts ive been reading lately are going in that direction also.There are days when I have to say quit it I get the idea now please what do you want me to see,i hope some day we all have something to say,LIKE I FINALLY GOT IT.Have a good 11 day everyone.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #114 on: June 24, 2015, 02:52:04 AM »
Well Gene,i sure hope were all on the same page with seeing multiple 11s.In my last few posts I think I was narrowing in on this,every time I see 4 or 5 in a row I know trouble is coming and that's
exactly what happens,and the more posts ive been reading lately are going in that direction also.There are days when I have to say quit it I get the idea now please what do you want me to see,i hope some day we all have something to say,LIKE I FINALLY GOT IT.Have a good 11 day everyone.

Bridge, The hits keep coming here. I usually see the 11s after things happen, leading me to believe that these things are temporary and its a sign to keep fighting and keep faith that better days are coming. But if you are frequently getting them before something happens then I would say be alert to your surroundings and proceed with caution. The signs are for a reason and hopefully there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #115 on: July 02, 2015, 08:17:49 PM »
Hello everyone!
I signed up on the forum a couple of months ago, and I've really enjoyed reading all of the stories about everyone's experiences with the number 11.  My "sightings" started about 20 years ago I think, but have intensified over the last 4 years or so.  I tend to see them everywhere (like most of you): clocks, addresses, receipt numbers, etc...and I just had to get online to see if I was the only one experiencing this.  I'm very glad that I found others out there!

As I started digging for answers though, I began to realize that the number 11 has even more significance to me on a personal level with respect to the point where it left me with no question that there is a reason that 11 is important to my existence and perhaps something more spiritual/metaphysical.  Here are some data on that:

Birthday month is November
My birthday is 11/2/70 (1+1+2+7+0 = 11)
I was born at 12:17 (1+2+1+7 = 11)
The number of letters in my first and last name add up to 11

And externally:
The address of my building at work (currently) is 111
Address of a building I used to work in 7 years ago was also 111
Address of a building I used to live 20 years ago is 1140

I'm not a numerologist by any means, but the 11 phenomenon has caused me to pay attention to so many details that I have apparently not noticed in the past.  Whenever I see 11s, I now always try to stop and live in that one moment, taking in every bit of stimuli coming my way in an attempt to find some kind of pattern in the chaos...some message that will bring me closer to this higher level of connected consciousness I'm hoping this is signaling.

Please let me know if you all are planning any other conference calls again in the near future.  I'd love to join in and meet the group and share my experiences as well.

I hope everyone has a good 4th of July!



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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #116 on: July 27, 2015, 02:12:36 AM »

Welcome to the forum. You sound like you fit right in with the rest of us.

Sorry to everyone for not being on here in a while. Dealing with some pain and sleep issues... But I will get it turned around and get on track. Hope all is well with everyone. 



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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #117 on: August 10, 2015, 07:44:59 PM »
It all started about a year ago the only times I ever checked the time on my mobile at random points through out the day it would always be 11 minutes past the hour, then one day I got in the car and the clock said 11 minutes past the hour but I was use to it by now so then I checked my phone a couple minutes late and it was 11 minutes past the hour again turns out my clock in the car was fast and so I encountered the 11 twice, then another time I got in the car I turned on my cd and it was on track 11 and also my mile counter was on 11 miles. Another day I was walking down the road and there was a lamppost with a sticker with the number 11 on, then 1 day a taxi pulled up on my drive to turn around and the last digits of the phone number on the side were 1111 and the car number was 115.
Then yesterday I was in the car driving and there was a car in front of me a driving instructor and on the back of the car it said £11 pounds for driving lessons. I see the number 11 everywhere without fail im scarred how much it happens please help im so worried, also sometimes I wake up and put on the Tv not knowing what time it is and the volume will be on 11 and it will be 11 minutes past the hour on the Tv digital clock.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #118 on: August 20, 2015, 08:33:21 PM »
The # above or in between 123 so it goes 12 ( ) 13 something hidden for us.   Hint: This # will lead you to X, or Y.  Play along please I am not here to harm anyone only to help with this song.  :)  There is a prize for the right answer, O hello Steve I believe you might know who I am thanks for leading me here! 



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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #119 on: August 21, 2015, 09:27:10 AM »
HEY GUYS 11ERSTEVE HERE.  Play along with the post from 1UnoGenoNetreus3. Try the number game. (although we might need more direction)You'll be impressed. And yes I know who you are. Glad to see u here.
Sorry for being gone for the past month or so. I moved from Portland to Montana, West Yellowstone to be exact. Over the past few months I've been traveling some and the move was a big event but the 11s have been with me the whole time. They are as strong here in West as they were in Portland. I got mailbox 1104, and that figures. Somehow I knew there would be an 11 in my future. Still have to change my plates too. Wouldn't surprise me if there were an 11 there too.
 I think scientifically that every situation has to be proven when seeking an answer. So if you take an 11er out of his or her environment do the 11s keep coming. And we all know the answer. But I think its a good idea to know for sure.
For some reason our brains pick up 11 after, or other 11 signals, and location means nothing. It's almost like we are being tracked. Hmmm. Something to think about.
Conference call this Saturday, right? 11erSteve