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Messages - Dred

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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Found this
« on: August 08, 2014, 08:55:42 AM »
Yes I enjoyed reading it as well, you can tell it was written by an 11'r.  I wanted to reply to 11erSteve's post the other day when he said he was happy go lucky, cause that explains my life to a T.   After reading this article it might explain why we are so happy go lucky.  Definitely a good read and will give me a new focus for dealing with my 11's.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Found this
« on: August 08, 2014, 03:34:38 AM »
Came home looked at the clock it was 1:11 am so for kicks started searching for why 11's in and found this article.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: To be or not to be?
« on: July 30, 2014, 10:32:51 AM »
Thanks for sharing Lin, I read that list about 6 months ago or so when I started having my diet changes, and now to look back over it again there are a number of things I notice now that I hadn't before, so I agree there is some truth to this.  I'd say 6 months ago I was like 50% now it's more like 75% of the stuff on the list.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Divine intervention or ?
« on: July 25, 2014, 12:25:43 AM »
That forum is a good find Pointman.  So much stuff already posted there, and a  lot to dig through.  Thanks for sharing.  As for your experience it's really amazing the effect on light/electronics and another thing I'll have to think about when dealing with my own experiences.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Please participate with us
« on: July 23, 2014, 05:11:51 AM »
Welcome aboard Patricia, really loving more 11'rs coming out these past few days.  I love how you would use lucky number 11 to guide your bet.  It's like a game I've started playing recently to follow the 11 license plate.  Only done it a couple days but when I do it so far hasn't let me down in choosing which lane to follow in traffic.   I also like you started noticing the 11's a couple years back as well.  But it's more then 11's to me now it's 11 and 7 my birth time was 1:17 am so not only do I see lots of 11's but I'll also see 17's or 11:17.  Somehow our birth times and dates seem have a 11 relation I noticed from a number of other posters.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Divine intervention or ?
« on: July 20, 2014, 10:36:37 PM »
Welcome aboard Lets Roll, you know I can't sit here and say it is or isn't divine intervention.  What I can say though is that it was your experience and has gone on to help shape you and your perspective of life and to think outside the box.  Which over time drove you to coming here and sharing your experience with us.  Regardless if this happened or not does not matter, what matters is the affect it has had on you, and I appreciate you coming here to share it with us, and look forward to more conversation in the future.  Maybe it was divine enough to put you on the right path.  I've had my share of experiences that i question if it was completely of my own doing or something above had intervened.  So you are not alone here my friend.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« on: July 18, 2014, 05:02:04 PM »
Welcome aboard Ms Intrigued, it's great to see another person speaking out.  Any input is welcomed because none  of us understand for sure what is driving the phenomenon so it's through each other we have to find the similarities to help us to understand it.  I'll admit though I'm addicted to coming back here daily cause the phenomenon continues to show it self in the posting times of peoples post. 

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: (111111 x 111111 = 12345654321).
« on: July 17, 2014, 06:38:09 AM »
Bleh messed math up on some of the above numbers.  All the repetitive numbers mixxed me up heh and it's to late to edit now so sorry i'm not the best typer.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: (111111 x 111111 = 12345654321).
« on: July 17, 2014, 03:55:26 AM »
I brought this back from the dead cause I wanted to add to it.  1x1=1  11x11=121  111x111=12321 1111x1111=1234321 111111x111111=123454321 1111111x1111111=1234567654321  11111111x11111111=123456787654321 See the pattern?   Maybe it wasn't worth resurrecting the thread but I had never noticed this pattern before so I thought it was cool.  Squaring a repeating one number seems to always equal a mirror'd number in sequential order forwards and backwards to the number of 1's in the number squared.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« on: July 12, 2014, 05:09:29 PM »
There was video linked at the beginning of the page you may of missed.  It's the speech the head of the IMF made recently.   A lot of people think we are on the verge of a paradigm shift, which is kind of what this prophecy is possibly explaining.  Now in the IMF heads speech she brings up lots of numbers such as 70 years and what will happen over the next 7 years.  If a currency reset happens  and a new world currency was rolled out which has been on the table of discussion with the IMF for a while this would could lead to major changes throughout the world.  Also if you believe the bible and the 7 years of the tribulation, if the reset did happen this year and we do go through a 7 year tribulation period there we would find ourselves at 77 years from the prophecy and the making of the IMF as was noted in the video or 7 x 11.   A lot of this prophecy makes sense to me and changes that I've been making in my life over the last few years not to say that is right or wrong but it makes sense.  Food for thought for the 11rs, we are in interesting times friends.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« on: July 11, 2014, 08:27:21 PM »
Found this at another forum I frequent,  very interesting read.  What do the rest of you all think?

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« on: July 11, 2014, 03:52:14 AM »
Bridge66 I worry bout you because you sound to have the most troubles of the 11rs that are posting.  Yes it's very likely not every prayer is heard, but what defines God.  Is God just some magical being up in the sky, or is God more then that.  Could God be everywhere and in everything, and are these prompts his sign to us that we are chosen?  Is God trying to tell us that he wants to share his divine universe with us in it?  For sure you are on a path my friend and it doesn't sound easy, yet still you are here with us surviving when you have been challenged by death itself and prevailed.  The reason I say this is in another forum I frequent one person once mentioned that 11:11 is the Shield of God, and as I see it, if things start getting biblical then I see 11rs being the ones who will stand up to the challenge.  Just trying to give you more to think about though, because for all I know I could be completely wrong as well.  Stay strong my friend.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Please participate with us
« on: July 08, 2014, 05:11:20 AM »
Yes I do believe they are trying to suppress the human race from evolving.  This is about control of our minds, they only want us smart enough to do the slave labor jobs we perform to earn an almighty dollar and not ask questions.  As far as who and or if religious leaders are involved it is highly likely I think all religious institutions have been corrupted.  Even the pope said just last week a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is dangerous.  Dangerous really??  How could a relationship with ones savior be dangerous?  This is because they want you to believe the path to heaven is through them, not within yourself and your own personal connection to God. 

As for what Pointman19 speaks of is way above my head though I love to read it all, it's so dang interesting I wish I could shed more light to help but anything I come across I'll be sure to share as I am always digging in my spare time.

Lin as for having musical ability or knowledge, no I'm not a musician, but dancing is my passion has been for years way back when I was young in the navy I would go to clubs, parties, raves and dance all night.  Yes in those younger years I experimented with stuff I shouldn't of but live and learn. Now after I got tired of the substances, all that was left was the dance.  Music and beats are my Canvas.  So I have an intense focus one what music i use to create.  Music touches me emotionally.  When I choose a song I choose music that sends chills up my spine and gives me goosebumps all over. 

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Please participate with us
« on: July 03, 2014, 06:56:21 PM »
Hey Lin, Hi and Welcome!

    I absolutley love the fact of how you brought up numbers in space and nature.  Ive always been a firm beleiver that Nikola Tesla was correct when he claimed that math could be a way of the universe communicating with you.  Ive been looking further and further into this and have found a site that will take you further down the rabbit hole when it comes to numbers.

The Fibbonacci sequence and "The Golden Number" are two things ive been looking at when it comes to numbers in the universe as well as in nature.  One thing thats pretty certain, the golden number, or Phi, is literally found in every plant, every rock...even human beings, If of at least "average" build, would equal to Phi.  The spirals of some of the galaxies (like ours) equal to Phi.

Phi is the begginning of what i think we all have heard of, Sacred Geometry. 

Numbers and Harmonics....This is quite possibly my next blog entry.

Heres the site for Phi, the Golden number (1.618)

This site has literally as much info as you can digest when it comes to Phi appearing in EVERYTHING around us.

Found an interesting thread on another forum to blow your mind with pointman19 and anyone else that wants to delve into what he is talking about. 

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Calling All Angels!
« on: June 27, 2014, 11:05:38 AM »
Welcome aboard luckymadon, It's great to have more experiences to read thank you for sharing what you know.  I look forward to to more conversation in the future. I love your astrological insight something we definitely need to more of I think.

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