Author Topic: Time to Take Action  (Read 10232 times)


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Time to Take Action
« on: June 20, 2014, 03:58:13 PM »
Greetings Group,

I think it is time to take action.  The world is a mess and I don't think anyone would argue that point with me.  So I have a suggestion....when we see the 11:11 prompt stop and pause for a minute and ask source to help us with world peace.  I have been doing this for quite some time now.  If we all did it, (and there are thousands of us), we may be able to change the violence and hatred that goes on in this world.

So let me make another point, I truly believe that those of us who see the prompt have powerful right temporal lobes and that is how we are blessed.  In addition, I believe that we can all communicate with a universal mind with the use of our right temporal lobes in our brains...... This has been proven time and time again that people who can predict disasters or receive warnings have one universal mind. 

I'd also like to thank Scloud for responding .  She mentioned Hebrews 11.1.  Please look it up.  It's very interesting....

So......can we alter current events by interacting with the universe by visualizing or asking for world peace when we see the prompts?  Let's try it......

By the way, as I started to put this all together I got another 333.....oh yes, the universe is speaking to us.  I truly believe we can change things....

Let me know what you think...can we do this?

Namaste and love to all,


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Re: Time to Take Action
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2014, 08:44:49 PM »
You're awesome Lin, I'm with you on this not only is it the time to act it is the time to spread the word, if we want to do this then we need as many other 11'rs on board as possible.  I fully believe in the human potential to create we just need the collective focus to make it happen.   Try to advertise this site please as only a handful of hardcore 11'rs won't be enough if we really want change then we must bring more to the table.  I took the first step putting myself out there on the radio, hopefully we can start to build.


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Re: Time to Take Action
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2014, 12:09:45 AM »
Hi Lin,

  Count me in. I was a little late getting to the party, but I made it. I am ready to lead, follow, or be part of a bucket brigade.

I think it's important for everyone to know what we are up against. This is not just bad people, doing bad things. I am talking about the most powerful people on the planet actually worshiping Lucifer. This is evil with a purpose. I can easily prove all of this and I have already given a couple of examples earlier in the week.

Until very recently, I had given up hope that I would ever know if death was the end of the road, or just the beginning of another road.

My path here is probably the reverse of many others. From my late teens to my mid to late 20's, I was on a perpetual search for the meaning of life. Why was I here and what was my purpose? When reading the old testament for the first time, I remember thinking, WTF, how is any of this stuff suppose to make me feel hopeful about anything, so I went in another direction. I read a ton of books and studied many different religious philosophies and the more I researched, the more confusing it became. The one constant through it all was my deep distrust of the Catholic church, for reasons too numerous to mention, and I still feel that way today.

By chance, I met a girl that I ended up dating briefly and on one of the days when it was her turn to pick the activity for the day, she said she wanted me to go to the A.R.E. library with her, which was an Edgar Cayce based association with quite a following, both local and national.

While she was meditating with a small group, I was getting familiar with who Edgar Cayce was and what the allure was. As I was leaving, I bought the book, "There is a River". It became one of the most influential books I have ever read, mainly because of the direction it pointed me in more so than the actual content of the book itself, although it was a very enlightening book in it's own right.

Cayce's readings had a way of tying up a lot of loose ends that hadn't made sense to me until then. There was some whacked out stuff too, but what religious philosophy doesn't have some of that as part of it. For those of you not familiar with Cayce, his readings were given in a trance like state where he had no idea what he was saying until it was read back to him by his stenographer.

 Whether you choose to believe what was coming out of his mouth or not, there is little doubt that he was not a charlatan. His 15,000 readings were far too in depth and covered far too many subjects and sciences in such minutia, no simple con man could pull it off. As it turns out, many of the herbal remedies and causes for some diseases that are common knowledge today, were part of many of his readings, long before they became mainstream medicine.

  Cayce made many references to the subconscious, super-conscious, Akashic records, reincarnation, Karma, soul evolution, frequency, vibrations, free will, meditation, auras, etc. Many of the same things you are talking about Lin, but maybe a little different terminology. Cayce spoke of the pituitary gland in a similar respect that you are referring to the temporal lobe.

Once I thought I had a better understanding of what I thought I knew, I waited for some sort of sign or confirmation of acceptance. I figured I would be astrally projecting in no time. ;D I tried prayer, meditation and every other thing imaginable and came up empty.

As time went by, my life had far more downs than ups and I often said out loud, " I must have done something horrible in a previous life to deserve my lot in this life".  As more time went by, my faith waned to all time lows. I had nothing to hang my hat on and as you were saying Lin, there is just too much overt wickedness and corruption all around us and no one is being held accountable. I was resigned to the fact that either I was already in hell for a previous crime or life happened on this planet by pure chance and I was simply wishing for something that didn't exist. This was as recent as a couple of months ago.

While doing research on something associated with the recent school shootings, I landed on something that sent shivers down my spine. I knew then, that I was witnessing evil in it's purest form, straight from the old testament. I hadn't been so scared since I saw the Exorcist when I was 16 yrs. old.

Once I was able to wrap my mind around what was happening, my mind told me that if there is true evil present, then by proxy, there has to be an equal or greater force of goodness somewhere that has yet to manifest itself. It was a hell of a way to have to come to that conclusion, but that's how it happened for me, which relit an old flame that happened to coincide with a complete diet change that stoked the flame even more and then BAM, I was seeing and feeling the things that I use to pray for when I was a babe in the woods in regards to the whole spirituality thing.

My biggest worry is that if I start dumping tons of information in the forum it might scare newcomers off. I am a visitor here. This is Gene's house and he built it for a reason and my gut tells me many new visitors will be arriving soon and Gene or one of you regulars should be the one's to greet them.

 I don't want any of them to run head on into what they may perceive to be the rantings and ravings of a lunatic. I can back up everything I say with rock solid proof, but it involves 35+ yrs. of research and there is just no way to break it down into a quick short story that will make sense to everyone who reads it.

Gene, if you are reading this, you have my permission to bury my "important message" thread on the second or third page somewhere. If people want to refer to the 3 long posts, it will be there for them.

 Could you or one of the other regulars then start an " Are we witnessing the Grand Deception ?" thread. I can provide plenty of material for it that will be very interesting and thought provoking and it will hopefully prompt many others to contribute. I can keep them fairly short with links to most of the pictures and/or articles.

This whole ISIS thing is most certainly a huge part of it and one of my posts regarding it is already buried beneath my 3 other super long posts, similar to this one. Most people will see the length of the posts and simply move on.

These are just suggestions and I am in no way trying to tell anyone what to do. My ego was checked at the door. Cayce taught me that a long time ago.  ;D  I am just throwing ideas out there that might give your little movement the best chance at sustaining enough energy until the guests arrive. 

Pointman, I went to your website and looked for contact info but was unable to find any. After checking out your other blog that had the mysterious places info, I came to the conclusion that you are probably ready for a guided tour down the rabbit hole.

 I am probably one of the few people that have made it out the other side. The hole turns into a canyon with many long, dark dead ends, designed to confuse, but I have spent so much time down there, I can make it through there blindfolded on a unicycle and I promise to get you back in one piece.

Your life will forever be changed, but your next book will practically write itself. All you have to do is wait for the ending to play out and hopefully all of us will play a part in that.

Take Care All       






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Re: Time to Take Action
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2014, 01:47:07 AM »
I get exactly what buddy is talking about with cayce.  I'm not a scholar who's read tons of books but I have been a pursuer of truths and conspiracy and wanted to find out my own understand of what  I thought was going on.  The world is playing out to bible which is creepy as hell.  He's right about the catholic church as an institution is completely corrupted.  I suggest people get to learn more about Jordan Maxwell, youtube channel TheGroxt1, Jonathan Kleck as well has his own you tube channel that touches in to this kind of information as well.  Also the radio show I posted in the other thread Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis is a weekly 5 hour radio program that is closest last thing we have to real free speech.  Whether you agree with the show's views or not he gives everyone open air to state their opinions, and looks at everything politically also spiritually "As above so below".  I completely agree things are bigger then one would want to imagine.  Interesting times friends.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 02:13:31 AM by Dred »


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Re: Time to Take Action
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2014, 11:36:41 AM »
Group, Buddy and Dred,

We have to begin somewhere.....thank you for supporting my 11:11 idea.  I believe that our group of 11:11er's can certainly change the world with our I said yesterday....when I sat down to write my post I looked at my computer and the time was exactly 333.  If that isn't a cosmic yes, I don't know what is.....spirit communicates with numbers, signs and symbols and we just need to pay attention to it.  11:11er's have the power to change the world.  We can only do good.  I read this quote somewhere and unfortunately I don't know who said it but it stuck in my mind....." All are one, in one are all."  We need to live by this on a daily basis.  11:11ers share a universal mind and consciousness ..........we can change things for the better.

Now, how do we reach all the other 11:11er's out there who can join us in asking the universe for peace on our planet?  I don't know yet.  Perhaps Gene our administrator can help us.  Let's brainstorm and try to come up with something that will reach our group on a world wide basis.  It may take some time but we could do it.  Let's give it some thought.

Buddy, I understand what you are saying....there is a lot we don't know about and so much evil that exists it is hard to not pay attention to what's going on.  As for the Newtown incident, I don't believe that was a conspiracy of any sort....what I do know is that an evil, mentally Disturbed young man along with his mentally ill mother was responsible for killing those children.  The reason why many of the families could not view the bodies was because many of the children  had their faces blown off during the massacre.  I know this first hand but cannot tell you how.  ( I lived in Connecticut and worked there a few years ago so I have many connections there).  I urge you to take the information you read and view it from a critical perspective.  There will always be some truth And some false statements in what you read.  Unfortunately Newtown happened.  And, it happened for a reason....those kids died so we could see just how violent our planet has become....they died so we could change we could make the violence stop......

I agree with both of you about the Catholic Church...born and raised Catholic and went to a Catholic school I have come to dislike Catholicism and all that it stands for.  I studied world religions in depth and came to the conclusion that organized religion has been the basis of many wars and conflict throughout our world.

I am now spiritually independent and believe in all the ascended masters who all taught the same one another and treat each other with respect.

I have a few more comments to make in this post....yes, Edgar Cayce was onto to something....I am fascinated by him and his abilities.....

The other thing I'd like to mention is that the Vatican has a 33 million dollar telescope at the MT. Graham Observatory in Arizona.  I don't think many people are aware of this.  This observatory is manned by Jesuit priests around the clock....hmmmm ...wonder what they are up's real.  They also have an infrared camera with an acronym L.U.C.I.F.E.R that is powerful in darkness.  And, apparently it is one of the most powerful telescopes in the world.  They are allegedly waiting for an alien savior.  I recently read a book titled Exo-Vaticana by Tom Horn and Chris Putnam.  I highly recommend it but as I said, always read with a critical mind.,, has it.  Buddy, you might want to read this one......

Another good book which talks about universal consciousness is The Power of Premonitions by Larry Dossey M.D.

More later....

Love to all 11er's


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Re: Time to Take Action
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2014, 04:43:58 PM »
I, too, have seen and heard about the Vaticans L.U.C.I.F.E.R. telescope.  Its indeed, quite real!  There can be many reasons as to why they have it and to what purpose its used for..but its all hush hush.  I just find it very very odd to name a telescope that is funded by the catholic church a Lucifer telescope....

Im with you Lin!  wether its 11:11 am or pm, i always set some time aside to focus my thoughts for positivity during that time.  my motto is "its always 11:11 somewhere" lol. i am one of those people that totally agree with sycronized an/or focused meditation.


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Re: Time to Take Action
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2014, 09:58:52 AM »
You are right Pointman sure is strange that they would name it L.U.C.I.F.E.R.  Although, Lucifer is also supposed to mean light or star and Jesus was referred too as Lucifer.  I think it was a Latin word.....

I wonder how many parishioners who place thousands of dollars in the basket every Sunday are aware that the Vatican is waiting for an alien Savior and that they have an observatory at the top of Mt. Graham?   I'll bet half of them don't have any knowledge of it.   Everything is a secret with the Catholic religion.

In addition, wouldn't it be great if the Vatican took millions of dollars and spent it on stopping the violence on this planet?

Namaste and love to ALL 11er's


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Re: Time to Take Action
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2014, 01:20:56 AM »
Could you or one of the other regulars then start an " Are we witnessing the Grand Deception ?" thread. I can provide plenty of material for it that will be very interesting and thought provoking and it will hopefully prompt many others to contribute. I can keep them fairly short with links to most of the pictures and/or articles.

I've created the thread for you. Good luck with it. 

As time went by, my life had far more downs than ups and I often said out loud, " I must have done something horrible in a previous life to deserve my lot in this life".  As more time went by, my faith waned to all time lows. I had nothing to hang my hat on and as you were saying Lin, there is just too much overt wickedness and corruption all around us and no one is being held accountable. I was resigned to the fact that either I was already in hell for a previous crime or life happened on this planet by pure chance and I was simply wishing for something that didn't exist. This was as recent as a couple of months ago.

I can really relate to those feelings.


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Re: Time to Take Action
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2014, 01:51:03 AM »
11:11ers share a universal mind and consciousness ..........we can change things for the better.

Now, how do we reach all the other 11:11er's out there who can join us in asking the universe for peace on our planet?  I don't know yet.  Perhaps Gene our administrator can help us.  Let's brainstorm and try to come up with something that will reach our group on a world wide basis.  It may take some time but we could do it.  Let's give it some thought.
Lin and Group,

The first thing that comes to mind in getting the word out to the masses to ask for world peace when seeing the prompts is to post a link back to this thread when visiting other forums, blogs, and websites...

Post a brief explanation and provide the link to the thread where you feel it would be appropriate. This will get more people onto the idea and could also enlighten more people to the number 11 prompts and various others that many are experiencing without realizing this is worldwide. No doubt there are many who are rattled by this, thinking they are alone, as many of us were when we first started experiencing this.


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Re: Time to Take Action
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2014, 08:29:16 AM »
Count me in!   :)


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Re: Time to Take Action
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2014, 04:11:08 PM »
I have been participating in sending PEACE throughout the world when I have the 11:11 prompts along with prayers of THANKSGIVING.....hoping these will go hand and hand!


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Re: Time to Take Action
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2014, 07:04:49 PM »
This is a wonderful beginning to what could be an amazing end.  :-D


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Re: Time to Take Action
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2014, 07:43:08 PM »
Just a quick reminder to all 11er's,

Please remember to visualize and/or ask source energy for world peace when you receive a prompt from the doubt there is strength in numbers.....light ALWAYS win over darkness. :)

Namaste and love to all 11er's,


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Re: Time to Take Action
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2014, 09:38:12 PM »
Hello to All The Newbies on This Forum!

I noticed quite a few new members who have joined recently and I would like to say welcome on behalf of all the members of this forum.  I hope you will join us in contributing your experience with the 11:11 prompts.  I truly believe (based on my experiences and the experiences of others I have spoken with) that there is absolutely nothing to fear when you receive a's all good....all good for us personally (for our growth) and globally (for the planet's growth).

Please take a moment the next time you receive a prompt to think of good, beautiful things....think of world and light....the more of us who do it....the more peace, love, and light we will have on our planet.  There are thousands....perhaps millions of us who are receiving these prompts...let's join together as one, one, one, one....and truly help the planet vibrate at a higher level.  We can do it.

In addition, if you are a member of another forum, please ask them to do the same.  Asked them to send thoughts of peace, love, and light every time they see the prompt.

We look forward to hearing from you! :)

Namaste and Love to all 11er's


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Re: Time to Take Action
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2014, 12:14:28 PM »

It is September 11th.............a date forever etched into our minds....pause for a moment today and ask source for world and light.....

11er's have the power to change the to all of you.
