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Messages - 22

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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: New to the phenomena
« on: December 26, 2014, 12:08:40 AM »
Do you see other repeating numbers other than 22?
Hi, yes thank you for asking. I'm sorry for the late reply!
I see all the multiplications of 11 all the time. Most of my bills and receipts end with one of those numbers as well. Even at the station.
I've gotten used to it now, but it's still freaking me out on occasion!

11 Phenomenon Forum / New to the phenomena
« on: April 03, 2014, 05:18:03 PM »

This whole thing is now starting to become freakish! It's been obvious for a couple of months.
The reason I started noticing the more than coincidental looking at the clock at 11:11/22/33/44 or 22:11/22/33/44 is because I always have a negative feeling when I see the number 22!
The 22nd was the date my cousin died in 1992. My dog was hit and killed by a car on a 22nd date as well.
Every month when I see the 22nd on my calendar, I dread the day.
22 is my *unlucky* number.
I'm a non-believer. This is all too weird for me!   :o

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