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Messages - mikehancho11

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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Phase in, phase out
« on: November 03, 2016, 04:20:12 PM »
Well, I spoke to soon. I am getting hammered again!  Not an 11 in sight and then BAM, direct hit.  Huge medical issues with family and 11's around every corner. I am so ready for this to be done.  I have looked at this from so many different perspectives, angles and theories and it all boils down to misery.

Sorry for the rant, just need to vent.

Hey 11erSteve, saw your call out.  Thanks for the Secrete reminder, Im trying buddy. Hanging on by a thread.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Phase in, phase out
« on: September 17, 2016, 10:56:57 PM »
Hello 11ers,

I wanted to chime in and express some feelings for all of you. Some of you have just got here and others are seasoned vets.  I first chimed in back in 2012 with so many questions and fears of the unknown.  I have come to peace with this phenomena and it no longer is tormenting me.  I don't know why it has stopped but it has.  But, like a true 11er, I was relating back to the past couple years and connecting some of the dots of life events.  Two years ago the Phenomena started slowing down.  My life was on the pivot point of major changes to come.  Over the last year, I lost 2 brothers, my best friend and my uncle.  Since then, it has stopped.  I am getting back into a normal routine and things seem to have started to stabilize.  I have had some really great things happen also and not just tragedy.  Through all of this experience I have grown as a person and have a more deep connection with life.  I enjoy and notice the little things more.  The every day miracles that we all see and feel but get distracted from.  We are created to to connect with each other and not be alone.  My experience may be unique but this phenomena has made me change the way I live life.  So, don't fret it, none of us get out alive. Live and love with all your 11er might!

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« on: July 27, 2015, 05:46:52 PM »
Just checking in.  Been off line for a few weeks (had a death in the family).  I would like to be part of the conference call, if that happens again. 

I'm swamped with 11's lately!  It is like when I first came to this site.  Most of the last 9 months have been almost completely off.  Now, full throttle 11'er. 

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: 11'ners?
« on: June 17, 2015, 12:46:33 PM »
Hello again!  Took good long break and moved and built new house.  Funny all 11 stopped during this project?  I had enormous amount of stress that effected me mentally and physically.  When we started this project the 11's stopped, i did not even think about it at all.  Then once we moved in and got settled, they came back!  I am now once again experiencing the phenomenon of my people  :D  I have not had time to read all the new posts but did catch something about the "Secret" , well I just got a new friging HOUSE!  I started using the "Secret" and things started falling into place.  Things we thought before were not possible became possible.  I call it Faith, you can call it whatever you want, but, my conscious effort to project positivity has come back 100 fold.  Just saying?

Life a garden, Dig it!

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: To be or not to be?
« on: July 29, 2014, 09:09:51 PM »
I read though the list of signs and symptoms and like you I have to say that I am experiencing many of the symptoms.  This list sound like the side effects of some of the new drugs they advertise.  This may be a good bit of data to find a common link between us all but I think everybody at one time or another has some of these symptoms.

On another note, I have been using the prompts to pray and put out good "vibes". 

I hope y'all are picking up what I'm putting down.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: To be or not to be?
« on: July 29, 2014, 01:04:24 PM »
Thanks 11Steve for the reply.  I sure would like to know your thoughts on why we don't see 11 naturally.  I mean why use a digital clock (most of the time) to give out a prompt?  As crazy as it sounds, i sure would not mind getting a voice from above or even 11 pigeons landing on my car ;D

11 Phenomenon Forum / To be or not to be?
« on: July 28, 2014, 11:19:40 PM »
Hello 11er friends,

I would like to start off by saying, I'm still seeing 11's most every day and am still wondering the significance of it.  I have been reading and posting here for a while and have had some deep thoughts and listened to some way out theories of the 11 phenomenon.  I guess I'm just starting to get frustrated because i still do not have confirmation, one way or the other to the meaning of all this.  We have on one hand the people that think this is the power of good.  Angels or divine communication.  Some people think it is a warning of bad thing.  We have subjective examples of both arguments and still no confirmation.  This site is good place to express our thoughts of our feelings and faith with out harsh response or judgment.  I have learned so much about our world and the different beliefs that people have and feel I am more balanced in my own beliefs, for that I am thankful to all of you. 
     Recently, I wanted to examine what 11 really is. Why examine this?  Well if we are getting some kind of prompt, shouldn't it have some significance?  My first objective was to ask, is the number 11 special?  I wanted to ask this question in the arena of our natural world.  I am not considering the language of mathematics as the natural world because mathematics is a language created by man.  Now this is not to  say that quantifying of objects is not natural, I'm just saying that nature can be described using our developed language of mathematics.  So, if i were to go for a walk in the park or mountains or on the beach, would 11 have any significance to my experience?  Well, what would I see?  I would see trees, plants animals waves, sand etc.  Where is the 11? Well some may say its in the stars or planets, but this is still mans created interpretation, nothing of nature.  I wanted to look closer at the thing we see in nature and geometry of fractals, aka chaos.  Now if you haven't checked this stuff out, I would suggest you do.  This is formally defined "as following inherently unpredictable yet generally deterministic rules based on nonlinear iterative equations". In other words, random generation to create a total pattern.  This we can see in nature all around us. For example, the shapes of leafs, cloud formations, the erosion patterns of the landscape.  These patterns are absolutely beautiful and all around us.  Ok so I'll try to wrap up my thought on this, starting to sound like Pointman :)  If, in my opinion, we are truly getting prompts from ???, we should see them everywhere we look.  We have naturally occurring patterns all around us that can be described using our language of mathematic yet we still see no 11 or something representing 11 (natural pattern). 
  In conclusion, I can not deny that I see this number more than just coincidence, however, I do not have any confirmation that this has any meaning at all.  We all see this mostly from modern technology and in the form of man made language.  How can this have anything to do with us?  I just don't see it naturally, what do you think?  I know this sounds like I'm rambling on with this but this is the only way I can vent to people who know what I'm experiencing.  You are my people ;) 

11ers unite!


moderate in all.

Seems about right to me.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Family or Friends?
« on: April 28, 2014, 10:44:52 AM »
Hello 11ers!  I have new experience to share and want to know if anyone else has noticed the same thing.  I have posted in the past that the phenomenon has not been contagious to people around me.  My son would just roll his eyes at me and think that i was just weird every time I pointed out an 11.  It seems now that he is a full blown 11er.  He is waking in the middle of the night to 11 and all the other places that we get it.  Has this happened to to any of you?  I don't know if I infected him by suggestion or he is the real deal.  I have mixed emotions that now I don't feel so alone in this, but on the other hand, I feel bad that he now has anxiety and feels stressed out that it is happening to him.  Any Thoughts?

Do any of you know any other 11ers personally? I mean someone close to you, and if you do, did they see 11's before you and mention them to you or did you mention them?

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: same here
« on: January 27, 2014, 01:07:46 PM »
I keep getting sick about like normal.  Oh and by the way, please get your flu shot.  Seen lots of serious cases and a few young people die from the H1N1 strain this year.  I never have seen anyone get sick or die from the flu shot.

     I wanted to be still and quiet for a while and try to tune in to the frequency that is beaconing.  Steve mentioned the "feeling" and was presented the 11 to give conformation that his radio was tuned to the 11 frequency.  My experiences are that I can not force the 11 to happen, it seems to surprise me every time, yet when it happens it seems right.  If that makes any sense?  When I consciously think I have the "feeling" and seek the 11 it is not there, but when I am awoke from deep sleep for no reason and look at the clock in the middle of the night to 11 past the hour, the "feeling" is there only for a moment then passes.  I know this sounds like rambling on but like Steve was stating in above post, I do not think this has a negative implication.  I am yet unable to confirm this due to the fact i have had 11 presented prior and during both positive and negative life experiences.
     Take this for example, I work as firefighter/EMT.  Every time we get a page to an emergency the page is time stamped. There are many times that this is time stamped 11 past the hour. Would you consider this a positive conclusion that we are on the way to help, or negative that something bad is happening? Personally, I have seen 11 while behaving in positive behaviors and during negative behaviors.  The only consistent effect of the presentation of 11 is that I then am made aware of my currant behavior.  Has this made me change my behavior in the moment?  I can't say that it does.
     I like the information given about vibrations and frequencies.  This some how makes some sense to me, but I feels like i can not quite tune in.  Have you ever been on a long road trip in the car and been out in the middle of nowhere in the wee hours of the night and can only tune in to one station on the radio, but as you move the dial over the frequency it only gives a sample of clarity as you move the dial over it.  You can never get the station to tune in clear. So you are constantly sliding the dial back and forth over the frequency only to hear it for a moment.  We know it's there, but why wont our radio stay dialed in to the frequency?  Something is interfering.  What is the interference?  Physical attributes such as mountains, solar flares, weather?  Are there physical blockages to our radio station? I feel there is but I can not put my finger on what it could be.  Or, is it spiritual blockages?  What ever the interference is I just want to get this station dialed in and enjoy the song that is playing in full.  It is so frustrating to only hear snippets of this tune that is call to the soul!

     Well, what is all you feelings to this viewpoint?

11ers unite!

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Check this out
« on: December 13, 2013, 09:02:10 AM »
Hi 11'ers,

I wanted to ask you all about an observation I have had and see if it is consistent with any or  all of us.  I have now been trying to explain or show people in my life the "weirdness" of the frequency that I see 11's.  Meaning that when they really get rolling and are popping up everywhere, I will point them out and get a consensus that it is really weird.  However, If this is a psychological anomaly it should be contagious with people around you. It's like when you start humming a jingle or stupid song that you cant get out of your head and then the people around you start humming the same tune.  I asked my wife if she noticed 11's now that I point it out to her all the time.  Her and the kids stated that they do not see them at all, unless I point it out to them. 

Well, this is just an observation and I think for myself I can conclude that I have not contracted some weird mental problem or that I'm contagious.

One more thing I was curious about, if this is happening all over the world and to people of all geographic areas,  races and religions.  Then how are some of the "chosen" seeing 11's when so may people in the world still do not live in the "digital age".  I know that when I get out and spend time away from technology I do not see any 11's and I don't have any other feelings of being signaled.  I don't see them in the clouds, trees, bushes, or mountains.  Now I know that there are more poor people in the world that do not have computers, digital clocks or even electricity, so how would this phenomenon affect them?  Or, is that the point to all this?  Is this a warning that technology could be our downfall?  I have pointed this out by referencing Genesis 11 and how the people of the world spoke one language and really began to become so organized that they lost their humility toward God.  This web site is a perfect example.  We now have the ability to speak to the entire world with one language.  We are able to now come together as one and share ideas, thoughts and technology. Have we become our own point of worship or in other words, our own idols?  The Tower of Babel
may be getting close to being toppled over?

Or not, what is your take on this?

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Check this out
« on: November 11, 2013, 10:00:37 AM »
Happy 11/11, 11'ers

I have been bombarded lately and now have the 333,444 stuff happening.  This is new to my experience and it seems like my experiences are expanding to new levels.  Personally, my everyday life experiences seem status quo, spiritually, I have been in a rut and feel I need to get back into actively pursing and living my faith.  There is so much garbage in this world that can fill you up and distract you from your true purpose. 

Peace be with all of you and lets all do some kind a random act of kindness today.  Maybe WE are the catalyst to this movement and we need to take the first step with actions and not just random philosophies.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Similarities?
« on: October 23, 2013, 07:27:15 PM »
Welcome to the family! This site is the only place I get comfort and understanding.  We all are seeking and searching for answers to this phenomenon and I believe we are all in this together.  Your journey will lead you down many different paths.  Eventually we will all find ourselves on a common path.

As Joe Dirt says, " Life's a garden, dig it"

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: My whole story on 11
« on: October 08, 2013, 10:09:47 AM »

I think that in the vast number of possibilities of this phenomenon you have a interesting theory.  However, many theorys prior to yours have forced numbers and patterns to fit into curent affairs of polictics, govenments and world events.  I think we all understand that the 11's is a sign or warning, I just think that along with this warning we should be getting a solution or way out to the events of the future.
Whats the point of getting a sneek peek if we can't do anthing about it or share its significants with others.

I like the way you think and how you pieced this theory together.  The Genisis reference was also to get you thinking about Tiaunaco and some of the questions you brought up in you blog.  I don't want to start you down a rabbit hole, but living at elevation may keep you safe from large reptiles!

Hope all of us 11's will soon have clear understanding, but untill then may love and compassion guide our paths.

I just had one more thought on the Genesis 11 refernece.  Are we (11") actualy building our own "tower of Babel".  Think about it, we now with the use of the internet and computers can break language, cultural and ideological barriers.  Will we soon be scattered?

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