Author Topic: Conference call - June 6th 2015  (Read 25214 times)


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Conference call - June 6th 2015
« on: June 03, 2015, 10:28:04 PM »
All we will be meeting live this Saturday June 6th at 11am EST. We are all 11ers and we are all in agreement that we are 11ers for a reason. Each of us represent a price of a puzzle. None of us individually hold the answer but together collectively we have a chance to solve this puzzle and what this all means.
Join us this Saturday on the conference call 302-202-1106 code 193834..let me know if you are interested..there is something about live dialogue that is invaluable.


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Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2015, 12:13:39 AM »

For Saturday Conference : ( food for thought).  the characteristics of 11er's drafted several weeks ago:

Common Factors of the 11 Phenomenon:

1.  Most 11er's have some level of psychic ability and or awareness of spirit
2.  Most of us feel as though there is something more to do on this planet
3.  Most of us feel as though we are different in some way and don't fit in somehow
4.  Some of us see it as a warning that something bad might happen (personally or globally)
5.  Some of us see it as a good sign...a sign of spirit..universal energy, source or God
5.  We all have the ability to recognize patterns, coincidence, synchronicity

Other thoughts:

Feelings of being separate or misunderstood?

* Frustrations and dissatisfactions with the "normal" world?

* A deep feeling, thinking, and introspective nature?

* A driving need to contribute to creating a better world?

* A powerful longing for something more?

Group:  can you think of other characteristics we should discuss during our conference call?

A few other tidbits to think about before the conference:

-Chinese numerology relates the number 11 to the Tao, or way of Heaven
-Regular Numerology states the 11 is Mastery over the physical plane, illumination, mysticism,   empathy, inspiration, psychic abilities.

According to the occult:  11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect.
-negative characteristics of 11 are deception, delusions, instability, dishonesty, confusion.


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Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2015, 12:25:36 AM »
Conference Call Ground Rules:

>Mel You are the moderator?

>Be on time or call in 3-5 minutes early

> Please announce your name to the group each time you speak

> Turn off cellphones and any other electronic devices and also be sure you have a good/clear phone connection

> Stick to Agenda topics

> Don't  interrupt when another member is speaking

> Don't have conversations with other people during the conference call

> Respect all opinions and the privacy of others.  You may use your forum screen name to maintain anonymity.

Did I forget anything?  Agenda to follow.


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Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2015, 11:23:56 AM »

MELL 1111 ---Moderator

1). Introductions
      Ie; Steve from Oregon,  Lin from Florida. Etc...

2). The Basics:  What is the 11:11 Phenomenon? 
                        Who is sending the prompt?
                         Is it a random occurrence, electromagnetic, spiritual, genetic?

3). What does the 11:11 phenomenon mean to you/us as a group?

4). Why do some people experience the prompt (or repeating numbers) and others do not?  What are the basic commonalities that we all share?  Why have we been targeted?  Is it possible that everyone receives the prompts but don't recognize it?

5). When do we receive the prompts?  Is the timing of the prompt significant?

These topics are the basics.....and as I said it will probably take a few conference calls to sort it all out.  We are all in agreement that we came to the forum after researching the 11:11 because it was in our face that's how most of us got here.

Topics to also cover in future phone calls are factors such as:

1). Religious background/affiliation
2). Level of psychic ability if any
3). Any medical procedures which would "wake" up or stimulate the brain (such as anesthesia) etc...certain drugs receive the prompts.
4). Personal accounts (keep a log)
5). DNA....are we encoded to receive the prompts etc...

You get the idea.  Please make every attempt to join us on the first conference call.  Anyone have anything else to add to this agenda? 

We have to start somewhere.  Many thanks to Mel for organizing the call.  I look forward to speaking to you tomorrow ....

Mark 11:22.
Jesus said, "have faith in God."



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Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2015, 12:16:37 PM »
   I think we should limit time to 1 minute or less or this call could last too long.
   On another note I just found out that my cousin is an 11er who sees primarily 11:11 and 1:11 and not many other 11s! Isn't that interesting?!


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Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2015, 12:34:40 PM »

I agree on the time....Mel Is the moderator and I am sure we will be very cognizant of the time.  This is a topic that could go on and on forever.  That's why I think there will need to be multiple calls...multiple topics to address ....and maybe someday we can all get together in person and solve this mystery of the century.  I am optimistic that we WILL get to bottom  of it Steve!

Interesting about your cousin....I recently learned my step-daughter is an 11er....born on 11/1 ....can you imagine?  There are millions of us out there's incredible. 


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Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2015, 03:00:25 AM »
Sorry, I'm not going to be able to make the conference call, but I suspect there will be more in the future... I would like to suggest one thing if anyone wants to do it, and that is to say a prayer for our group. I think this could be a powerful thing to help us with discernment, blessing, and protection from the enemy. If prayer means anything then coming on behalf of our specially called group could be very significant. Saying thanks to God for selecting us to be a part of this mystery seems fitting. Not suggesting it to be a denominational prayer or anything like that. But I think we all understand that there is something out there on a higher level communicating with us, so recognizing and giving thanks would seem like a good thing... If we didn't believe in this higher power communicating with us I suspect we would be writing it all off to incredible coincidence. Just a thought.



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Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2015, 08:28:18 AM »
I should be able to make this but it will be very close as i have to take my girlfriend to work.  Hope a few minutes won't hurt lol.

I have a feeling there will be more calls in the future, maybe even a weekly occurence! Is there any way someone can record the callfor others to listen to? Someone's idea may become that other persons ephinany


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Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2015, 09:11:15 AM »
Yes we definitely should have additional calls, maybe we could do weekly or bimonthly. We can ask on today's call. I love the idea of opening with a prayer..also thanks so much for putting an agenda together it looks great. I'll go ahead and open up the bridge 5 minutes prior

The only thing I didn't see was a time limit for the call.. We probably should keep it to an hour or 90 minutes maximum.

I'm not a big fan of the recording idea, however what would be great is if someone could take meeting minutes and then we can post to this thread after the call, it should be interesting!


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Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2015, 04:34:37 PM »
It was definitely very interesting and thought provoking.  I was really spirited at how well the call went and for people that never met each other, it was awesome chemistry!

I really look forward to the next call, and I would encourage others to join... Even If your intention is to listen to others. 

Thanks again for having me amongst you all on that call.

Light and love



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Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2015, 06:18:22 PM »
All please see the minutes from today's call...I agree there was definitely chemistry and I feel it's the start of an amazing new journey for all those that are ready to take it.
Attendees: Lin, Steve, Mel, Pointman, Dred, Brandon
Meeting start: 11:00am EST. Meeting adjourn: 12:05 EST

Notes: we started by recapping the meeting etiquette rules
Each attendee introduced themselves and which region they reside. Each member shared how there 11 experience began and it was no surprise that we all had the same experiences. We all see it on the clocks, on the odometer, on receipts. Everywhere.. We all started seeing them very slow in the beginning however the frequency has been exponentially increasing. We likened it to birth pains.... The bible references that the end will come like birth pains .. When a woman goes into labor it starts off slow, then it begins to increase...the closer the baby comes the stronger and more frequent the pains until finally there's the climax and out pops baby,...well the same is happening to us..we are seeing 11 more and more frequently will continue until there's a climax..the question is what are we giving birth to?
We also all see triple numbers like 555, 222, 111, 444... What does it all mean...
After introductions were made we attempted to see if we shared any common threads...everyone lives in different regions and have different professions...what we did discover is:
We all believe in some sort of higher power
We all have very strong intuition abilities
We all are givers
We all are deep thinkers
We have the ability to affect our surroundings
We don't follow nor believe in status quo

We all agree these prompts are being sent by some force bigger than us.. We also discussed putting together a survey for the group...just to see what commonalities we share as a group..also it was suggested that we all start keeping a log of the events as they occur..what is going on around you..what you are doing and your mood,..also a good idea was to ask a friend or relative to see how many times they see the number 11..

It was very awesome being able to talk to others that are going through the same thing ...and we all seemed very natural with each other.. Like a family..or long time was weird...but nice..

A very thought provoking discovery was shared which was the double slit was the first I had heard about but I looked it up and it's blown my mind...thanks for sharing's what it's all about...knowledge is true power

We agreed we would meet every two weeks to start..the time and day would stay the same. The call will be kept to an hour... So I encourage all who want to join to take that step and do something.

Next conference call 6/20/2015 at 11am.... Hope to see you there!

God Bless!


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Re: Conference call - June 20th 2015
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2015, 09:00:23 PM »
Hey I don't know what happened its been crazy busy...distractions left and right and the 11s are definitely increasing ...time just flew by its crazy...
I have my reminder on about the conference call.. I'll start it promptly at 11am EST for anyone that wants to join..


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Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2015, 09:03:46 PM »
 conference call 302-202-1106 code 193834


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Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2015, 09:13:26 AM »
Call is at 11am eastern time, right? I know its 8:00 am on the west coast. 11erSteve


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Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2015, 10:32:15 AM »
Yes 11 am est so in about 30.