11 Phenomenon.com Forum

Numbers => 11 Phenomenon Forum => Topic started by: Pointman19 on August 29, 2014, 09:43:56 AM

Title: 11's changed my life
Post by: Pointman19 on August 29, 2014, 09:43:56 AM
Hey Folks,

     Its been a while since ive made a post or contributions here lately. Its been a crazy, rollercoaster ride when it comes to life changes and the past four months. Since i chalk this all up as a spiritual expeirience and for those that are curious...heres what has happened in the past four months when it comes to following your signs and spirit guides.

I went to this particualr message board first.  11 phenon may be where my quest started, but the people over at 1111spiritguardians.com helped me come to an understanding, so i made this post on those boards.  Ill warn you now, its long winded lol but for those that still question if seeing 11's and feeling like your being watched over is a spiritual experience, i urge you to read this post...maybe its the stepping stone you need to start your own personal quest :)

Title: Re: 11's changed my life
Post by: Dred on September 11, 2014, 10:35:05 AM
I enjoyed reading your experience Pointman, and yes that girl did have quite a amazing voice.  I think you are on to something with following your intuition.  This last week I downloaded a tarot app to my phone, with the idea if the 11's are tied to spirituality or spiritual gaurdians then would it be possible to get messages though the cards, more or less just playing around to see what came of it you know.  So playing in the options I found you could turn on the option to load more detailed descriptions of the cards from wikipedia this morning.  So I drew a card it was the Knight of Wands, and the page it took to me to is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knight_of_Wands.  And this is what prompted me to reply to your post.

"Being a knight, you are always in the middle of a fire. If you want to survive, you must rely on good sense and the intuitive ability to react. The horse represents a natural instinct, a drive. What you must find out is how you can find out what you want even before you're aware of what you're doing. Express your thoughts. Don't consider eventual losses, and don't have any expectations. Act before you know why. Just keep on moving because action is the only thing that brings you closer to your goal. Meanings, events and tasks will become clear only when things are happening.

Your energy needs to go to good use. Let your intuitions take over, follow them where ever they might take you. The energy that is not active turns into dead weight that weighs you down, everything will become harder. Your fire uses and renews all the energy brought to the task. React to what is around you in order to find what you're looking for. Just be sure that the tasks that you put your energy towards are worthy of the energy you give to them."  Then as listed on the wiki page it showed this image.  It's great to hear you are doing well, and look forward to hearing more great expreriences in the future from you cause I'm sure this is only the beginning.

Title: Re: 11's changed my life
Post by: Pointman19 on September 26, 2014, 10:41:08 AM
This is an awesome response, the definition of that card is basicly how ive live my life now.  Its hard to describe the further chain of events since this post but its been incredible, its almost like a surprise around every corner....

Patience and Perseverance.  Life kicks you all around, every direction...and there are times where it feels like life has the heel of its boot on your neck and refuses to let you up.  You have to rise ABOVE that, you have to dig down, find what motivates you and stirs your passions..and pursue them.  When doors begin to open, youll know who to thank ;)

Just keep your attitude positive, thats so crucially important.  You cant force yourself to be positive if youve been in a negativity rut.  What i had to do, was change the way i view things and observe from a different perspective.  This will help you overcome the things that royally pis...erm..upset you.....even when what makes you mad is something you cant change.  Dont dwell and stay angry...again, find what motivates you..even if its a hobby.

The happier you are, the higher your vibrations.  Then the closer you become in sync with yourself and in snyc with the "Mysterious"