Author Topic: Keep it to ourselves?  (Read 37396 times)


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2012, 01:50:19 PM »
Sarah (female)

Age: 15

Born and raised Catholic

Born and raised in USA

I've been seeing 9 & 11 for about 3 years now. People just think im looking for it, but I'm not. I've only had one person who saw it too- I have another post that tells about him. There will be periods where I see it sometimes, not at all, or recently all the time, everywhere. I think my mother is finally starting to realize that I'm not making this up, it just happens.

Question: I really want to see a psychic and ask them about this. Does anyone know what kind I would need to see? A numerologist?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 01:52:30 PM by sarahrose »


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2012, 01:39:49 AM »
I thought it for a long long time, from back when I had one of the first digital watches, a Pulsar back in the 70's It had a ruby red face and only showed the time when you pressed the button as it was LED (prior to LCD which used far less energy by comparison(. So I'd press it and it'd read out 11:11 or 1:11 so often it was wild. But I kept it to myself.

Then I told some folks later on and found others had similar experiences.

Then I noticed on my birth certificate, I was born at 11:11 am ! :-)
A few nights ago I was discussing this over dinner with a holistic doctor relative and I was about to write him about this site I found here the next day. I looked up at the time and it was 11:11 pm

There are only 1's and 0's in digital data. As with the Yin and Yang, Zen and modern physics tell us one can not exist without the other. Yet 1 gets in our face more often. I get it. Let's just not overlook those 0000's is all. Just sayin' ;-)


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2012, 07:58:20 AM »
I am just reaching out to see what some of you may think of my experiences.  Just found this forum and like minded people and thought maybe you all may not think I am crazy like most normal people.  I have been seeing the number 11 for a few years now. Not exactly sure how long as I recall seeing 11.11 on the clock every time I turned out the light at night, without trying I always managed to turn the light out right on 11.11.  For ages I did not think much if it, and then it started to freak me out a little, but just pushed it aside.   About mid last year I noticed it more and more everywhere, and it was a bit of a joke until last year just before Christmas we went away for holidays and it was following me everywhere, and then things started to get crazy with the weather the 11 was sighted so often that I really started to get spooked.  So it was the 29th Dec, 2010, 2 days before 2011.  Right from the 1st January, 2011 the weather here in Australia got bad, floods, inland tsunami's, major cyclones.  Then there were the earthquakes in NZ, I think there was a landslide in another country that killed several people as well and Japan Tsunami.  A few of these events were on dates that included 11 or several 1's in the date.  But not forgetting that the year was 2011.
So I decided to start following the earthquakes around the world, when and where they happened and compared them to when the 11's were becoming more frequent.  I have noticed that the 11's increase a few days before a major event occurs around the world.  For example, I said to someone yesterday that there will be something major happen around the world in the next few days.  Yesterday there were 3 large earthquakes around the world and today I have seen on the news there is a volcanic eruption happening somewhere, I have not checked out where yet.  I have been monitoring these similarities for about a 18 months now.

Ok, next.

My family has an affiliation with the number 21.  It has been our number for about 15 year or more with regards to birthdays and stuff.  My birthday is on the 21st Dec, the same day the myan calendar ends and apparently the end of the world, according to the hollywood movie.

I keep looking at all this information and can't help but wonder if there is more to it than just a bunch of numbers.  Can someone tell me if I am looking into this too much or am I just crazy?  Now I have typed all of this I am not sure whether to press the post button or not as it is the first time I have gone public with this.  Well here goes nothing.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2012, 04:25:07 PM by leesa1 »


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2012, 05:51:25 PM »

I really like your observations.  I have noticed that the frequency of 11's fluctuate for me but I have not associated the trend to any other outside event.  I think you might be on to something.  I think I will start a journal of my daily experiences and see if they match any significant events around the world.
As far as the Mayan calendar theory, it was brought to my attention that our calendar as we know it (leap years and all) does not match up to the Mayan calendar.  Someone told me that if you do the translation, the end of the world should have happened already. 

My latest theory of some kind of count down does not seem to have any weight to it.  My experiences do not seem to follow any pattern that I can see.   The only thing that I can be sure of is, that my experiences come in waves.  Some time I see 11 5 -9 times a day and other times I go for days without seeing any.  Keep up the posts with your observations.


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2012, 02:18:52 AM »
Thanks for your reply.  Is good to know about your findings about the mayan calendar.  However I will still be glad to see another birthday without any problems go past.  My observations have lead me to follow the findings of the bar caroller 'thebarcaroller' on UTube, or solar watcher, who is very accurate with his solar flare observations and links to galactic alignments and being able to pin point where an earthquake or volcanic eruption will occur around the world.  He does not always get it right, however he is usually about 95 - 98% accurate.  If you do not know about him already you may find it interesting.  My 11's usually tie in well with his findings.  There was a time a couple of months ago he did not post anything for ages, and I also did not receive any 11's, and then they both started up again at the same time.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 04:23:26 AM by leesa1 »


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2012, 10:02:12 PM »
Last night 11.11 and then 1.11. This morning noticed a 6.6 earthquake at PNG this morning.  I definitely do not try to look at the clock at the right time, it just happens without my control.  My 11's are usually on the digital clock (phone, car, alarm clock).


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2012, 10:55:44 AM »
I don't think we should keep it to ourselves, I am a roman catholic born and raised and I have the firm conviction that I'm here, in this part of the world for a purpose and these numbers are for a purpose too, one that we as human beings are not able to understand. 


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2012, 12:13:56 AM »
Almost overwhelming the last few days.  My wife is not seeing the 11's but she now understands how frequently it is happening to me.  I am now waking up in the middle of the night from sound asleep and looking at the night stand and seeing 2:11, 3:11 etc.  I am getting voice mail messages time stamped with an 11.  I thought I was getting comfortable with it, but it is getting to me.  How are the rest of you 11ers doing? 

Just read an article by Steve Pavlina on 11:11.  I love the Matrix analogy.  I will consider the red pill, but I may not be ready for the change in reality.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 01:03:48 AM by mikehancho11 »


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2012, 09:07:09 AM »
I am wondering if it is a reminder from above that we should not forget about our faith.  And just maybe making sure we are open to the bigger signs that are still to come.  It is possibly a wake up call.  Reading the bible in the old testament, I have only got as far as Judges, but I have noticed a pattern of the people gradually losing their faith over time and then something or someone comes along to make everyone listen again, so I have to wonder in the times we are experiencing now with all the conflicting information we receive about religion, is this the something or someone bringing us all back together again, making us wake up.

I still have a long way to go with the bible, so I may have a different opinion later, we will see.  This is just food for thought.


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2012, 12:45:36 AM »

My name is Jared Morrell and I'm a newbee on the site.  The number 11 surrounds me too & in reading your last post, Mike, it has been everywhere this past week.  I also wake 2 or 3 times a night and am greeted with the number 11.  When asking others what time it is, it almost always ends in "11".  When buying groceries from the store this happens as well.  I could keep going and going; but, I think we all know that it doesn't stop appearing.

I was raised in a non-denominational Pentecostal church until I was 18 yrs old.  After this, I ran from God and tried to deny God's existence...  I am now 30 years old and I've seen & experienced too much to doubt that there is a God.  Anyways, I am not here to preach, I am here to share my thoughts and see if we can't find an answer to this phenomenon.

Let me ask any of you these questions, if I may: 

1.  Do you ever notice the "11" when you are at a cross road and have to different path's you can take? 
2.  Do you ever notice "11" when you are about to do something you probably shouldn't? 
3.  Do you see it when you are doing something to help another person? 
4.  Does it give you goose bumps & make the hair on your arms stand up when you see "11"?

I answer yes to all of the above & I have a feeling that you can as well.  And when I say "you" - I am referring to you reading this.

I mentioned Mike's name earlier, b/c I had just finished reading his last post...  Thank you for reading this and lets see if we can't figure this out.


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2012, 11:54:30 PM »
I previously submitted a post saying how I usually see the number 11 when a major earthquake somewhere in the world or a major event is about to occur.  However this has now changed.  I still get the number 11 but not as frequently as before with no real pattern.  Usually becoming more intense at particular times.  My gut feeling is that I am now supposed to find the next clue, as if I have acknowledged that the first clue is the major event in the world somewhere and now I need to work out what the next clue is.  I am still working on getting through the bible, and I am very surprised that it is making a lot of sense to me and is actually interesting.  The common theme in the bible is that there will be a major event and we will not know when it will happen.  However before this, all the people who believe will be gathered and those who were previously devoted who may have wandered away from their faith a little, will be brought back for this big event.  Is this the common theme among all of us? I wonder.  I feel as if most of us on this forum acknowledge that there is a higher power, so maybe we are the ones that need that extra little push to make us remember our faith, hence the 11's.  I know I fit into this category.  Don't get me wrong, I am not your usual religious freak (using this word hoping it will not offend anyone, or should I say I don't don't go to church or have bible studies classes or whatever religious people do), this is something that is normally very private for me, but maybe I am supposed to open my thoughts to help in the grand plan. I don't really know, just searching for answers, and it kind of feels right.

Another number that I frequently receive is the number 17 and I have not mentioned it before because is is really not quite as intriguing and prominent as the 11's, however I have recently noticed that there is a major galactic alignment around the 17th December, depending where you are in the world. So my thoughts are focused on this date at the moment.  While it is a risk putting it out there, because it could be totally wrong, it would be interesting to see what others think about this.

Oh, and regarding the dreams.  Could be because I watched too many Utube clips or ate something that reacted with my brain the night before, but I had a dream a month or so ago that a ball of light came into my house and into my bedroom and bounced back and forth at the end of my bed getting faster and faster and then I felt my body being pushed up and down the bed a couple of times.  I woke with a fright and could not work out if it was real or a dream.  I finally convinced myself that I would not be able to see the light coming up the hall from where I was sleeping in my room, like I did in my dream, so it must have been just a dream.  But it was felt very real and freaked me out for a while. 



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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #26 on: November 11, 2012, 08:26:13 PM »
Happy 11/11/12 ;D  Been a good day for our family and our existence has rippled all the way to Africa today! Love thy neighbor! 
Pay it forward with random acts of kindness.


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #27 on: November 13, 2012, 12:53:44 AM »
Hi all, I also see 11s and have been for many years now. Thought it was maybe just coincedence at first.  Like many of you I see 11 on digital clocks, on tv, on microwave oven, etc.  Just recently noticed seeing the numbers 1,2 or 2,1 with 11 or combinations of them. Maybe a sign to prepare for 12/21/2012?? Just looking for answers. Anyone else seeing the number 2 incombination with 11?


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #28 on: December 23, 2012, 12:50:29 AM »
Well, the world did not end, the Mayans just got tired of carving rock, and I am still seeing 11's today.  Happy happy Joy joy...


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Re: Keep it to ourselves?
« Reply #29 on: December 26, 2012, 04:56:09 PM »
Something is happening,i can feel it,sense it,keep your eyes on the news!!