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Messages - caribbean11

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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: My whole story on 11
« on: October 14, 2013, 07:37:12 PM »
Hi Everyone,

As my username suggests I am from a small island in the Caribbean and approximately 1 or two years ago, I can't say for sure because the first many times I saw the 11 I didn't pay attention to it and wrote it off as coincidence.  Last year however, I became keenly aware that the 11 was stalking me and I decided to pay attention.

At first what I noticed was 9:11 and I thought it might have to do with the event of Sept.11 but then I noticed I was feeling a sense of urgency and in truth there were some things going on in my life that needed urgent attention.  One main thing was my vehicle; I almost always saw the 9:11 when I was driving or thinking about or talking about my vehicle.  i had a distinct sense that I needed to sell it before anything went wrong with it. Well after it suffered serious engine damage I realized that, that was probably what the 9:11(s) were about and I saw them alot less after that.  But then it started up again within a few weeks with 4:11, 7:11, and other variations of 11 and I realized there was more to it.  I did a search online and came across this weird movie, which I still regret watching and I forgot to continue searching after that.  The 11(s) kept coming for a long time and so I searched and found you guys and some other very interesting material.  One of the things I found though as most of you are aware is that the number is associated with chaos and confusion and it makes sense to me that 9 and 11 are put together because they are almost opposites.  This is translated in my mind - when you think its peace and safety then comes sudden destruction or order and good governance will emerge but only after a great disturbance or sometimes things have to get worse before they get better etc.

I'll interject here that I am a christian and believe every word I read in the Bible not because I'm a conformist and easily indoctrinated because I'm not but because I am one who tests the things I read and have been told and if I find them worthy of belief I hold on to them and if not I toss them out or put them in holding until I can fit them somewhere.

Recently I spoke to a prophet here in my own country (and I don't mean some spooky weirdo he's an ordinary guy with a very good high profile job,  if you didn't know him or hear him speak you wouldn't know this about him).  I sheepishly asked him about this 11 phenomenon and of course he couldn't identify with it but simply said the number is not a good number in the scriptures and it could mean there is some confusion in your life that needs to be sorted out.  He didn't have to say anything more because the truth is there is a lot of chaos in my life.  I am not an organized person by any stretch of the imagination and that was the reason for most of the issues I have had to deal with in my life.

Anyways, you all may not be like me so that might not have been helpful to you however, after he said that to me and I made some resolutions about my life I began to see the 12(s) showing where 11 used to be.  Twelve in biblical numerology means governance/government.  I still see the 11's though at different times, sometimes when a particular individual calls me or when my life is a bit out of order at a particular time or in relation to a situation as well as the occasional random but its a lot less.

I do recognize some common threads among us though like the curiosity for the supernatural, alien citings and things like that.  I was 11 when I first saw this amazing phenomena in the sky and I called a couple of my boarding school mates and they saw it and tried to explain it away.  What I saw was something as bright as a star and it seemed to be that far away making crosses in the sky covering what must be thousands of miles at a time in sharp instant darted movements but not always the same distance each time so that if the crosses were drawn it would look very chaotic on a piece of paper.  There is no machine made by man that could do what I saw that night.  Also I find that I see shooting stars more often than the average person.  If I go outside and look up a t the sky for a couple of minutes I see one or two almost as if they fall because I'm looking for them instead of the other way around.

Then next thing is the idea of aliens having been on the earth before I have been telling people for a long time that the bible supports this view but it doesn't necessarily use the term aliens.  In Genesis 6:2 when it talks about the 'sons of God'coming on the earth and sleeping with women and the children being giants and heroes in the land.  These were not angels and most people believe, because angels at least the angels from Heaven don't have a adult activity they are not male or female according to Jesus and He would know better than anyone else.

I believe they were called 'sons of God' because they looked more like men but were obviously not men and in comparison more like God than men at least in the eyes of the writer.  I Jude it says that they left their place, which suggests that they had a geographic home unlike the angels who go wherever they are assigned.

Sorry guys I didn't intend to sound so preachy and long-winded.  Feel free to comment.

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