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Topics - mikehancho11

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11 Phenomenon Forum / Phase in, phase out
« on: September 17, 2016, 10:56:57 PM »
Hello 11ers,

I wanted to chime in and express some feelings for all of you. Some of you have just got here and others are seasoned vets.  I first chimed in back in 2012 with so many questions and fears of the unknown.  I have come to peace with this phenomena and it no longer is tormenting me.  I don't know why it has stopped but it has.  But, like a true 11er, I was relating back to the past couple years and connecting some of the dots of life events.  Two years ago the Phenomena started slowing down.  My life was on the pivot point of major changes to come.  Over the last year, I lost 2 brothers, my best friend and my uncle.  Since then, it has stopped.  I am getting back into a normal routine and things seem to have started to stabilize.  I have had some really great things happen also and not just tragedy.  Through all of this experience I have grown as a person and have a more deep connection with life.  I enjoy and notice the little things more.  The every day miracles that we all see and feel but get distracted from.  We are created to to connect with each other and not be alone.  My experience may be unique but this phenomena has made me change the way I live life.  So, don't fret it, none of us get out alive. Live and love with all your 11er might!

11 Phenomenon Forum / To be or not to be?
« on: July 28, 2014, 11:19:40 PM »
Hello 11er friends,

I would like to start off by saying, I'm still seeing 11's most every day and am still wondering the significance of it.  I have been reading and posting here for a while and have had some deep thoughts and listened to some way out theories of the 11 phenomenon.  I guess I'm just starting to get frustrated because i still do not have confirmation, one way or the other to the meaning of all this.  We have on one hand the people that think this is the power of good.  Angels or divine communication.  Some people think it is a warning of bad thing.  We have subjective examples of both arguments and still no confirmation.  This site is good place to express our thoughts of our feelings and faith with out harsh response or judgment.  I have learned so much about our world and the different beliefs that people have and feel I am more balanced in my own beliefs, for that I am thankful to all of you. 
     Recently, I wanted to examine what 11 really is. Why examine this?  Well if we are getting some kind of prompt, shouldn't it have some significance?  My first objective was to ask, is the number 11 special?  I wanted to ask this question in the arena of our natural world.  I am not considering the language of mathematics as the natural world because mathematics is a language created by man.  Now this is not to  say that quantifying of objects is not natural, I'm just saying that nature can be described using our developed language of mathematics.  So, if i were to go for a walk in the park or mountains or on the beach, would 11 have any significance to my experience?  Well, what would I see?  I would see trees, plants animals waves, sand etc.  Where is the 11? Well some may say its in the stars or planets, but this is still mans created interpretation, nothing of nature.  I wanted to look closer at the thing we see in nature and geometry of fractals, aka chaos.  Now if you haven't checked this stuff out, I would suggest you do.  This is formally defined "as following inherently unpredictable yet generally deterministic rules based on nonlinear iterative equations". In other words, random generation to create a total pattern.  This we can see in nature all around us. For example, the shapes of leafs, cloud formations, the erosion patterns of the landscape.  These patterns are absolutely beautiful and all around us.  Ok so I'll try to wrap up my thought on this, starting to sound like Pointman :)  If, in my opinion, we are truly getting prompts from ???, we should see them everywhere we look.  We have naturally occurring patterns all around us that can be described using our language of mathematic yet we still see no 11 or something representing 11 (natural pattern). 
  In conclusion, I can not deny that I see this number more than just coincidence, however, I do not have any confirmation that this has any meaning at all.  We all see this mostly from modern technology and in the form of man made language.  How can this have anything to do with us?  I just don't see it naturally, what do you think?  I know this sounds like I'm rambling on with this but this is the only way I can vent to people who know what I'm experiencing.  You are my people ;) 

11ers unite!

11 Phenomenon Forum / Family or Friends?
« on: April 28, 2014, 10:44:52 AM »
Hello 11ers!  I have new experience to share and want to know if anyone else has noticed the same thing.  I have posted in the past that the phenomenon has not been contagious to people around me.  My son would just roll his eyes at me and think that i was just weird every time I pointed out an 11.  It seems now that he is a full blown 11er.  He is waking in the middle of the night to 11 and all the other places that we get it.  Has this happened to to any of you?  I don't know if I infected him by suggestion or he is the real deal.  I have mixed emotions that now I don't feel so alone in this, but on the other hand, I feel bad that he now has anxiety and feels stressed out that it is happening to him.  Any Thoughts?

Do any of you know any other 11ers personally? I mean someone close to you, and if you do, did they see 11's before you and mention them to you or did you mention them?

11 Phenomenon Forum / Keep it to ourselves?
« on: May 08, 2012, 12:47:21 PM »
I'm glad to have found that this is not just happening to me!  Why is it happening? I don't know, but I do know that all the people around me think I'm nuts.  I probably should have kept it to myself.  I sometimes wonder if this is just a subconscious awareness of the number 11 that your eyes are drawn to.  Even though you are not actively looking for the numbers your brain is prompted to pick out the number 11 and bring it to your conscious awareness, thus, making you think it is more prevalent than it really is. 
If this theory holds water, there should not be any common link to all of us that keep seeing 11.  So, what is the common link to all of us?

What ever it is or is not, maybe we could start a Thread that compiles some of this information?

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