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11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Time to Take Action
« on: June 21, 2014, 11:36:41 AM »
Group, Buddy and Dred,

We have to begin somewhere.....thank you for supporting my 11:11 idea.  I believe that our group of 11:11er's can certainly change the world with our I said yesterday....when I sat down to write my post I looked at my computer and the time was exactly 333.  If that isn't a cosmic yes, I don't know what is.....spirit communicates with numbers, signs and symbols and we just need to pay attention to it.  11:11er's have the power to change the world.  We can only do good.  I read this quote somewhere and unfortunately I don't know who said it but it stuck in my mind....." All are one, in one are all."  We need to live by this on a daily basis.  11:11ers share a universal mind and consciousness ..........we can change things for the better.

Now, how do we reach all the other 11:11er's out there who can join us in asking the universe for peace on our planet?  I don't know yet.  Perhaps Gene our administrator can help us.  Let's brainstorm and try to come up with something that will reach our group on a world wide basis.  It may take some time but we could do it.  Let's give it some thought.

Buddy, I understand what you are saying....there is a lot we don't know about and so much evil that exists it is hard to not pay attention to what's going on.  As for the Newtown incident, I don't believe that was a conspiracy of any sort....what I do know is that an evil, mentally Disturbed young man along with his mentally ill mother was responsible for killing those children.  The reason why many of the families could not view the bodies was because many of the children  had their faces blown off during the massacre.  I know this first hand but cannot tell you how.  ( I lived in Connecticut and worked there a few years ago so I have many connections there).  I urge you to take the information you read and view it from a critical perspective.  There will always be some truth And some false statements in what you read.  Unfortunately Newtown happened.  And, it happened for a reason....those kids died so we could see just how violent our planet has become....they died so we could change we could make the violence stop......

I agree with both of you about the Catholic Church...born and raised Catholic and went to a Catholic school I have come to dislike Catholicism and all that it stands for.  I studied world religions in depth and came to the conclusion that organized religion has been the basis of many wars and conflict throughout our world.

I am now spiritually independent and believe in all the ascended masters who all taught the same one another and treat each other with respect.

I have a few more comments to make in this post....yes, Edgar Cayce was onto to something....I am fascinated by him and his abilities.....

The other thing I'd like to mention is that the Vatican has a 33 million dollar telescope at the MT. Graham Observatory in Arizona.  I don't think many people are aware of this.  This observatory is manned by Jesuit priests around the clock....hmmmm ...wonder what they are up's real.  They also have an infrared camera with an acronym L.U.C.I.F.E.R that is powerful in darkness.  And, apparently it is one of the most powerful telescopes in the world.  They are allegedly waiting for an alien savior.  I recently read a book titled Exo-Vaticana by Tom Horn and Chris Putnam.  I highly recommend it but as I said, always read with a critical mind.,, has it.  Buddy, you might want to read this one......

Another good book which talks about universal consciousness is The Power of Premonitions by Larry Dossey M.D.

More later....

Love to all 11er's

11 Phenomenon Forum / Time to Take Action
« on: June 20, 2014, 03:58:13 PM »
Greetings Group,

I think it is time to take action.  The world is a mess and I don't think anyone would argue that point with me.  So I have a suggestion....when we see the 11:11 prompt stop and pause for a minute and ask source to help us with world peace.  I have been doing this for quite some time now.  If we all did it, (and there are thousands of us), we may be able to change the violence and hatred that goes on in this world.

So let me make another point, I truly believe that those of us who see the prompt have powerful right temporal lobes and that is how we are blessed.  In addition, I believe that we can all communicate with a universal mind with the use of our right temporal lobes in our brains...... This has been proven time and time again that people who can predict disasters or receive warnings have one universal mind. 

I'd also like to thank Scloud for responding .  She mentioned Hebrews 11.1.  Please look it up.  It's very interesting....

So......can we alter current events by interacting with the universe by visualizing or asking for world peace when we see the prompts?  Let's try it......

By the way, as I started to put this all together I got another 333.....oh yes, the universe is speaking to us.  I truly believe we can change things....

Let me know what you think...can we do this?

Namaste and love to all,

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« on: June 09, 2014, 02:37:51 PM »

Greetings my fellow 11er's,

I have a story to tell you and I am hoping that this story will nudge other 11er's to share their experiences.  I think it is important that we all unite.....yes meet as ONE.  I reiterate....seeing the 11:11 prompts, 333, 444,555, 222 or whatever numbers you see on a regular basis is the UNIVERSE trying to get your attention.  Please participate with us on this forum. 

I told you in a previous post how my nephew whom I was worried sick about in Afghanistan called me at exactly 11:11 to tell me he was ok.  That was just one of many, many 11:11 situations...I have been woken up...literally shaken during a deep sleep only to look at the clock and see 11:11.  I see it on my odometer, store receipts.....the house I live in currently is the master number 22, 11+11.  I met a friend I call a sister in my soul family quite by accident by mentioning the 1111 prompt...This has been going on for quite some time....I found out about it by looking up the significance of the number of 11:11 on the Internet and it was then and only then did I know that others were experiencing it too.  I don't see it seems I see it only when there is something significant going on.  In fact, if you view my profile and I recently just discovered this....I became a member of this forum on March 29 at exactly 3:33.9 pm. Here we go again...the universe is giving me the ok to talk about this.

So here is the last story I will share with you.  We want to hear from you now.....

A few months ago I was house hunting with my husband and wasn't having much luck at all.  Everything we looked at was not up to our standards....and then one day my realtor,who has no idea I am an 11er sent me an email describing a house at 1111 Keyway Rd.  As you can imagine, I almost dropped my iPad as I was reading the description of the home.  What fascinated me the most was that the house address was 1111 KEYWAY.....catch that?   KEYWAY Rd. about blowing my mind?

We did not buy the was not what we were looking for......but the fact that the address was 1111 Keyway blew my mind.  My husband is not an 11r so he cannot understand how I feel when I see the prompt.  My 11:11 soul sister in Canada was also blown away by the address...

So is 11:11 a key to the spirit world?......what is it folks,...what are your thoughts?  We would love to hear from you on this forum...let's hear from you.....

Love to all 11er's

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« on: June 03, 2014, 04:38:27 PM »

I could not have said it any better than 11er Steve.  I believe the purpose of this forum is to come together and try to discover the mystery of the 11:11 prompt.  I know there are thousands of us out there.  And I also know, that we are special people.  Not everyone receives the prompt.  I found two other 11ers quite by accident while taking a class in Ayurveda.  I happened to mention that I was getting the prompts (because it was driving me crazy) and a woman in the class literally froze and said that she received the prompts too.  Her husband also receives the prompts.  We are now the best of friends.  We have so much in common, such as age, career choice, birthdays etc....that we could be twins.  I feel as though I have known her my entire life.  I think she is a member of my soul family.  Neither of us know why we get the prompts.  We both think that spirit is trying to guide us in some way.

So yes, like 11er Steve says......the 11:11 phenomenon is a good thing....positive, loving, and I think trying to get us all together as one.   Maybe, just maybe if we all came together......we could discover something great....or do something wonderful for the world.

So don't be afraid of's good.....all is well.....the Universe is truly trying to tell us something....let's listen...let's talk to each other......

Thank you 11er Steve for saying it like is is........


11 Phenomenon Forum / 11:11 Is a Spiritual Awakening
« on: June 03, 2014, 12:43:13 PM »

Special attention: Bridge and Anamie. I believe the 11:11 prompt is a positive thing.  You are surrounded by Spirit who loves you unconditionally.  We all go through rough times in our lives.  No one escapes.....keep a positive mindset.   If something isn't working for you CHANGE it.  That's what I do, I find a way to make it better.  If it means leaving an abusive relationship then do it.  Seeing 11:11 makes me happy...I always smile when I see it.  We are receiving a gift from Spirit....11:11 is telling you that you are not alone!

Please watch Simran Singh's You tube video...she is an amazing woman.  You will see how 11:11 helped her through difficult times.

The name of the video is Coversations with the can google her also....

Love to all 11ers,

11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Books about 11 Phenomenon
« on: June 02, 2014, 12:11:24 PM »

Books on the 11:11 Phenomenon that I read are:

11:11 The Time Prompt Phenomenon by Marie Jones and Larry Flaxman

11:11 by Solara

George Barnard previously mentioned in another post....all his books

One I have not read yet:  The 11:11 Code Secrets of the Convent

As I mentioned in a previous post......Number Synchronicity A Beacon of Light by Skoz Jones...he talks a lot about the 11:11 Phenomenon....I highly recommend it.

Another one that is very good is One Mind --- How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters.  The author does't talk about 11:11 but he talks about a global revolution in the sphere of human consciousness....he says that we are of one intelligence.  The author is Larry Dossey MD and he is brilliant.  I highly recommend reading his book.  Larry Dossey says that we are not alone, that we are all one.

And one more, Conversations With The Simran Singh...she gives a talk on TED the her book.  She began writing a newsletter on the 11:11 Phenomenon when her computer crashed.....when she had a tech try to retrieve all her data the only thing left on that hard drive was the 11:11 her talk on TED.....

That's it for now folks...if I find any more I will post them.  Love to all 11ers,


11 Phenomenon Forum / Re: Please participate with us
« on: May 28, 2014, 04:51:47 PM »
Dred and Pointman19:

You are spot on with the 11:11 phenomenon. sounds to me like you are an earth angel or what is commonly referred to as a Lightwayer.  I think many 11:11er's are highly intuitive have a gift.  The people you have helped are very fortunate to have you around them.

Pointman 19....yes sacred geometry and the Fibonacci sequence....I am very familiar with it.....and it is very interesting!  I recently read Number Synchronicity: A Beacon of Light by Skot Jonz....who is an archeologist.  I highly recommend it.  Thank you for sending the Golden Number website.  I will check it out.  Yes the universe seems to be one big if we could just figure out why we get these 11:11 prompts we will be on to something.  I truly believe though that we are special or chosen people to accomplish something....who knows what.

So let's keep exploring.  All you folks out there who are not speaking....tell us your story.  When and/or where and most importantly how are you getting the 11:11 prompt?  Speak up!

I will share one story:  I was very concerned about my nephew who was serving in Afghanistan....he was constantly on my mind.  I received a call from him from Afghanistan.  The time on my phone?  11:11 a.m of course....the universe is speaking to me was exactly 11:11 a.m when he called me to tell me he was ok.

The universe is speaking to you too....what's it trying to tell us....please share. This is a huge mystery...maybe together we could solve it?


11 Phenomenon Forum / Please participate with us
« on: May 16, 2014, 08:07:59 PM »

I am delighted to see how much interest there is in the 11:11 phenomenon.  I joined because I am an 11er and have been receiving the prompts for about two years now.  I seem to receive them when I am in deep meditation with source energy.  The prompts seem to be telling me not to worry that all is well.  But like you, I truly believe that the prompts are also trying to unite all all of us in some way. 

I have conducted extensive research on the topic and am unable to find any scholarly research and/or writing on the subject.  Most of what I find is supposition.  However, there is a pattern.  I think it is important for everyone experiencing the prompts to describe how/when they show up.

 How many of you are keeping a journal noting the date, of course we know the time, and what was on your mind at the time of the prompt?  I recommend that all 11er's begin to document the occurrence.

It's important to note that the entire universe is made of numbers...everything we do has a number assigned to it.  Could it be that source energy is math?  All of nature is made of fact, there have been crop circles found with 11:11 side by side.  What is it we are being told?

In other source energy trying to tell us we are all one and that those of us receiving the prompts need to help others see that we are all one.  We are truly special because not everyone receives the prompt.  I urge everyone to participate in this forum and share your stories with others.  Please do so in a professional manner as this phenomenon is not a joke for many of us.  Please share your thoughts.  Maybe we can all come together as one to find out what it means.


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