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Messages - Rod

Pages: [1]
Hello everyone!
I signed up on the forum a couple of months ago, and I've really enjoyed reading all of the stories about everyone's experiences with the number 11.  My "sightings" started about 20 years ago I think, but have intensified over the last 4 years or so.  I tend to see them everywhere (like most of you): clocks, addresses, receipt numbers, etc...and I just had to get online to see if I was the only one experiencing this.  I'm very glad that I found others out there!

As I started digging for answers though, I began to realize that the number 11 has even more significance to me on a personal level with respect to the point where it left me with no question that there is a reason that 11 is important to my existence and perhaps something more spiritual/metaphysical.  Here are some data on that:

Birthday month is November
My birthday is 11/2/70 (1+1+2+7+0 = 11)
I was born at 12:17 (1+2+1+7 = 11)
The number of letters in my first and last name add up to 11

And externally:
The address of my building at work (currently) is 111
Address of a building I used to work in 7 years ago was also 111
Address of a building I used to live 20 years ago is 1140

I'm not a numerologist by any means, but the 11 phenomenon has caused me to pay attention to so many details that I have apparently not noticed in the past.  Whenever I see 11s, I now always try to stop and live in that one moment, taking in every bit of stimuli coming my way in an attempt to find some kind of pattern in the chaos...some message that will bring me closer to this higher level of connected consciousness I'm hoping this is signaling.

Please let me know if you all are planning any other conference calls again in the near future.  I'd love to join in and meet the group and share my experiences as well.

I hope everyone has a good 4th of July!


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