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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: 11 is everywhere
« on: March 16, 2012, 10:52:27 PM »
At the least it is another sign/warning.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Watch 'Touch'..
« on: January 27, 2012, 04:51:43 PM »
I kind of knew he was going to pull something like that! Ha ha. Oh.. about the phone. Do you remember the number he dialed? I didn't record the episode and though Fox said the pilot was supposed to be on the site, I don't think it will be up until tomorrow. At the moment, there only appears to be clips.

I don't know what the phone numbers were. I assume there will be different numbers with each episode if the series stays in line with the how the pilot episode went. I did watch the beginning of it over again and saw that the boy's birthday was said to be October 26, 2000. 10/26/2000 (1+2+6+2=11); and as I mentioned he is 11 years old as the series begins.  ;D

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Watch 'Touch'..
« on: January 27, 2012, 04:43:09 PM »
Kind of sucks to be so aware.

It wouldn't be so bad if more people understood it. It is hard to describe what is going on to someone who hasn't had it happen to them.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: 11 is everywhere
« on: January 27, 2012, 04:38:37 PM »
I really don't understand and I have tried to meditate a lot to figure out but I am cluelss

Thanks for sharing your experiences and welcome to the forum!

At this point I don't think anyone has all the answers. I think this is a sign that coincides with so many other things pointing to this time period. I would ask that people going through this keep their minds alert to what is going on in the world and together we might be able to figure this out. People often ask for a sign from God. I doubt many of the people who have experienced this have had more direct confirmation on the existence of an order and higher power in the world anywhere else more than they have from this. When this reaches a certain level and you realize that countless others are having the same thing happen to them it is impossible to honestly discount. We might try in vain to ignore it, but we can't write it off. For the majority of people up to this point it is not something they knew even existed until it started happening to them.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Watch 'Touch'..
« on: January 26, 2012, 12:59:22 AM »
87192311 is the lottery number in the show. Anyone decipher this number for me?
Sorry. I think I misheard the number. It's actually 87 1 9 20 31 11.

The individual digits add up to 33, and of course the number 11 is in there. Don't know if any of this is intentional on their part, but we know it is no coincidence!

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Watch 'Touch'..
« on: January 26, 2012, 12:47:20 AM »
Thought they said he was autistic. Wonder what they did diagnose him with, since he has supposedly been mute for all his life and child services is involved because of his behavior. He must understand what people are saying.. at least, in some form.

I think the characters in the show assume he is autistic in the beginning, but as the show goes on they will realize that it is something far beyond what they first thought. I assume that is what will happen since Keifer and the creator were quoted as saying he was not supposed to be autistic. I think that is what they had him diagnosed at in the beginning of the episode. At the end he appears to show affection, although he grabs the phone out of Kiefer's pocket. Lol.

Yeah, I saw that it starts a day after the kid's birthday. That was probably the closest they could get without changing the day of the week it is supposed to air on. Lol.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Watch 'Touch'..
« on: January 25, 2012, 11:56:06 PM »
It's about us!!  :-\ Seriously weird. The show is about eleven. This kid sees all these patterns.

You beat me to the punch 8) Yes, I saw it! I was hoping when I saw the previews that there would be some kind of connection to what so many of us have been experiencing.

From what I've read the boy is supposed to be 11 years old! He is not supposed to be autistic, according to Kiefer Sutherland and creator Tim Kring, although he is described as gifted.

I thoroughly enjoyed the show, although I have no idea what people who have not had any number experiences will think. An article from the NY Times basically mocks the premise, but coming from them maybe that isn't a bad thing. I think just the fact that someone like Kiefer Sutherland took on a role like this at this point in time shows you where we are at with all of this! The show was pretty fast paced with a "24" flavor to it so it has some potential. Whether or not people who have not had any number experiences can connect with what others are experiencing is anyone's guess. I'll bet there will be more than a few who will wake up who may have had some prodding, but totally dismissed it as coincidences they thought were exclusive to them. I think most of us where there at one point.

The official series premier is supposed to be March 19th.


Drawing on the ideas of quantum entanglement and the interconnectivity of matter and consciousness at the quantum and human levels, Kring’s follow-up to Heroes is not shy of addressing enormous themes.

Viewers will get a window on such mathematical concepts as the golden ratio, the Fibonacci sequences and the recurrent patterns of the Mandelbrot numbers found so frequently in nature - all wrapped around a father/son tale of alienation and reconnection.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: January 24, 2012, 04:06:57 AM »

Glad you found the forum. Thanks for posting the chart identifying days in 2012 that equal 11.

That Obama video is a great find. I also noticed that the number 10 (years) is there twice below the clock showing 11:11. Dropping the zeros this could be considered another 11. With everything else pointing to 11 in connection to the video I don't think this is a big stretch.

I love all the 11/11:11 connections you have experienced in your life. So many people are connected to this it is amazing. From daily experiences to major life events, it is impossible to ignore.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Crop circles and the number 11?
« on: January 24, 2012, 03:45:18 AM »
This is something to consider. Many people feel that these really are signs and it would make sense if there is an eleven connection. I would be interested to find out more on some of the earlier crop circles; say 10 years ago or older. With so many people seeing the number 11 I would be more skeptical on recent formations. I would find even suspicious formations that are back before this phenomenon became so widespread to likely be more than a coincidence. Not only the shape of the formations are worth considering, but the dimensions as well.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: January 24, 2012, 03:29:27 AM »
Wow, I didn't realize there were so many 11's and such associated with that article. Great catch! The solar flare threat has been on my radar for a while which is why I posted the article. I saw a couple of the 11's in there, but missed most of those number associations you found. After seeing these connections the solar storm threat that is predicted to peak the end of this year or in 2013 is more of a concern than ever. This is already beginning to happen:

"There is little doubt that the cloud is heading in the general direction of Earth," announced in an alert. "A preliminary inspection of SOHO/STEREO imagery suggests that the CME will deliver a strong glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 24-25 as it sails mostly north of our planet."

Sunday's solar flare was rated an M9-class eruption, which placed it just on the verge of being an X-class flare, the most powerful type of solar storm. M-class sun storms are powerful but mid-range, while C-class flares are weaker.

The sun's activity waxes and wanes on an 11-year cycle. Currently, our planet's nearest star is in the midst of Solar Cycle 24, and activity is expected to ramp up toward solar maximum in 2013.


I do experience a lot of the repeating numbers. Mostly 33, 44, and 55... Repeating numbers seem to be very common with people who are having this experience.

[Are numbers, (like hieroglyphics), a language?]

Yes, I do think numbers are a universal language. The universe seems to be mathematical, right down to our DNA. I don't think we would be very far at all technologically without numbers. Science couldn't really exist. It seems the universe was created using numbers and basically boils down to numbers. Just makes these kinds of experiences people are having today all the more compelling.

Here are some famous quotes on numbers/mathematics:

All is number
— Pythagoras

There is geometry in the humming of the strings. There is music in the spacing of the spheres.
— Pythagoras

Tolle numerum omnibus rebus et omnia pereunt.
Take from all things their number and all shall perish.
— Saint Isidore of Seville

It is strange that we know so little about the properties of numbers. They are our handiwork, yet they baffle us; we can fathom only a few of their intricacies. Having defined their attributes and prescribed their behavior, we are hard pressed to perceive the implications of our formulas.
— James Roy Newman

Physics is NOT a body of indisputable and immutable Truth; it is a body of well-supported probable opinion only .... Physics can never prove things the way things are proved in mathematics, by eliminating ALL of the alternative possibilities. It is not possible to say what the alternative possibilities are.... Write down a number of 20 figures; if you multiply this by a number of, say, 30 figures, you would arrive at some enormous number (of either 49 or 50 figures). If you were to multiply the 30-figure number by the 20-figure number you would arrive at the same enormous 49- or 50-figure number, and you know this to be true without having to do the multiplying. This is the step you can never take in physics.
— Anthony Standen

The qualities of number appear to lead to the apprehension of truth.
— Plato

Truly I say to you, a single number has more genuine and permanent value than an expensive library full of hypotheses.
— Robert Mayer (German physicist)

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: January 10, 2012, 05:10:28 AM »
The date 12-21-12 reads as, A-B-B-A-A-B. When you consider that the Hebrew language is read from right to left, this date would read BA ABBA.

The Hebrew translation for BA ABBA is "Father comes" or "Father is coming"
This is fascinating. It is hard not to look at that as anything short of being a sign. When you consider everything else that is pointing to our general time period it seems impossible to ignore.

Another shocking revelation is the scientific timing of the alignment of our sun with the milk way galaxy. At 12/21/12 at 11:11 p.m Universal Time, this alignment will occur.

With the number 11 and 11:11 getting so many people’s attention how can we ignore this one? Also, if you add each digit of 12/21/2012 it comes to 11.

NASA also predicts the sun will reverse it's magnetic poles in 2012 and end it's 11 year sunspot cycle

I have heard this is way overdue to happen, although nobody seems to know for sure when. The protective magnetic field is weakening and that itself is not good news given NASA’s predictions of intense solar storms that could later this year and/or next year. These storms have the potential to devastate the power grid. A reversing of the magnetic field would leave us basically unprotected for a period of time. If it happened in the next couple of years we wouldn’t stand a chance. Even the reversing poles by themselves is a scary thought, although some scientists claim it isn’t a big deal. The ecosystem could be in trouble since a lot of life forms such as bees and birds use the magnetic fields to navigate. None of this sounds good to me.

In 1859 telegraph systems failed worldwide due to a large geomagnetic storm. Imagine what would happen if something like this occurred now considering our dependence on the power grid, satellites and the internet…


"Even more disconcerting, telegraph systems worldwide went haywire. Spark discharges shocked telegraph operators and set the telegraph paper on fire. Even when telegraphers disconnected the batteries powering the lines, aurora-induced electric currents in the wires still allowed messages to be transmitted."

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: God or Satan?
« on: January 10, 2012, 04:31:53 AM »
There are many predictions and many potential disasters that people think will cause the end of the world. Many seem very plausible, yet they can't all happen. The Mayan calendar gives us 2012. Isaac Newton believed it would be 2060. The Bible seems to point to somewhere in this time period as do other major religions and Nostradamus... What I think we can take from some of this is that everything pointing to these days could be considered signs. I don't believe the world will end on 12/21/12, but it is a major galactic event that happens to occur at 11:11. Given the times we live in it is hard to ignore.

Even the acts of evil people could be considered a sign. The spirit of the anti-Christ appears to be alive and well. The anti-Christ himself is probably alive as well. You are right in that we are not supposed to know the date of the end. We are told to be watching and that certain things would happen in increasing fashion like labor pains. I think those and the things we are talking about are signs as well.

Yes, there are evil people who seem to use the 11th to commit terrible acts. Evil people will twist even good things and try to use it for their own purposes. Many natural disasters have occurred on this date as well. I believe these are signs. I don't think a number is inherently evil, although numbers can a symbolic meaning. 666 obviously represents evil. The number 7 is considered a Godly number. Many people consider the number 11 to represent chaos and disorganization. It is also considered to represent revelation. Perhaps both are true, which could be why evil people often devise evil schemes around this number and good people seem to be given this number as a sign or wake-up call. The tribulation will be a time of chaos that ultimately leads to the return of Jesus. Disorganization and revelation do kind of go hand in hand. So in that sense the number 11 could represent both bad and good.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: January 10, 2012, 03:57:23 AM »
I really want to talk about all the details, but I feel that the messages are very personal and to be treasured. I would talk about it if it was face to face, though. I am just a bit nervous shall we say about posting this stuff online. I'm sure people are watching.

No pressure to reveal any more than you want to, although you are among friends here. There are skeptics for just about everything so don't let them bother you.

The rest will think that we are crazy. If it were just me or only a couple people, maybe. But not with this many. I am sure some of them aren't genuine (a few crazy followers), BUT I have a hunch that the vast majority of us are telling the truth. These are not coincidences. I believe god is sending us all a message. Perhaps our angels, too?  :)
Like I said previously, this does feel like I am 'waking up'. Anyone agree??

As I have mentioned in other posts; due to the unusual nature of this and the fact that up till now most people never heard of such a phenomena until it happened to them it just cannot be explained away by insanity. If a million people saw a UFO tomorrow I could not chalk that up to insanity even if they were all nuts to begin with. Lol. They saw something. Since everyone has heard of UFOs since they were children that scenario would seem more likely to happen than for so many people to have this experience with the number 11.

I believe god is sending us all a message. Perhaps our angels, too?  :)
Like I said previously, this does feel like I am 'waking up'. Anyone agree??

Many people believe this is a wake-up call; To or from what is where a lot of people disagree. Those of us who believe in God believe that ultimately it is from God.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: January 10, 2012, 03:30:04 AM »
I also feel it is something positive, seeing the number 11, and it is almost like a friend that greets me everyday.  I hope someday we will know what it is about and hope it is something that will better the world we live in.

11 Dogs,

Welcome to the forum. I know what you are saying about it being like a friend that greets you everyday. It often happens to me at times that I am frustrated by things that I cannot really control. It often seems to be like an angel telling me that better days are coming. I know these things sound crazy to people who have not experienced all this with the number 11. Those people should keep in mind that most people who started experiencing this did not know such a thing even existed until it started happening to them at such an incredible rate. It is not like other phenomena such as UFOs or ghosts where everybody has heard of them. It is somewhat understandable how someone who has heard of something many times might wake from a dream or something and imagine something happened or saw something unusual and let their imaginations run wild. The 11 phenomenon is so unusual in this regard that it seems it would be hard to ignore even by people who do not experience it.That being said it is now happening to so many people there are no doubt a lot of people now hearing about it prior to experiencing it. Even those people will know when it happens in earnest that it is far beyond a heightened awareness of this phenomena.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« on: January 10, 2012, 03:09:51 AM »
11 Clouds,

As Phoenix mentioned, it could be tinnitus. I believe there are a lot of possible causes for that. Many are not serious, although rarely it can signal something more serious. I believe that most people get occasional ringing in the ears. In most cases it goes away after a short period of time. If you are concerned it is something beyond normal and are able to see a doctor it wouldn't hurt. One less thing to worry about.

I have to mention that when I was thinking of a reply to your question I had a definite ringing in my left ear that I had not noticed earlier at all before then. Perhaps it was there before that and I didn't notice it. Probably simply a coincidence, lol, but with everything else going on I wouldn't discount it completely after that. Unless it happened regularly at specific times or something I wouldn't make much of it as some kind of phenomena though.

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