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Messages - Jodie

Pages: [1]
11 Phenomenon Forum / 11's everywhere since my husband died...
« on: April 25, 2013, 07:03:25 PM »
Hello, I am new to this site and I must say, while the 11's aren't really bothering me, I am curious . My husband died March 31. I started noticing the 11's very soon after. Waking up at 11 minutes after the hour, every hour. Looking at the clock randomly,  always a number 11...11:11...I do not know what his exact time of death was, but I was told " a few minutes after 10 am."I wonder if it was 11 minutes after?...this happens MULTIPLE times a day,and all through the night. If I wake up, you can bet it's 3:11am, 1:11am, etc. I am curious to get more information about this phenomena.  I think it definitely means something. Any thoughts?- Jodie

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