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Messages - Dred

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I've never had a birth chart done, but this does sound very interesting, I hope we get more feedback.  My astrology sign is Aries born 3/25.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Sherpa
« on: June 23, 2014, 10:11:36 AM »
I wish you the best with the book 11erSteve, did you plug the forums in the book?  It's a pretty big step to get out there and tell others your beliefs I hope the universe warmly welcomes your beliefs.   I know I tell myself to shut up so much cause my views are so wild I hate to freak the world out.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Time to Take Action
« on: June 21, 2014, 01:47:07 AM »
I get exactly what buddy is talking about with cayce.  I'm not a scholar who's read tons of books but I have been a pursuer of truths and conspiracy and wanted to find out my own understand of what  I thought was going on.  The world is playing out to bible which is creepy as hell.  He's right about the catholic church as an institution is completely corrupted.  I suggest people get to learn more about Jordan Maxwell, youtube channel TheGroxt1, Jonathan Kleck as well has his own you tube channel that touches in to this kind of information as well.  Also the radio show I posted in the other thread Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis is a weekly 5 hour radio program that is closest last thing we have to real free speech.  Whether you agree with the show's views or not he gives everyone open air to state their opinions, and looks at everything politically also spiritually "As above so below".  I completely agree things are bigger then one would want to imagine.  Interesting times friends.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Time to Take Action
« on: June 20, 2014, 08:44:49 PM »
You're awesome Lin, I'm with you on this not only is it the time to act it is the time to spread the word, if we want to do this then we need as many other 11'rs on board as possible.  I fully believe in the human potential to create we just need the collective focus to make it happen.   Try to advertise this site please as only a handful of hardcore 11'rs won't be enough if we really want change then we must bring more to the table.  I took the first step putting myself out there on the radio, hopefully we can start to build.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Yes I kind of did...
« on: June 20, 2014, 10:30:07 AM »
About 2 hours 18 minutes into the radio show on 6/19/14. 

It wasn't on during the national hour but it was at least heard on the west coast and now its online for everyone. 

Welcome aboard BuddyM,  I don't know what the moderators expect of the forums if conspiracy theory is allowed or not.  I try not to push my views on others, because like you I have bad view of the world and governments atm so I don't like to rain on others parades.   Also you don't know who you can trust now a days, posting stuff online that speaks out against the system just puts a target on your head.  I don't need to do the research because I have already done it.  Like you and maybe others here as well I can't speak for them, I have that same damn urge to find out wtf is really going on in this matrix we live in.  Yea Sandy Hook stinks to high hell of orchestrated event, i've seen videos where the kids at the superbowl 2013 were compared to the kids of sandy hook and they all match up.  It's hard to know what is real truth now a days with so much propaganda at every corner.  But a lot of what you have said makes sense with me, such as the intense emotion and eye tearing up when you know something you shouldn't normally.  I think i have experienced the same.  I look forward to more conversation, just try not to paint to big a target so fast.

Well you nailed your post time 5:44:45 I look at the post times all the time that people post, because it appears when we post our 11's carry through when we are posting a point  that has meaning to us.    As for being a minute  early or late days same has happened to me,  It doesn't bother me really but after so many 11's in my life I stop to ask the clock literally I do this "Wierd why am I a minute off today"  I've never seen anything bad come from it.  The 11's can come and go, but lately I've been more on then off.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« on: June 03, 2014, 11:11:18 PM »
We're being guided by fate I think.   I don't know what else to say, but someone above is pulling strings for me in my life that is for sure.  Everything falls in place for me, my impeccable timing never quits, the prompts get more and more lately we are getting near a breaking point.  I've also had an awakening in taking care  of myself and lost about 80lbs weight over the last 5 months or so from 250+ down to 175, gone almost complete veggie as well.  There is a reason all this is happening at once, time is close my friends.  We are in interesting times.

Honestly no idea, but luv all them 11's heh.  As an 11'r my time of birth was 1:17 am.  I see this number so much or 11:17, my last post time in the other thread 11:16 which 1 and 6 is 7 of course.  I see these things all the time in my life, can't say what you are seeing is destiny, but I do like to sometimes let my 11's lead me or make a choice if that is what you are looking for.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Please participate with us
« on: May 20, 2014, 11:16:00 PM »
Welcome aboard Lin, it's great to hear from more 11'rs.  I try to keep in touch up with this forum every few days, always interesting to see others experiences and watch there posts times as wierd as that sounds but the 11's almost always carry over into our postings.  I have a new theory I was playing around with today in my head.  When I arrived to work today and I'm a janitor I clean buildings, I arrived just in time to save a guy who was cooking some eggs at work from burning them cause he had left the pan unattended when I just happend to walk through.  This guy came down a minute or two later and thanked me for saving him again.  You see I have helped this guy a number of times before just being in the right place at the right time.  Saved him from getting locked out twice, saved him from throwing away his wallet.  That got me thinking of how many moments I was the guy right on time.  In the Navy I saved our boat cause I was the guy in the right place at the right time, and kept our boiler online when we were onloading fuel and neck and neck with another boat.  Later in life I got a girlfriend and right after I moved in with her, she got ran over by a car.  Again I was the guy there right on time, to help through what was likely one of the hardest times of her life and if I wasn't there she might of  likely not endured to see it through.  So how about the rest of the 11'rs do you find yourself right on time?  Doesn't matter the situation.  Just that I/We are the ones that are there when needed.

The eye is considered a window to the soul, nothing new here to me that is.  Maybe for many who aren't though this could be haha eye opening.  Tying it in to the 11 phenomenon is first though.  I might have to go see a movie again.

I'm not sure tbh, I like to think there is something I am communicating with through the numbers at times.  Nice to know I'm not the only one though, cause regular people would think of this kind of action as crazy.

You ever ask a question then look at what time it is for an answer?  Such as  a simple yes no question?  Or better yet, have an idea about something you aren't sure of but by checking the time it can confirm it for you? 

Luv that freakin post time steve lol, 8:33:08  8+3 are 11 mirror image 83 38.  Don't know if any of the rest of you notice this stuff but it trips me out to check out everyones post times to see how in tune their 11's are.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: New to the phenomena
« on: April 05, 2014, 06:45:14 PM »
322 Skull and Crossbones, the elites know the power that number as well.  Welcome aboard.

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