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Topics - Constantly11

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11 Phenomenon Forum / Just a thought...
« on: March 01, 2016, 06:25:00 PM »
Hello Everyone

Did you know that rapture is going to happen in the "twinkling of an eye"? Which is 11th of  second.

Hope all is well with all the 11ers around the world.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Newbie
« on: December 16, 2015, 04:46:31 PM »
Hi everyone,
I have been reading your posts for quite sometime now without being a member, then I decided that I need to share with someone that understands what I'm going through in regards to seeing 11.
It started about six months after my mom passed away she passed Oct 2 2012 and around the same time I started getting my life together, I quit using stuff that was harming my body and my mind. At first it was 9:11 all the time then I started seeing the 11s on the clocks and license plates just like most of you have. Now I see every combination of 11 on clocks and plates for instance, 5:42 or 1:28 it doesn't matter the combination I recognize that it totals 11 automatically. 11s have become a big part of my life that I can't imagine not seeing it, it started off frustrating me because of the anticipation that something bad was going to happen. I am a spiritual person and I often considered myself a unique specimen of a being. I've come to the conclusion that its my mom communicating with me because when I'm feeling a certain way or I pray that my car doesn't stall, there it is in front of me and behind me on licence plates. Its an amazing experience and I am grateful that I'm not the only one going through this.


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