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Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« on: May 08, 2014, 10:50:28 PM »
   Ok everybody I'm going to post a new topic and then I'm going to pipe down a bit. There's not a problem or anything, I'm just stuck in write mode and I just can't stop so I need to put myself in rehab. Just kidding! (about the rehab) What I'm not kidding about is bowing out, if I can, for a while. And in the mean time I think I can make good use of my absence.
   I'm going to conduct an experiment that may or may not sort the wheat from the chaff. But we'll see. I think I can prove the difference between the true 11ers and the looky-loos. In time the truth will surface and the evidence will speak for itself. At the very least, it should be interesting.
   I really am stuck in write mode and for some reason I feel compelled to speak up, and it's not like there's a bottleneck or anything, of people who want to chime in! So...........
   In the past I think I've mentioned seeing patterns. I've taken three IQ tests in the past two years and I always score high in pattern recognition. I think it's a trait of all 11ers, AND PROOF OF THAT IS YOU "RECOGNIZED" THAT YOU SAW 11's IN YOUR LIFE! You recognize patterns too! Don't tell me you don't!
   If you have read my past two posts you know where I come from when it refer to religion. I have evolved continuously over the years and I mean no disrespect to any who believe differently than I do. I feel some kind of connection with something that I can't quite put my finger on. Something cosmic. And I don't think I'm at all alone here. I think all 11ers feel the same way, or maybe not, little is ever 100%.
   Here's a pattern and if you're an 11er, you are part of the pattern and you should have no trouble recognizing it. I'm going to tell a story that a lot of people already know, it is a story of a specific organized religion and if I had another example of another similar story of another organized religion I'd include it. I'm not being one sided or anything, not making comparisons nor am I making any connection with any religion. Just telling a story.
   When baby Jesus Christ was born, didn't three wise men come from a far away place, and didn't their call come from (I don't quite know how to phrase this) a cosmic place? Guided by a star in the night sky? Please correct me if I am wrong but I think that's pretty much how it goes. They may not have known exactly where they were meant to be but there got there none the less.
   Time and again I've mentioned how we 11ers are just like the people in Close Encounters of The Third Kind. Even though that is a science fiction movie, didn't all of those people who were "aware" of their "Cosmic calling" end up at Devils Tower in Wyoming? They didn't know exactly what drew them there but they found their way there too didn't they?
  One way or another, there was an event that transpired. The three wise men came to pay tribute to who they considered to be the new born king. That was their "event". In Close Encounters the "event' was dropping off and bringing aboard a fresh set of human beings and off into the Universe they went! (Don't forget I called Shotgun)
   And then there's and I can't help thinking this is going to end up as some kind of "event"!
   Each of us has found our own way here, one way or another, and we 11ers are part of a small select group. We hear this "cosmic calling" and it's hard to figure out what it's all about, but I know we can.
   Do you see the pattern in all, three stories? Something's up. Something's brewing, and we are very much a part of it if you are an authentic 11er!
   I am a firm believer of another dimension as I have mentioned before. If I wasn't clear about drawing a line down the middle of the number 11 and how it separates the conscious life of us Earthlings and Source Energy, that's just exactly how I see it. We are in two adjoining dimensions and it's like trying to hear a conversation through a wall. Is it's like that for you too?
   I wonder if we 11ers, conscious of it or not, can for some reason, connect more easily with this thing I like to call Source Energy, and that's why we see 11's all the time. I think there is little or no separation between us and Source Energy, we just can't quite connect, not just yet.
    We are accepting of it, or will grow to.
   But the problem that we all share is: We don't speak it's lingo and it can't speak ours.
   Wait! Let me modify that. We can just barely understand each others lingo! It sends 11's and we pick them up! Don't tell me that isn't how it is!
   I've always believed there is a way to figure anything out so I never really feel any resistance to figuring something out.
   I think I've read the majority of the posts and there are some very intelligent people here. Very intelligent! With some of the ideas I've processed from these posts I keep getting closer to figuring this phenomenon out. But I cannot get all the way there without you! Which is why I've been so vocal about others speaking up.
   After being an 11er for more than three years now and seeing 11 after the hour a couple thousand times you can't tell me this doesn't mean something. It has to. It has to mean something, and the reason we can't figure it out, quite yet, is because we can't  speak the same language as Source Energy. And I'm not making light of that the fact that I think Source Energy is having a difficult time of it as well.
   So where do we go from here? I know this much. The more I concentrate on this phenomenon the more I seem to connect with it. 11's have been so strong with me for the past several weeks that I'm constantly asking "What's up?" and when you ask questions. . .you get answers!
   So I have a question. Do you want to get together and seriously make an effort to figure this phenomenon out?
   I hope so because I feel a real connection with all of my fellow authentic 11ers. (That includes the babes!)
   I feel as though we should all say "Thank you" to Gene for being the gracious administrator that you are, and by the way can I be promoted to something other than "Newbie" Hahahaha! "Padawan Learner" would be nice!
        Love ya'll !   11erSteve



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Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2014, 10:21:43 AM »
Steve,im with you all the way and of as late at least the last couple of years it has a strong religious backround to this,why am i here what was the purpose what am i supposed to accomplish,all i know and i dont know how many other people can put
a mere 5 second phone call that has pretty much changed and ruined my life for the
past 40 years,dont know what this means to be able what did you in,in a 5 second phone call that you remember like it just happened,along with all kinds of memories
that keep showing me in detail constant mistakes,and seeing 11s for the last few years has broadened this expotentially,your right something is pulling us toward it and i just cant figure out why,constant memories that keep bringing back mistake after mistake i have made,its like a scanning machine that keeps bringing back all your memories good or bad,what is the purpose of all of these memories,i dont know if this give you anything to work with but i had to put my two sense in.Let me know if any of these oddities are affecting you.Have a great 11er day.


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Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2014, 12:39:43 AM »
h all kinds of memories
that keep showing me in detail constant mistakes,and seeing 11s for the last few years has broadened this expotentially,your right something is pulling us toward it and i just cant figure out why,constant memories that keep bringing back mistake after mistake i have made,its like a scanning machine that keeps bringing back all your memories good or bad


I have had a lot of my mistakes through the years brought back to my memory over the past year. Some things I don't think I even saw as mistakes until recently. I am not sure of the purpose, but with me it seemed more of a reminder that we all make mistakes and just realize we are not perfect people. It helps us to be more tolerant of other people's mistakes too. From a religious standpoint, it is an evil force that condemns you and makes you feel guilty for everything. It is trying to depress us and make us throw in the towel or waste time thinking about things we can't change. Everybody makes mistakes. It seems some of us have paid for mistakes far more than others. Given the "bad luck" element we have had for so long I don't think those mistakes are to blame for most of our woes. I have made plenty of good decisions that went awry and then some. I suspect you have too.

There's been mention from a few people on here about evil forces. I think good people are under attack and this is part of what we are going through. There are some people on here who have gone through a lot of bad times and have come through it with flying colors. That should give us some hope. In fact, some of them are having frequent good luck in place of all the bad. I suppose whether its a long string of good luck or bad luck, it is similar to the 11 phenomenon in that it shows that things are not all that random. They are nothing close to heads/tails/heads/tails...  We know from all these experiences that they go far beyond any reasonable coincidence.


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Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2014, 02:55:54 AM »
and by the way can I be promoted to something other than "Newbie" Hahahaha! "Padawan Learner" would be nice!

There have been some promotions. Lol. They are still based on the number of posts, but I lowered the count. I am no longer a Jr. Member :)

I will probably do more with that down the road, but at least it doesn't take forever now for our great members to graduate from newbie!  8) 


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Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2014, 11:46:05 AM »

Ive been thinking about my post on this topic and your response,i have a little bit more to add for 11ersteve that
might help him with this post.iF i really think about the 11s they started 5 or more years ago about the same time
the religous draw was also pulling me in.As of latley when i saw 3 or 4 11s such as 6:11 7:11 and so on i new i was
in for a good day,now that has changed.     now i see more trouble with this sequence,i seem to get trouble instead
of a good day.When i see this sequence i know somthing is coming my way usually not good not always some times
it starts off bad and changes to good,they are getting a little bit worry some.And after the last sequence of 11s yesterday
a religous question came to me out of no where and i asked myself gary out of the billions of people on this planet and God
knows how many other inhabited planets and there are definatley others many others what makes you think God hears your pleas for help in problems and understanding with all the other people asking the same thing at the same time OUCH!!! that was not a good reply mind you this was right after the 11 sequence which was 5 yes 5 in a row so now were going were i dont  ever want to go with a reply to my question if God really does not hear all our prayers and pleas, if not boy are we really alone.Maybe thats why there have been so many 11ers out there latley coming forth,im sure this board is only the very tip of the iceberg,could be all the 11ers are being drawn together for some purpose,could be religous in nature im not sure,im not sure of anything anymore after that response back i got when i asked does he really here each and everyone??
Ok thats it for me,i think i went a litt6le bit to far,must be a typing day.Well everyone have a good 11 day.


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Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2014, 03:52:14 AM »
Bridge66 I worry bout you because you sound to have the most troubles of the 11rs that are posting.  Yes it's very likely not every prayer is heard, but what defines God.  Is God just some magical being up in the sky, or is God more then that.  Could God be everywhere and in everything, and are these prompts his sign to us that we are chosen?  Is God trying to tell us that he wants to share his divine universe with us in it?  For sure you are on a path my friend and it doesn't sound easy, yet still you are here with us surviving when you have been challenged by death itself and prevailed.  The reason I say this is in another forum I frequent one person once mentioned that 11:11 is the Shield of God, and as I see it, if things start getting biblical then I see 11rs being the ones who will stand up to the challenge.  Just trying to give you more to think about though, because for all I know I could be completely wrong as well.  Stay strong my friend.


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Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2014, 09:55:04 AM »
If theres one thing ive learned, Gary, is that Human beings seem to be built to withstand a great deal of suffering.  In fact, most of our lives seem to revolve around how much suffering we (not just 11ers but all people) can take.

I think i can help you..but it wont be quick and its a process.

I can relate to you. Ive read your earlier posts and i wanted to say something, but as i would write, i would get this "gut feeling" that it wasnt my time to pipe up yet, so ive been silent. But after reading the last two responses in this thread by you, i feel like now, as i write these words, that there is nothing trying to prevent me from what id like to i think this is now the right time.

Like i said, i can relate to you. I have a family member who also has a terrible addiction...a close one...a brother.  That "demon" is Heroin.

I, myself, have been down the dark path of addiction.  It wasnt on purpose, but i had blew two discs. One in my back and one in my neck. The docs for six years prescribed percocets.  Now that ive pulled out of that dark hole, i want to say that its seariously F**** UP that this kind of stuff can be prescribed to people. These pills do nothing to help...but they get you hooked..this way the docs can get their montly visit fee and the Pharm companies get their money.

but i digress, im getting off topic...this isnt about me.  But i know what my brother is going through when it comes to the addiction aspect.  But ive never been so bad that ive become physically dependent.  My brother has tried to get off of it...but when he sleeps, the withdrawls give him seizures....We've tried the idea of Rehab....but my god, the expenses just to go!! How on earth can you go to rehab when people will spend their last cent to get their fix when it comes to that powerfull of a drug? Unless your well off or have outstanding insurance...i dont see how addicts can pay upwards to 22 thousand dollars for a month stay!!

All we can do is be there for him.  What i had to do, was to try and stay positive and try to focus on myself.  Its not easy...wether its your son, or my blood brother.  You have to learn the power of NO.  That person will try to manipulate you, draw on your heartstrings, bring up things in the past that you may have made mistakes with and use that to guilt you into giving him money...or things like that.

You have to put your foot down and you have to hold your ground.  It will break your will bring a world of hurt right in your heart when you see your loved one suffer because you said NO...but you have to do it...for your sake as well.

it wont cure them, but in time, he will try to go elsewhere....that will hurt you too...but you have to remember something...something thats so very very important...and thats "You cant help someone, who doesnt want to be helped". When it comes to addiction, its truly up to them to want to make that change.
I know this because that was my mentality when the docs had me strung out on their "Legal" drugs. it hurts me to even say it and hurts me to look back on it...but i manipulated, i begged, and i became a huge burden on my family.  It took a while for me to see out of that haze and to see the damage i was doing.  And it was a long road to recovery....and i had to do it by myself.

Just to put this out there, anyone whos reading this...i hope you dont think any less of me. I look back on who i was then and who i am now and im so very proud of what ive done.  THAT was my dark road...THAT was the situation that caused me to beg god out of desperation...i didnt just pray to was to anyone that was listening...spirit guides, angels, whatever you may call them.  i was NOT a spiritual person at that point. 

My road forked at that point and i was given a huge synchronous message 15 minutes after that prayer.  And thats what put me on my path towards light

Anyways, im going about myself again.  I hope that some of the things ive said can help you Bridge. I also hope that you dont take my words as a kind of assault or become offended.  I dont know whats gone 0n in your maybe im wrong..but i dont feel like what ive said is wrong.

Bridge...Gary....this could be the start of healing the hole in your soul.  We 11ers seem to get hit with some of the shittiest situations..and we are. survivors....and were much stronger because of it. Weve done our share of suffering, we know what its like to hurt.  But the people on this forum...its seems weve all had bad situations...really bad ones that are very very....dark.  Wether is divorce, family issues, addiction or drugs, anything that is personal to we all are.  Stronger and better than what we were.

I hope this helps...none of us know each other personally...but on these boards, when we all talk to each other and discuss ideas...i FEEL like ALL OF YOU, are my blood brothers and sisters...kindred spirits who help each other selflessly....and expect nothing in return. 

Were here for you man, if we can help, we will try.

Light and Love



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Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2014, 10:23:21 AM »
I also have a video that may help as well. "Worrying" is another energy that is wasted and manifests your worries, or amplifies them.  Basicly its the Law of Attraction in play...Like attracts like while negativity attracts negativity....if you believe in that.

Either way, law of attraction or not, perhaps this video can help you to find a way to ease your worries.  I truly hope you can find the time for this 3 minute video, it has a powerful impact and may start your road to change.


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Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2014, 08:27:21 PM »
Found this at another forum I frequent,  very interesting read.  What do the rest of you all think?


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Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2014, 04:46:35 PM »
I read it and found it pretty interesting.  The one thing im wondering is, where did he get the time table that itll be soon?


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Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2014, 05:09:29 PM »
There was video linked at the beginning of the page you may of missed.  It's the speech the head of the IMF made recently.   A lot of people think we are on the verge of a paradigm shift, which is kind of what this prophecy is possibly explaining.  Now in the IMF heads speech she brings up lots of numbers such as 70 years and what will happen over the next 7 years.  If a currency reset happens  and a new world currency was rolled out which has been on the table of discussion with the IMF for a while this would could lead to major changes throughout the world.  Also if you believe the bible and the 7 years of the tribulation, if the reset did happen this year and we do go through a 7 year tribulation period there we would find ourselves at 77 years from the prophecy and the making of the IMF as was noted in the video or 7 x 11.   A lot of this prophecy makes sense to me and changes that I've been making in my life over the last few years not to say that is right or wrong but it makes sense.  Food for thought for the 11rs, we are in interesting times friends.


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Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2014, 11:50:02 AM »
i asked myself gary out of the billions of people on this planet and God
knows how many other inhabited planets and there are definatley others many others what makes you think God hears your pleas for help in problems and understanding with all the other people asking the same thing at the same time

This is a question that most people have asked themselves in some way at one time or another. I think that if there is a God capable of creating this amazing universe then I believe he can hear our pleas. Why there isn’t always an answer or why it takes so long is something I don’t think we are meant to fully understand. But the good news is many have gone through these things and come through into good luck and breakthroughs. There are no shortage of these stories and some people on the forum have stated this is the case with them. Given our cosmic connection this is inspiring.

I have had an incredibly difficult journey so I can relate and understand your frustrations. The good news is we know something more advanced is aware of us through the number 11 phenomenon. These numbers, repeating numbers, mirror numbers and the various ways they show up are at the least a sign that all is not as it appears. Some of these things are very consistent among our fellow 11ers and some seem more personalized. This is further evidence that we are not just a group, but also individuals.

There must be a reason for all this. If you read Psalms you see that what we experience is not new or unusual. The troubles and feeling of being under attack and overwhelmed are not unique to us. The good news is that the promises are that it will not go on forever and there will be a reward for those of us who keep pushing forward. I know I will keep swinging until my last breath.

if God really does not hear all our prayers and pleas, if not boy are we really alone

I think these are important things to consider for us to be open to what actually does exist. I think there is a separation or detachment from God or the universe that causes people to seek comfort from this inner loneliness in so many ways. Today we see that gadgets and cell phones have become addictions for many people. For some they cannot have quiet in their lives so they have music constantly going into their ears or are talking to others. And there are no shortages of other things we as humans do to fill this void. Some of these things seem rather harmless, but when you think that it can cause people to be afraid of being alone with their own thoughts it is a little scary and definitely sad. Some of the questions you ask and all those that are talked about on this forum are not even on some people’s radar. For some it seems life is entirely about killing time.

Because of this recurring number phenomenon we know that we are not alone. I think you are on to something when you suggest that 11ers are being drawn for some purpose. We have an amazing common thread and are in the middle of one of the great mysteries of the world; one that some are not even privy to the fact that it exists.


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Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2014, 01:07:46 PM »
Well said Gene!  You have nailed exactly how I feel about this 11 Phenomenon and it proclaiming
THE GOOD NEWS! Personally, I do believe it is God sending us these messages of GOOD will, but I also believe it is whomever or whatever you feel is your higher power.....because yes there is something bigger than any of us can imagine. Taking comfort in these prompts can bring that sense of PEACE we are striving for during our times of strife. I continue to participate in sending out prayers of peace and comfort in this universe whenever these prompts occur and I hope you all are feeling this union that we are somehow being called to!

Sending 11 best wishes to you all!


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Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2014, 09:46:49 AM »
Pointman,thanks for the great answer back,its like i said the same words you did every single one of them and the point your
trying to make about the addicitions,i myself have also gotten hooked up by my OH so friendly doctor for a problem diabetics called neuropathay,constant burning 24 hours a day in your feet,he now has me up to 4 80mg oxycontins a day plus oxycodone,this is a nightmare for a person who was always against drugs and swore he would never get involved.the doctors never tell you once you start there is no easy way off if at all,ive been told the amount im given is what they give cancer patients who are ready to die,i think this is one of my biggest problems it interferes with your whole life,why the religous and 11er stuff started about the same time is beyond me.Somehow this all seems to be tied together i wish i could tell you how,but i would bet this addiction torment proably has hit a lot more people on this board than we think and if that is true this all might be going somewhere,i have to thank you for chiming in and it seems you waited to the exact time i needed to hear this,thanks again for all your input you hit every single problem on the head with out any flaws not one so thanks again,im going to take a look at that video link you sent and i am sure it will also be on the money.Lets please all who are on this board and worldwide have a wonnderful 11er day and hope for those who are struggling start to see things turning around for the better,i hope i hope.

Ms Intrigued

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Re: Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2014, 10:07:28 AM »
Wow!  My heart is actually racing a bit...feelings of tightness in the chest...and no...I'm not having a heart attack. I think I'm having a form of "connection anxiety". Not meaning anxiety in a negative manner, more like a very strong surreal feeling. I stumbled upon this forum last night and haven't had a chance to sit down and read through many posts. I read a few last night, and had a very restless sleep with some very bizarre dreams. I awoke this morning with my mind racing about my "11" experiences and those of the others I read about. One thought kept coming into my mind repeatedly, and that was that we are like the people in "Close Encounters". I had not read the post to which I'm replying until just a few moments ago.  As I started reading it, I literally began to have the physical reaction I described. I think we are all in need of some straight forward and clear understanding of why we are having these experiences....

Ms Intrigued...and bewildered