Author Topic: The frequency to seeing 11's... does it fade and reappear for you?  (Read 11644 times)


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Hi, I've been away from this site for some time, months, due to commitments of work and life. I noticed that whilst I have been so intensely busy the frequency of seeing 11's appeared to drop dramatically, almost to the back of my mind with only a few being noticed each week, so I thought.
However, what I wasn't aware of, until I started to think about it today, that the numbers were and are still there; whether I chose to acknowledge them or not. Perhaps, after seeing 11's for so many years I have come to terms with them and now accept them, even though, like us all, I still don't know what it all means yet. I started a new job with a bus company four months ago and I recall that I still saw and see 11's on the clocks in the cabin, the route timetables, clocks at home and all the usual places. Even when my mind is totally off the thought of 11's they are still there letting me know that I must remain aware and that I am being kept awake?. Aware and awake of what will remain to be seen of course but, I am being reminded that I am still one of the very many, ever growing number of people with the 11 phenomenon in their lives.

My adding this post is not just to say HI after being away but, also to share with you one simple issue related to the recent change in my life.

The simple change of starting a new job, a job I really didn't want and don't like but am greatfull to have. A job, for some reason, I feel is an important part of the sequence in relation to my personal experience of the 11 phenomenon. It's very hard for me to explain but, even though I don't like the job at all I am aware that It's part of the path being there doing what I'm doing.
For those who have read my previous topics, I'm still in the situation of not being able to plan anything, this phenomenon or event prevents me from any long term plans, whatever I would like to do, when making plans of any kind, something always prevents the plans from coming to fruition or they become so delayed the initial plans become meaningless. Inwardly, I believe that the 11 phenomenon is playing a large part of what I do, where I go and what I'm supposed to be doing. My future seems to be in the hands of the phenomenon, perhaps that is God I don't know.
I do have a strong inner feeling that reassures me that I have nothing to worry about and to trust my intuition. Every time I see 11's I am reassured that I'm in the right place at the right time doing what I'm supposed to be doing. For what plan? I don't know of course.
Seeing the 11's seems more like a constant massage of reminder to me now, reminding me to stay awake, stay alert and focused. Almost as though I'm not meant to forget, it's my destiny and chosen path for me.
Although, like you, I just wish I knew what that was. :-\
There's no doubting this phenomenon is real.....


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Re: The frequency to seeing 11's... does it fade and reappear for you?
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2012, 02:55:48 AM »
Hi Phoenix911,

I am new to the site and was surprised to see one on this topic.  It's reassuring to know others are having  similar experiences.

I can only surmise by your "handle" that you began noticing "11's" on or before 9.11.2001.  I began noticing them just casually months before 9/11 for the first time.  I mentioned this to my wife and she shrugged and thought I was making too big a deal about nothing.  I began researching number eleven through numerology, mythology, etc.  I never got a satisfactory answer. I started having dreams that were disturbing about conflict but nothing directly related to the attacks.  The night before, I had a terrible night's sleep and then saw the attacks on television from the west coast.  It was horrifying, especially because I grew up in NYC and watched the towers being built.

Long story short, I still was seeing the number  eleven everywhere, on clocks, addresses, receipts, etc. and I began having vivid dreams about attacks being planned.  Many did not materialize but some did.... the bombing of the train station in Madrid, the planning to hijack and blow up a Metro North train..... a plan that was thwarted.

The elevens seemed to disappear periodically, or as you said, maybe they were there and I wasn't paying attention. Either way, they started coming back in focus over the last year.  It was not just seeing them, but having them occur at specific junctions or shifts in my activities.  I  see it on the clock when I get into and out of my car, when I walk into the house or go to bed, hotel room numbers, etc.  The most prevalent is seeing eleven and factors of eleven on clocks.  I think it is related to time for me.  I agree that it is meant to remind us to be watching for signs.  In my opinion, it may be a major shift in the world, politically, militarily, economically, continuing dramatic weather pattern changes and other "natural" disasters.

I believe that when I am strongly drawn to respond a certain way to something,  I should follow my "instincts" or "guidance" and not ignore it.  I guess that I am a bit of a fatalist in that I think it is leading those who are intuitive, psychically gifted or otherwise more aware to follow the signs in a direction that is right for each of us.


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Re: The frequency to seeing 11's... does it fade and reappear for you?
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2012, 02:37:16 PM »
I agree with you, i too am psychic, have been all my life and im well aware that this 11:11 may be attracting attention from like minded people. Everytime i notice the clock or numbers that appear in my  life i see double figures, 21 12 13 31 list goes on, i have never seen a normal time since couple of weeks ago, for me these numbers get seriously strange then fade, then come back even stronger, i feel like im living in the twilight zone, where everything i do is connected to numbers, still looking for the reason, still being aware of everything i do and everything that is happening around and about me. Am glad im not on my own in this, for years i thought it was just me that had a number "thing". following my instincts I await to see what happens next.


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Re: The frequency to seeing 11's... does it fade and reappear for you?
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2012, 05:42:57 PM »
I am a recovering alcoholic and it all started 11/02/09. I was about to go to prison for several DUI charges and and had attempted suiside. Out of the blue I just woke up and started going to AA. A few months into the program I started seeing 11 all the time just as Ive read from all of you guys. In the past few months it has been really crazy so I brought up the subject at a meeting and not one person knew what I was talking about. Ive looked here and there for an explanation and have found alot of then I find out about this guy Edgar Cayce and what he said was "The first lesson for 6 months should be 1111...oneness of God, oneness of mans relations, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, and oneness in every effort... one, one, one, one.  With all the 2012 stuff going on who knows. Look at some of the crop circles, Sumarian tablets,effects of cosmic rays on DNA, and 11s. Seek the truth no matter what you feel about it. Im 48, a self employed carpenter, live in Tx, dont follow a belief system (recovering Baptist)lol. My blood type is O neg, white, and have been drunk most of my life and this is what I wake up to.  Sober and still love it. Also was born on 01/21/65. 11x11=121 and 6+5=11 and 01/21 is the first day of aquarius.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2012, 02:00:26 PM by larryg »


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Re: The frequency to seeing 11's... does it fade and reappear for you?
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2012, 02:10:32 AM »

I know how hard it is to remain sober, having grown up with an alcoholic mother.  Keep taking it one day at a time.  Very interesting quote from Edgar Cayce.  Seems to fit with how "connected" I have increasingly been feeling over the past year.  I am not "religious"  because I think religion is more about control and judgment of others than spirituality. I meditate and pray but I do so alone and directly to the universal spiritual energy, I believe to collectively be "God".

All we can do is follow what feels right for each of us.  Some days, like today, all I saw were factors of eleven at at the end of the day, my daughter found out she was accepted into medical school. Are the two connected? Is it synchronicity?   It feels that way, but I really couldn't tell you.

I think we all must interpret the phenomena for ourselves in the context of our lives, rather than looking for a single specific meaning.  It seems like it is a general ringing of a bell to say "Stay tuned in. There is more to come." I believe it is telling us that what we need will find each of us.  It may not be what we think we want but it may be what we need.


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Re: The frequency to seeing 11's... does it fade and reappear for you?
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2012, 02:09:25 AM »
Larry G

Going to look into that guy sounds like he on the right track, I too born on the 1st ,and im o negative, weird or coincidence ? another comminality ? Still looking for a pattern lol, You are not alone :) Advice ? meditate..... open yourself to the life force of the world....feel its strength.....use it ! keep aware. bbfn


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Re: The frequency to seeing 11's... does it fade and reappear for you?
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2013, 03:21:53 PM »
Congratulations Larry on giving alcohol the boot. I can relate, gave up alcohol two years ago and life is better.

For me, the frequency of seeing 11's only changes when the opportunity frequency changes. If I am near any electronics, signs or clocks the frequency greater. If I am out hiking in the mountains, there is no opportunity to see an 11 (unless I look at my phone). This seems obvious, but I think it is an important truth about this phenomena. It needs a path to engage me, such as a clock. I don't see 11s in the sky or the trees.'s about time, and it's not.


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Re: The frequency to seeing 11's... does it fade and reappear for you?
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2013, 08:41:37 AM »
The frequency definitely does increase at certain times.  Is anyone out there getting a lot of 11's recently, I have been noticing it very regularly for about a week now.
I was just curious to see if other people are experiencing this at the same time as me.  It could help us understand if it is a personal message or if it is a global message that something bigger is coming.
Assuming that it is a message of some sort of course, no one knows what it really means yet.


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Re: The frequency to seeing 11's... does it fade and reappear for you?
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2013, 01:15:18 PM »
In the last two months it has quadrupled in the number of times im seeing 11s.Its gettig so
i know every time i look at a clock its going to be 11mins after the hour.On the radio go thru the
stations up comes 91.1 look at odometer on car 117,911 looking at the pc 3:11 dog wakes me up
at night 11:11 its just getting out of hand.Was putting something in the microwave 8:11 tell my
wife quick turn on the tv what time is it yup 8:11 so i know im not nuts but all this means nothing
to her,shes waiting for me to get beamed up,i dont think its funny.much to many times to be coincedence
Thats what i was telling myself for the longest time has to be a coincedence,cant do that any more
this is at least half a dozen times a day.But to answer the original question it has gone way up in
frequency in the last two months.Somebody please come up with an answer PLEASE.


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Re: The frequency to seeing 11's... does it fade and reappear for you?
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2013, 09:40:45 AM »

For  It needs a path to engage me, such as a clock. I don't see 11s in the sky or the trees.

Nevermind, I saw an 11 carved into a tree on one of my last outdoor adventures :)'s about time, and it's not.


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Re: The frequency to seeing 11's... does it fade and reappear for you?
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2013, 03:49:06 PM »
Lol. Never say never. Especially when it comes to the number 11.


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Re: The frequency to seeing 11's... does it fade and reappear for you?
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2013, 03:55:02 PM »
I believe the message can be both personal and on a global scale. I see times when it comes up for me when I can use some reassurance. The significance of the number 11 in world events is huge and this seems to be a sign of the times.

It seems from my own observations that not everybody goes through the peaks at the same time. Obviously there are a lot of people experiencing this phenomena so many will. I think if it does hit a point where most everybody has this occurrence peaking at the same time we will be close to the revelation of things.