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Messages - Pointman19

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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« on: July 18, 2015, 12:50:33 PM »
I apologize for leaving early, when I opened my car door my handle ripped off and flew across the parking lot

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« on: July 11, 2015, 01:31:40 PM »
Im sorry i havent been around the forums since the fist conference call.  I have been so so busy with work...(and i got to see a Weird Al Yankovich concert, HUZZAH!!)

Sorry, my inner nerd went crazy last night.  :P

When is the next conference call? I would really like to take part in the next one :)

Peace and love


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« on: June 24, 2015, 08:50:09 AM »
I'm sorry I want there for this one, I was out of town on business

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« on: June 06, 2015, 04:34:37 PM »
It was definitely very interesting and thought provoking.  I was really spirited at how well the call went and for people that never met each other, it was awesome chemistry!

I really look forward to the next call, and I would encourage others to join... Even If your intention is to listen to others. 

Thanks again for having me amongst you all on that call.

Light and love


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Conference call - June 6th 2015
« on: June 06, 2015, 08:28:18 AM »
I should be able to make this but it will be very close as i have to take my girlfriend to work.  Hope a few minutes won't hurt lol.

I have a feeling there will be more calls in the future, maybe even a weekly occurence! Is there any way someone can record the callfor others to listen to? Someone's idea may become that other persons ephinany

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: 11'ners?
« on: June 03, 2015, 01:13:18 PM »
Hey folks!

i love the idea of a conference call...why not?  However, i used to have an App on my phone called Zello.  Its a "push button" two way communicator for a lobby of people.  I do think you can create your own lobby for 11ers and now that i think on it, back in the day when i used to fool around with this app, there were lobbys that were simply named "11"

This might be a great way to get all of the 11ers from this forum into one lobby, get a discussion going that doesnt require your actual phone usage, just the wi fi (for those who still may have to pay for minutes or worry about data usage)

Lin and Steve, check out Zello when you get a chance.  This might be the perfect app for a perfect occasion.

11 Phenomenon Forum / Good Morning!
« on: May 22, 2015, 11:11:14 AM »
Just wanted to say Hi to all 11ers at 11:11  ;D

There were times when i wondered if 11's have  been happenning all my life....but i wasnt aware of them until i was 33 and "woke up"

A good example i have for you, and this is no lie or exaggeration haha

Latley, i started to wonder if this has been going on longer than i thought.  Had i been unaware of the messages when i was younger...and i came to a very startling revalation as i poured over my memories.

Im 35 now, but when i was 19, i was dating a woman that was 30 when i was in the Army.   So right off the bat, there was an 11 year age differnce, but not done yet. My birthday is on November 12th, Hers....was November 11th.  So...11 year age difference, and an 11-11 birthday.  How about any of you?  Now that your all awakening...can you think of a time when 11's may have been trying to reach out to you when you were still sleeping?

I think this is a very important matter to focus on when it comes to finding commonalities amongst 11'ers.  Something we can add to "The List" of what we all have in coomon. Have 11's been trying to communicate all along???

As for 11's and their meanings....i really think its up to interpretation.  When you started to see those numbers, do you remember that day?   It seems that we start seeing those numbers, at whatever point in our lives...its for a reason.  It seems that poeple go through something so terrible...or so elating...that the numbers start to show up.

for me, i was at the lowest of the lowest i could go in my life and i cried out for help. I mean, no one was around, i was on the shores of lake erie and i just cried out for help.  Then the numbers started showing up...and these unbelievable syncronicities were piling up around a point to where i just knew from that point...i wasnt alone.  It almost felt like someone was always walking with me, though i cant see or hear them.

This is what 11 means to me.  it can be quite different for other people of other situations or upbringings :)  I hope i didnt muddy the waters for you too much lol.

Ill help the best i can

Well first things first, you cant monitor every single thought or your going to go mad lol.

Have you ever seen the documentary The Secret?  if you haven't, take about an hour when you find some time and check it out on Youtube.  Believe it or not, that documentary has a great way of starting a new way of thinking.

The reason this isnt so easy to do is because, in life, we have programmed our minds to expect a certain outcome for scenarios...or we were just trained to believe something at a young age...etc, etc.   So we've confined what we see and interpret  in our heads...its almost like were looking through an empty picture frame......our viewing and comprehending space is limited.

You have to find a way to break that frame and open up your mind to possibilities you have been taught were illogical or just plain foolish.

Everyone, in person at least, has told me that The Secret documentary is nothing more than an over glorified self-help video.

Well then, i like to say, for people who think that and refuse to watch it or dont take it seriously...your loss

Because the law of attraction works....and that video will show you how to start

Hello Friends!

I was on a website when i read a passage that resonated heavily with me. For such a long time, ive been under the impression that we can create with our thoughts, as long as the intention is pure of heart and not only will help you, but others.

For a while, ive been trying to find out how i can keep my agitations and distractions in check....and i believe ive found the best way possible to make this a reality.

The passage below, i will be trying to do. Should anyone else attempt this as well, could you tell me your results? I know creation can happen with thoughts , both positive and negative (law of attraction).

Before the winter hit, my thoughts and happiness were at a lifetime high. My car was in the ruts and i was truly hoping to get another one. However, i didnt worry about losing my one car due to its problems, i focused on the positive intention of how big of a benefit it would be to get a new car. Nothing fancy...just something reliable.

I had a nearly new car in the next month...pure luck (or as some would call that ;)
(This is a channeling from an entity before the 2012 solstice)

Time is speeding up. We are approaching the turning point of 2012 and this is noticeable. More often people feel that the energies around us are changing. The side-effects of these changes can influence our emotions if we fight these changes. Because of this we experience more insecurity, more tiredness or more feelings of being out of balance. These side-effects are getting stronger and are perfectly normal; it is a result of having one foot in the new reality and at the same time grasping on to the old. This throws us off balance.

Time is speeding up and so is our process of creation. We are invited by the universe to actively participate in our evolution. But what is it that we really want? Often our process of creation is influenced by limitations that we have set ourselves. We are approaching our creations, our heart. We are nearing the feeling that we want to change ourselves or change something. Certain old situations no longer suit us. Because of this turning point, our old patterns are reaching the surface faster and faster.

More often situations and patterns, which we thought we had deleted, resurface. When we focus on and give energy to these old pitfalls they will keep existing – they will even become stronger. They will gain more influence on our lives. And this is exactly what we don’t want. Yet it seems that we have no control over it. At the most unexpected of times they pop up. We will need to recognise that we are solely responsible for these unexpected surprises. We determine “consciously” but usually “subconsciously” (out of habit) what we still want to experience and learn.

Be aware of where your attention is going. Are you busy with what you think you need to have, what you are missing, what you don’t have? Are you focussed on your insecurities, what you can’t do, what could fail, your fears, your doubts? Then these will be confirmed faster than ever before. There is nothing wrong with this – if you really want to experience this. To create clarity in your process of creation, in what it is that you want and don’t want, then connect to your heart. Take your time, feel what you truly want. In dreaming and creating always take your time to feel your body. Do you feel those butterflies, like a feeling of being in love, then this is perfect. In that case, focus only on the positive possibilities, on what your dreams and wishes are.

However, do you experience a nervous feeling in your belly, then focus again. Recognise and acknowledge what is standing between you and your process of creation. When you discover that you have the tendency to postpone things – “this should be resolved first” or “I need to solve that first” – then realise that this is your head, your thinking. Everything is a choice. Is there still something between you and your process of creation, then always ask yourself again and again: why not now?

Time is speeding up and so is your process of creation. Be aware of every thought and where it is taking you. See the pattern that everything you think and focus on will be confirmed. Faster than ever before.
* * *

During “the Experience”, Janosh’s multimedia presentations, this subject will be thoroughly explored and explained and tools will be handed and used to clear up and release these limitations in a step-by-step plan. This way the process of creation can be started.

* * *

Time is speeding up and so is our process of creation. This process is under pressure: often we create from the many limitations that we have caused ourselves. Often we are aiming our thoughts and intentions at the things we are missing, the things we don’t have but think we need in order to proceed. The pitfall is that when we give energy to these limitations we will see these limitations confirmed. The energy of “Limitations” shows you that these limitations are an illusion and are originating from our thoughts, most of the time old programs and traumas. Try to release these and try to ask yourself before every new manifestation: why not now? Acknowledge what your pitfalls are and recognise that these are not real. Create from the heart, without limitations.

The Universe is Made of Numbers / Re: The Matrix
« on: May 11, 2015, 12:47:36 PM »
Another insane instance of matrix glitches....

I was at the county fair in Geneva, Ohio and just out of impulsion, i pulled out my phone, turned around and snapped a picture of the fair and all the people walking around then put it up on Instagram.

Many months later, my brother joins instagram and is looking at my photos. He comes running into my room yelling J.D, J.D, (my nickname lol), you gotta look at this!  Who do you see in this picture?

It was his now current girlfriend as one of the passerby in the photo, i had taken the picture months before they even knew each other.  All my brother could say crazy is THAT?

Mars is a very interesting planet.  I think it was once a hospitable planet with water and an atmosphere.  But if you look at the planet, get a really good look at it, you will see how there is a long "scar" that goes all across the circumfrence of the globe.  I think there was either a planetery collision that sheared off a chunk of the planet (possible reasoning for the asteroid belt between mars and jupiter is remants of "Old Mars") or a very very large asteroid. 

I think we've only scratched the surface on what will find on mars. but with fierce windstorms that encase the entire planet, constantly stirring up dust and debris...were going to need something more than a Rover to find any answers.

Numerology / Re: "Angel" Numbers
« on: May 11, 2015, 12:10:57 PM »
Now that's the mystery lion :)  Where do they come from and what are we to do?  That depends on what you believe.  I have a faith system that is not mainstream by any means, and this website and this group of people was what got me started and put in the right direction. 

I'm a very firm believer in the existence of Midwayers.

If you want to know more, this place is where i got the spiritual support...and they are wonderful people.  Tell them pointman sent ya from the 11 phemon forums ;)  Good luck...believe and accept what your heart feels true

Give Sandy and George my love

The Universe is Made of Numbers / Re: The Matrix
« on: May 11, 2015, 11:51:57 AM »
In terms of Binary and in a matrix situation, that would be a possibility.   Being in a matrix would explain synchronicity a teensy better, as well as what i call "Glitches in the matrix".  Where sometimes you see double of something right in front of you. That ones harder to explain, but this link will explain what i mean. 

Ive seen QUITE a few glitches, and even pointed some out when with friends.  I still wonder if we are actually in a matrix, but i feel that its a lot deeper than that

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