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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Found this
« on: August 09, 2014, 02:49:59 PM »
Good one Dred!  The article was perfect!  I thought that what Steve Pavlina said about the more you try to disregard the prompts the more they show up!  So that I have accepted that I am an 11er I don't get them so much!  I now get the prompts when something really important happens....I have come to fully accept what is happening....fully accept that it is positive no matter what happens and am grateful that I am not alone...that there are others who get this too!  :)

Thanks for sending.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: To be or not to be?
« on: August 02, 2014, 05:42:18 PM »
Amen to Pointman's post!  Now if we could get the entire planet to think this way it would be heaven on earth.  And, the video was beautiful....loved it.  Thanks for sending.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: To be or not to be?
« on: July 30, 2014, 03:07:33 PM »

I know what you are saying.....but I have no idea how they came up with that list.  But what I think I know for sure is that we are all encountering the ascension that I believe is what may be happening to all 11er' hard data to back it up but it sure does make sense!!


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: To be or not to be?
« on: July 29, 2014, 08:08:18 PM »
Mikehancho and All 11er's,

I may have another piece of this puzzle!  As you know, I, like every other 11er will not stop until I figure it out.  As I stated in previous posts...I get 11:11 all the time and not just from clocks....from everything.  I have been keeping a journal and discovered that most of the time when I receive a prompt the universe or source..whatever you want to call it is speaking to me.  Most of the time, something significant is going on in my life....good and bad because as I said no one escapes the bad stuff in life. 

Most recently I had to euthanize a rescue dog I only had for seven months.  I was crushed....devastated....totally depressed because I adored that dog....this happened on July 11th.  I saw the 333 prompts several times during that time.  The universe was trying to console me.  As I said, no one escapes hardship, hurt, and suffering.  NO ONE!

I have learned to pay attention.  I have learned not to ignore the signs I am receiving.  And, I receive many, many signs...not just 11:11 or the other prompts.

So I want to share with you my recent discovery.  I believe the 11er's are ascending.  That's it...we are ascending.  That means we have risen up...we are climbing...we are vibrating at a higher rate of speed than many humans on the planet.  We as a group, have a profound spiritual understanding and expansion of awareness.  We have the ability to be ONE with source, God, or whatever you'd like to call it.  I believe it is as simple as that. 

I found an interesting website for all of you to view.  It also provides ascension signs and symptoms...though I really don't know how they got this list I thought it was quite interesting as I meet the criteria for several of those signs.  Read through this site is

Let me know what you think!

Namaste and love to all 11er's

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Divine intervention or ?
« on: July 22, 2014, 05:04:23 PM »
Welcome To the forum Let's Roll !  Thank you for sharing.  I think it was your guardian angel protecting you.  You obviously have more work to do on this planet and it was not your time.  Maybe you were protected because you are an 11er.....

Have you had other spiritual experiences?  Many 11er's have had a variety of spiritual experiences in their lives such as precognition and a highly developed intuition.  Let us know if you have had other experiences as well.

Thanks again for joining us!  We look forward to hearing more!

Namaste and love to all 11er's

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: (111111 x 111111 = 12345654321).
« on: July 18, 2014, 06:33:57 PM »
I always thought this was wild.....!  Numbers.....mathematical equations...etc....source is speaking to us using attention everyone!   Dred, thanks for reminding everyone about this!


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Please participate with us
« on: July 18, 2014, 06:31:03 PM »
Greetings 11er's and Welcome to the forum Ms Intrigued,

Thank you for joining us Ms Intrigued!  Please share with us your experiences with 11:11.  When do you receive them?  What is going on when you get them??   What are you thinking about?  The members of this forum are desperately trying to solve this mystery .....I know we will eventually get it......

Here's what I see so far:  some of us seem to be to use our sixth seems that most of us are good caring people.....and as of the most recent seems as though we may be vibrating at higher levels than other doubt we are being singled out for doubt, the universe is speaking to us.....and quite frankly, I think we may have the ability to change some very bad things happening on our planet.  As 11er's we are all ONE....ONE....ONE....ONE.....

I suggested that when you see an 11 to stop...pause for a moment and ask the universe to help this planet with world peace.  Please join the collective conscious starts thinking positive thoughts we will help change the status quo....we are all one mind.

So again, I ask everyone on the forum, particularly those who are not participating to please do so..........don't be afraid of the prompts...they are's good...really .......there are so many of us!!  We are a very diverse group.....people being people....dealing with life...good and bad.....but we share the gift of the universe speaking to us!

Everyone....please join in......! 

Namaste and Love to all 11er's

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Please participate with us
« on: July 09, 2014, 09:04:47 PM »

You said,

"As of now, all music is tuned to a 440 hz frequency...which we hear as just "normal" because thats what we have always heard and have becomed accustomed to. This frequency is disharmonious to us, and seems to clash a bit with our own vibrations instead of going with them, causing anger, irratibility and also promote the fear frequency.   But what if we dropped the pitch of a song (any song) to 432 hz......."

This certainly makes sense...we are being bombarded with disharmonious noise/sound and it it's affecting our psyche.....on a global level that is.  It seems as though the entire planet has gone mad.  But this all makes sense and is quite interesting...

But getting back to the prompts we receive....are we vibrating at a slightly higher level and that is why we get these prompts?  Are 11er's slightly more psychic and intuitive?  Are we more sensitive to vibration and frequency?  These are the questions I would like to see answered.  But it sure is fascinating and yes I do believe pitch and vibration can make a huge difference in the quality of our life.

What about the OM chant used by Buddhist monks....?  Is that the "God" or higher source frequency?

Something that comes to mind:  I once took a transatlantic cruise and the question of pirates invading the ship was discussed.  I was told that the ship was equipped with some type of device that can emit very uncomfortable frequencies which could keep the pirates at a distance and not near the ship.  I don't know what exactly that is but they actually use it as a weapon.


I agree with you....totally.....religion...the basis for all worldwide conflict.....I wish everyone was educated enough to see it.  As for music and dance.....definitely great for the soul.....but as Pointman stated we need to be listening to the right stuff!   ;D

Namaste and love to all 11er's,

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Time to Take Action
« on: July 07, 2014, 07:43:08 PM »
Just a quick reminder to all 11er's,

Please remember to visualize and/or ask source energy for world peace when you receive a prompt from the doubt there is strength in numbers.....light ALWAYS win over darkness. :)

Namaste and love to all 11er's,

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Please participate with us
« on: July 07, 2014, 01:48:21 PM »

I found something interesting related to Pointman's's worth a look and also play the video at the end of the website.  The speaker is Dr. Len Horowitz and I thought it was quite interesting....

The website is


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Please participate with us
« on: July 07, 2014, 12:49:47 PM »
Pointman and Dred,

This is getting quite deep but I think we are all correct.  There is a mathematical correlation to the 11:11 phenomenon and the Universe trying to speak to us.  Pointman, your knowledge about musical frequencies invaluable and again, I think you are on to something here.  I read your post three times just to be certain that I fully understood it.  I played two instruments, the accordion and guitar but don't have the knowledge you have.  I also haven't played in years as life has been one big whirlwind for me.  Everything you said makes sense in your post....

Now, to simplify it.....why isn't the frequency at 444hz?  And why would religious leaders suppress this frequency in religious music?  Why are we using an abnormal frequency with our music....are we  (they) (who) (and why) deliberately trying to oppress the human race from evolving?  In addition, I had received numerous 444's in the past....the number associated with angelic if 444 is indeed a superior sound why aren't we using more of it?

Let me ask you something....the music of his music resonating at a 444 frequency? I use his music when I do yoga.  Or, how about the music of Hildegard VonBingen?  Gregorian chant that a 444?

Another question....could it be that 11er's are vibrating at a higher frequency??  People who have had Near Death experiences have also reported hearing angelic music....they describe as the most beautiful they have ever heard.

I found something very interesting after I read your post....I googled 1111 as it is used in music.  Do you know what I came up with?  Several colleges and universities list their Music theory courses as 1111 Music Theory....or MUT 1111.  Again, coincidence????  I was dumb founded. 

I have a question for members of this forum....any other 11er's with music ability or knowledge?  Please would be interesting to see what it is we all have in common.  The more we dig into this, the more information we will receive which will help us unlock the mystery of the phenomenon that so many people are receiving around the world.

Pointman, the information you posted is awesome.....I think the answer to all of this is staring us right in the face!

Namaste and love to all 11er's,

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Please participate with us
« on: July 05, 2014, 12:30:14 PM »
Whoa....that link you sent is wild.  I think you guys are onto something.....3+3+3=9

3---6---9. Awesome....333....body, Mind and Spirit....the trinity?   No doubt about it....math rules the universe and this is how source energy is communicating with us......

Keep digging...together we will figure out this 11:11 thing.   Hey, had another one the other day....I renewed a book at the library called "Teaching Kids How to Meditate".....guess what the stamped time was on my receipt?  Yep....11:11.   Ok....this is definitely more than coincidence...keep digging.


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Sherpa
« on: June 28, 2014, 09:57:15 AM »
Hi All 11er's,

I just finished reading 11er Steve's new book Sherpa and I urge everyone on the forum to read it.  Steve's book is about life!  He will take you on an exciting journey that will resonate with your own life.  He has the unique ability to infuse life's lessons in the stories he tells.

You will believe in destiny as you learn to let go of old issues and resentments.  He shows you how our lives have many peaks and valley's and that you are being given the chance to gain wisdom from the past, enabling you to climb steadily to the top.  The impossible (as we've seen on this forum) can become the possible and he provides many colorful fun examples.   Steve says that if you can eliminate ego and balance giving and receiving equally you'll be surprised at where it will take you!

He also devotes an entire chapter on the 11:11 Phenomenon with a surprise that will rock your boat.  Steve believes and gives many examples that thought is powerful.  This book was written from the heart.  It will touch your soul.  I laughed and cried as I read it and saw many correlations in my own life.  This is a must read for anyone who wants their soul to evolve.

Great job 11er if we could only get the entire planet to evolve ......I reached the summit that's for sure!

Namaste and love to all 11er's,

Welcome LuckyMadon,

I love your posts....finally....11er's are. Starting to "come out."  LOL.  I have posted quite a bit lately...I see 11:11 quite frequently and finally did some research to find out what it is.  I realize it is a positive thing....nothing to be afraid of and I feel as though I am blessed.

I am a Capricorn 12/28
 Mars 4 degrees 49 min. Of Scorpio
Jupiter 19 degrees 26 mins. Of Gemini
Uranus 21 degrees 40 mins. Of Cancer
Pluto 24 degrees 47 mins of Leo

As for your dream....when did you have that dream?  I am very psychic in a dream state and had a dream we were being bombed (nuclear) a week to the day of 9/11.  The bomb hit right in front of a State park in Connecticut where the Connecticut victims have a could also see the towers burning from that park.  Anyone from CT reading this post know I am talking about SHERWOOD island state park.  I didn't think anything of it until the towers were hit and then I knew that dream was a warning.....I later learned that many people had premonitions of 9/11 in a dream state.

This is one of many psychic dreams I have had.....


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Time to Take Action
« on: June 26, 2014, 09:58:52 AM »
You are right Pointman sure is strange that they would name it L.U.C.I.F.E.R.  Although, Lucifer is also supposed to mean light or star and Jesus was referred too as Lucifer.  I think it was a Latin word.....

I wonder how many parishioners who place thousands of dollars in the basket every Sunday are aware that the Vatican is waiting for an alien Savior and that they have an observatory at the top of Mt. Graham?   I'll bet half of them don't have any knowledge of it.   Everything is a secret with the Catholic religion.

In addition, wouldn't it be great if the Vatican took millions of dollars and spent it on stopping the violence on this planet?

Namaste and love to ALL 11er's

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