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Messages - Dred

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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Somebody say something
« on: October 29, 2014, 03:11:13 AM »
I'm doing quite well actually besides the fact I had a completely mind altering experience recently.  My life is playing right into fate as my friend has somewhat shown me.  Work is steady, and more odd coincidences falling  in to place in my life that just make me shake my head amazed.  Leaving me to believe something might be steering this ship besides me.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Somebody say something
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:10:35 AM »
I have a hard time sharing this and have been keeping it to myself for about a week now.  I had a hallucinogenic experience from smoking some Cannibis recently.  Which was extremely abnormal to say the least this is not he standard effect from smoking, and it only happened this once, I wasn't able to repeat the experience.  As I've stated in previous posts I've had a sudden lifestyle change about 9 months back and completely changed my diet lost a bunch of weight, part of the reason behind this was I was trying to decalcify my pineal gland because I live in a state that has flouridated water and I had read up on how flouride caclify's your pineal gland so it doesn't work.  Well I think it worked I think because sometimes I can feel a little pulsing sensation at where my third eye would be located.  Now back to last week, I got some smoke and hadn't had any for a 2-3 months so my system was also cleaned out of that, and yes it hit me like a train to say the least.  I discussed this experience with a friend and they think it happend because I had completely cleaned up and then tried smoking out.

I was seeing aura's, I also was seeing tons of little life forces in all objects around me, even what appeared at one point like triangle shaped entities or it could of just a distortion in my vision that appeared to have shapes I wasn't sure what I was perceiving.  During this state which seemed to last about an hour or so, my music that I was listening to seemed to sort of communicate with me.  My dancing felt smoother as well, but then I noticed that I really didn't want to dance because reaming extremely still seemed to enhance the visual.   So I sat down in meditative position and just perceived and this was where i started seeing all the shapes and life forces. 

As well I had an idea about the 11's while durring this state.  Not to say this is right because I was in an altered state of mind, but it seemed to make some sense.  What my theory was what if the 11's are a sign that our life is being guided.  How I cam to this conclusion I know someone who is very close to me and is psychic.  They can tell me things will happen, and then they do.  So I have known for a while regardless of the choices I make in life I am still lead by fate.  Now this is what got me thinking how could ones life be ruled by fate, we have free will doesn't that throw fate right out the window?  Because you take the least path of resistance in your life.  You follow the 1.  The 1 will turn your life upside down to get you on track.  Such as what bridge is going through, as he has stated his life has a number of problems but things have had a way of working out for him.  He is following the least path of resistance.  This is the only way I can think of explaining how fate works.

You brought up the Vatican Lin  hmm why would a religious figure care if we were able to use a plant to perceive what might possibly be the other side?

Steve you brought up the tones, I don't know about the rest of you but I often get a tinitis like ear ringing that comes and goes which I also think is a part of the awakening process, I've read about it on blogs and other sites that the ear ringing could be another side affect of the awakening.  So does anyone else ever hear the ringing or is it just me?

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Somebody say something
« on: October 16, 2014, 06:55:31 AM »
I fear we are all turning in to a bunch of lurkers waiting for someone else start the ball rolling.  I come here daily to see what is said, but when no one has posted anything I wind up not posting as well.  Which isn't good, if we want this forum to grow and to attract more users we need to keep posting. 

Would adding extra sub forums for topics outside of 11 phenomenon help?  I know some people have come here before with interest of news/events especially when it comes to 11's being used in events.  Such as 9/11 and the trade towers, or 3/11 and Fukushima.  Do we limit ourselves by only delving into only one area of the 11 phenomenon and how it affects us?  When it can be looked at on a much grander scale as well.  I'm not suggesting turning this site into another conspiracy forum but I think there is a lot more that can be analyzed involving the 11's and synchronicity in news as well.

Maybe take suggestions for other ideas of looking at the 11's, from New Age Views, to Tarot, to the Secret.  Anything to generate more traffic, the more we post the we will likely bring.  So what I'm saying it trying to make the site a one stop shop for 11 phenomenon.

He calls the seeing of repeating numbers vision triplicity.  Sounds like it will be an interesting show.

Can listen online now at

It was also be uploaded tomorrow to the sound clound to be listened to for free 

11 Phenomenon Forum / Have you found out your life path number?
« on: September 26, 2014, 01:59:16 PM »
It's like astrology and another way to gain insight on your life, it's made a lot of sense to me.  I'm a life path 6.  So in a weird way me being a janitor now and serving others makes sense with my life path, might not be my actual calling and I'm sure I could do better things with my life, but I do enjoy taking care of others and looking out for them.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: September 26, 2014, 01:54:29 PM »
Welcome Jp, you got some crazy 11's leading your life from the start that's amazing.  Glad to hear from you.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Divine intervention or ?
« on: September 24, 2014, 11:44:54 PM »
Happy to hear from you Lin, Isn't it a trip to leave the flat lands of Florida and be able to see actual mountains?  Reminds me when I joined the military I had to go Florida for boot camp and I live in Utah which has mountains all over, I was completely lost in Florida without being able to look and see a mountain and know what direction I was facing.  Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself and getting to spend some time out in nature something i need to do more in my life.  I don't have any cool mystical stories though, but the phenomenon still persists in my everyday life letting me know some force is still around me. Like yesterday I went shopping had to get a couple things, that totaled $9.06 and then when I got out to my car and started it up the dash clock lit up and of course 9:06 pm.  Always amazes me.  Namaste to you my friend.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Hello from a newbie and my thoughts on 11
« on: September 24, 2014, 11:31:36 PM »
Welcome AKD, nice to see someone bring some new light to the forum.  Like you I wasn't raised a religious person, but I don't think religion has anything to do with spirituality.  I like the idea that we are all spiritual creatures having human experiences.  I think it's interesting you saw 555 before you posted, and your post time was 5:03:02 3+2=5 so 55 again.  The synchronicity of the phenomenon always amazes me.  As I was once a sailor I don't mind the sailor speak haha.  You have some very interesting things to say and I look forward to reading more from you.  Always feel welcome to share what you know or find, because I don't think any of us have the actual answers. I think we are all here looking, and learning as well  and maybe through each other we can get a better understanding of it.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Time to Take Action
« on: September 11, 2014, 12:54:48 PM »
Lin you always make me smile when you post, I'll be praying with you today. 
Namaste to as well friend.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: 11's changed my life
« on: September 11, 2014, 10:35:05 AM »
I enjoyed reading your experience Pointman, and yes that girl did have quite a amazing voice.  I think you are on to something with following your intuition.  This last week I downloaded a tarot app to my phone, with the idea if the 11's are tied to spirituality or spiritual gaurdians then would it be possible to get messages though the cards, more or less just playing around to see what came of it you know.  So playing in the options I found you could turn on the option to load more detailed descriptions of the cards from wikipedia this morning.  So I drew a card it was the Knight of Wands, and the page it took to me to is  And this is what prompted me to reply to your post.

"Being a knight, you are always in the middle of a fire. If you want to survive, you must rely on good sense and the intuitive ability to react. The horse represents a natural instinct, a drive. What you must find out is how you can find out what you want even before you're aware of what you're doing. Express your thoughts. Don't consider eventual losses, and don't have any expectations. Act before you know why. Just keep on moving because action is the only thing that brings you closer to your goal. Meanings, events and tasks will become clear only when things are happening.

Your energy needs to go to good use. Let your intuitions take over, follow them where ever they might take you. The energy that is not active turns into dead weight that weighs you down, everything will become harder. Your fire uses and renews all the energy brought to the task. React to what is around you in order to find what you're looking for. Just be sure that the tasks that you put your energy towards are worthy of the energy you give to them."  Then as listed on the wiki page it showed this image.  It's great to hear you are doing well, and look forward to hearing more great expreriences in the future from you cause I'm sure this is only the beginning.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Just seems to get worse and worse
« on: September 05, 2014, 06:59:20 PM »
Why do you stay with someone who who suggests that driving into a tractor trailer would be the best idea you had all year?  You can't fix a addict he has to do that himself.  Maybe it's time to rethink your options on where and what you should be doing in your life.  Fresh start at 63 sounds scary but it's way better then ending it all.  That's the selfish way out.  Maybe the 11's are queing you to make some life changes?

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Just seems to get worse and worse
« on: September 05, 2014, 12:31:20 AM »
I don't know if you read one of the articles I posted in one of the other threads.  But yes I believe 11's can mean good or bad,  I think it can mean we are going though changes, as changes to what who knows.  Here's the article,   The guy that wrote this as it states went through a divorce and became homeless for five years.  So obviously the 11's to him seemed to be a bad sign as first as well.  But he pushed through and turned his life around, it's interesting read I'm not sure if it is what you want to hear, but it may shed some light as to what is going on in your world.  He doesn't start talking about his experiences with the  11's till about half way down the page, he also talks about 2012 which has come and past so skip past that if you want, and if you are intrested in the mayan stuff or not you can skip that too.  Maybe it's a test I'm not sure man.  I didn't start noticing 11's till after rock bottomed out got my dui and starting putting my life back in order, I still get the 11's frequently I don't know if that means more changes are coming or not, but looking at world politics and all I fear for america and I'm doing my best to be ready for the next big event to hit.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Found this
« on: August 21, 2014, 04:07:26 AM »
Found another interesting read and a different philosophy for the phenomenon, some of what this person says makes sense to me so I'm sharing it with you all.  If you skip over the 2012 stuff and read what he says concerning the 11:11 there is a lot of interesting things to take in.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Books about 11 Phenomenon
« on: August 14, 2014, 07:01:49 PM »
Interesting you bring up the last supper have you seen this video. haven't read it yet though it sounds like something I would really enjoy. 

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: 11 appearing over and over again
« on: August 10, 2014, 03:44:58 AM »
Happens to all of us friend, and as yourself we are looking for the answers as well.   There are a number of theories already posted on the forums you're welcome to read through them.  Also if you find anything and feel like sharing that's what this forum is about.  We come here to share what we find, hopefully together we can finally get some answers, the 11's don't stop, and just when you think they have you get hit by like 6 in a row.  Some believe its spiritual, some think it may be spirit guardians/guide trying to contact you.

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