Author Topic: What are your experiences with the number 11?  (Read 169105 times)


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #75 on: May 31, 2013, 03:16:37 PM »
For me it started 2008 just before my mom had passed away. I started seeing the number 11 at least 10 to 15 times a day for a good year or more.I thiought that i was losing my mind because everywhere I went there it was not only in the 11 form ,but in differant numbers that added to 11. As the years have gone by its a everyday routine if the days are good i see it 5 to 10 times and if the days are not so good even more . I have tried unplugging my clock ,my cell phone ,but the it is on the tv sports station watching football, hockey, baseball number 11 scores touch down, number 11 hits home run, number 11 scores a goal or even in the games you here theres 11 seconds left in the game like wow there must be an answer for this. I am now getting use to this and am finally starting to smile at this because I think that we that see this are very special in this life and someone or something is trying to either tell us or warn us of whats to come. i've even check with  Medjugorje and Fatama sites to see if there is a message but it only tells me the message is coming .These sites are very helpful and you should check it out.

                                             Thanks for listening and hope we all  one day find out whats behind number.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #76 on: June 06, 2013, 09:57:07 AM »
Well it seems we all have similar experieces.It does scare me a bit when i see 3 or more in a row
such as 7:11 8:11 9:11,i have had a few very bad days when i see them in that frequency,but then
there are days and all turns out well.I do agree we who see this are marked somehow for what reason im not sure.When i first came on the board i had wrote a piece having to do with maybe the
rapture,but i did not want to get to much on the religion side of things.What ever this is i really can
not come up with one legitimate reason why this is happening it does become quite frustrating at times,well welcome to the board the more the better.
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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #77 on: July 16, 2013, 08:16:58 AM »
i have been seeing the number 11 just about every time i look at the clock (digital) and i don't look at the clock and see that it reads  9:10 and look again. i wouldn't be on here if that were the case. but it did BLOW me away that there is actually a forum on this. this started to happen to me quite a few months ago. but i did read another persons blog and his mother had passed away in 08 and my mother passed away in 08. but when this 11 thing really shook me up a bit is when i just woke up and rolled over and looked at the clock and it was 9:11. that was my first encounter with the whole thing. i was checking the clock and i began to see 9:11 at least ounce a day and there's only 2 of them a day. but after i awoke that morning and the clock read 9:11 that's when i started to log it. but after a week or so i stopped cause it was 5-6 times a day i was writing it down so i stopped. but it is nice to know that i am not the only person experiencing this. but it is definitely a little weird to me that out of the blue this started to happen to me. some one told me that it was just in my mind. but for me the event has to happen over and over again for me to actually notice it. thanks for reading any feed back would be nice.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #78 on: July 16, 2013, 08:24:35 PM »

My experiences are a mirror image of yours.  They started out with 911 and have only increased from there.  It is weird that I don't see 911 as much any more.  Maybe 911 was the attention getter to get us started?  It may be coincidence that I am a fire fighter EMT?


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #79 on: July 18, 2013, 05:42:00 AM »
Starting around March 2009 I beagn seeing blood in my urine once a month always around the same time of the month shortly thereafter started to notice 911 on my clock and not being a morning person was being awakened from sound sleep at random times at 9:11 AM. I immediately felt it was a a sign from Above to get it checked out. Had a CAT scan showed nothing was told to get a cystoscopy to look at my bladder. Was to put off by the thought of having a camera filament slid down my urethra so I kept putting it off for the next several months. In the meantime blood in the urine continued to show up once a month  always around the same time of the month. Continued to encounter 9:11 on clock, a cash register receipt , and after being the lone customer left at closing at a fruit and vegetable store I went up the register to have my purchases rung up and there it was in bright LED the total for the last customer's purchase was $9.11. Well it continued in such a way as to be too uncanny a coincidence. Long story short had the cystoscopy and it revealed bladder cancer! All is well for now except I started seeing 11:11 recently in uncanny ways. I don't feel worried when I do as I sense it is something spiritual and that if it means anything it will be revealed at a given time. So I will be patient and continue to go about my existence knowing I am more than flesh and bone and that something much larger than ourselves is observing us and patiently waiting for our acknowledgment . May that Observer bring those searching to Enlightenment .......


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #80 on: October 06, 2013, 09:53:57 AM »
So many things to respond to, but one jumped out at me that i felt compelled to respond to from Phoenix 911

""In medieval times, numerologists — those who searched for the mystical significance of numbers — believed all numbers had both positive and negative aspects … except for 11. In the words of the 16th century scholar Petrus Bungus, 11 "has no connection with divine things, no ladder reaching up to things above, nor any merit." Stuck between the divine numbers 10 and 12, 11 was pure evil, and represented sinners." (back on page three)

This was a quote from a report done on MSNBC, right?  i think what they fail to mention is that, in those medieval times, ANYTHING that went against the church in any way was considered a sin, blasphemous and hearsay. 

One thing i can say for certain is after reading so many posts that we all have a connection in some strange way..that we feel this is spiritual in nature, regardless of any ones belief system.

Back in the 16th century, you would be put to death for claiming anything spiritual other than the spiritual presence of God himself and whats been written in the bible and by whats been preached.  So if you try and think in that frame of mind, that might be a way of saying, and with so much detail and emphasis presented just about 11 and its Evilness, That its the complete opposite of what he said.  Like a message for the future peoples who wont be religiously persecuted for going against the church.  Instead of saying theres no connection, its all evil and represents sinners...maybe he was trying to put so much emphasis so others, like him and his 11 connection, could see he meant the opposite.

Just a thought ;)


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #81 on: October 07, 2013, 09:06:43 PM »
One other thing i wanted to add, and i think all of you on this forum have noticed it.  I have only been here two days...and ive immediately noticed t and this is what keeps me bound to this site and cause me to seek no other.

Over time, especially when it came to my blogs, ive tried to go to many sites and tried to ask for help or constructive criticism on some of the things ive experienced.  Its not to do with 11 but lets just say, there were other events that have happened that would definitely label me as crazy.  ive tried to explain them, sometimes in detail on other forums...for example, one is called Godlike Productions.

I saw all the diversity of ideas and i thought, with people coming up with some of the most farfetched things that could be conceived, the things i had to say shouldn't be so bad.

i was always met with scorn, ridicule, people would "quote" what i would say and raise there little emoticons that had a flag with BS written all over it. It kinda hurt...because i always approached other peoples posts and ideas with an open mind, but when i would post something, i was always always belittled and made fun of. Posts were made just about my posts, just to poke fun of it.  These threads are long since deleted.

With this site, i have read nearly every post and every response thats in this forum.  What truly blows me away, no one makes fun of anyone in here. No one tries to start and argument saying that their point of view is better and yours is crap. feels like were all connected, like a brotherly/sisterly relationship. Where all ideas and events are embraced and not laughed at.  Not one post on here have i seen ONE person...ONE post made by anyone that ridicules ideas.  EVERYTHING is embraced...and should someone think you may be on the wrong track, they don't just try to preach their beliefs to you. Such as Mikehancho, people suggest things for you to read..and maybe you can end up educating yourself through some ideas or chain of events that led them to believe why its spiritual in nature to that person

Here...i feel at home.  Here...i feel that i am safe. Everyone extends a hand and tries to help one another and thats seen in every post.

If were all trying to share info and ideas that shows a correlation...the one thing that kinda of draws us all together...I think what a lot of you should notice is that im sure most of you have read all of everything posted here as a whole.  Maybe thats the first connection and thats why we see what we see...that deep down, in our hearts, we are truly good people with the best intentions of trying everyone to help understand whats going on, even if we still dont truly understand what all this is about.

I think the first thing we should all notice...and this is my personal opinion...that the one thing that draws us together is our willingness to help one another.

Maybe, one day...people like us will be needed to help the people out there...when a time comes when mass confusion or whatever event causes people to question what theyve believed all along.  Its that goodness thats in our hearts, that desire to help and to do so by not mocking what you blieve...this could be one of the major reasons that we are all gathered this forum.  That extension of ones hand to another, and doing it with the utmost and our willingness to help others...its that goodness that could be the first thing we can all build on as we share this experience.  We all understand the main "love" one another and to be true to hidden deep down scorn or pretending to act like we care when deep down we dont.  That doesn't happen here, that doesn't happen with us.

That should be the first thing we all should recognize and start with.  Its the first step in the right direction...with all of us :D  This might be why we've all gathered here or were drawn to this particular forum. 

Coincidence? My good friends, i think not!

Thank you for allowing me to join your family here.  This is the first time ive felt accepted....i mean...truly felt accepted. I cant tell you how grateful i am to be a part of all of you and your experiences.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #82 on: October 08, 2013, 12:12:51 AM »
I agree there are a lot of great members on the site... Spammers and troublemakers are removed as soon as they are spotted. Different viewpoints and even naysayers are not a problem since most people on here are sincerely and objectively looking for answers. As long as the naysayers are respectful and can handle being hit back with other opinions/facts.

Some of the people you are talking about on other sites seem to be set in their ways. They have their minds made up what unexplained phenomenon they think are real and what aren't. People experiencing the 11 phenomenon are different because most never heard of this until it started happening to them. So the idea that this phenomenon is just a bunch of people thinking about it so much it somehow manifests itself does not hold water. I know myself it happens most when I'm not thinking about it. People who haven't experienced it will have a hard time even understanding it. Knowing this is happening keeps me interested in other things because one or more could possibly somehow be related. I have a healthy skepticism on most of them. But there is something going on here and there is an explanation that quite possibly will reveal more about our existence than anything ever has.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 12:31:43 AM by Gene »


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #83 on: December 21, 2013, 07:05:48 PM »
Hello. Well, I never thought I'd find myself on a forum like this but the number 11 is driving me crazy! It all started with my wife several years ago. For the longest time after her Grandfather died at the time 7:11 she would see that time randomly. It didn't matter where we were or if it was the morning or evening she would just say "My Grandfather is saying hello," and sure enough it would be 7:11 on the clock. I didn't believe this at first. I thought she was joking but over time It learned it was true. The time was always at that number. So as time has gone by now it is effecting me. I never purposely look at the clock and wait for 7:11 to appear. It's like out of nowhere I get an urge to check the time and when I do it is 7:11. Months ago my coworker was driving us to a job site. I was just looking out the passenger window at life going by and out of nowhere I felt as if a gentle hand was pushing my face in the direction of the trucks radio. When I looked at the time it was 7:11. Ok, now the weird part. I had a near death experience this last September. I woke up not feeling right. I had bad pains in my chest. My wife called 911. They showed up and took me to emergency. In emergency I passed out. I remember nothing during this time. When I woke many faces were looking at me. When I realized where I was they said your heart stopped for 33 seconds. You should be dead. We had to do cpr to bring you back. Most folks can die with 10 second pauses but I didn't. After this experience I have been seeing 11's all the time, but mainly only on digital clocks. It didn't matter if it was 4:11 in the afternoon or if I woke up from a dead sleep and the clock would say 2:11 am. The interesting thing for me is that I have NOT seen 11:11 yet. This is the only number. After viewing other's posts many say 11:11 is the mack daddy number. I don't know why I'm not seeing it, but at this point I'm just trying to find out what is going on with me. It's comforting knowing there is a forum, and that I'm not alone. I believe the 7:11 time is really a communication of a loved one, though I never met her Grandfather, I'm sure he knows how much I care about his Granddaughter (now my wife). Is it possible the other times are other communications? I was raised Christian, and though I haven't been the best member of the flock, my near death experience has brought me back closer to God. I wonder? Anybody have any thoughts for me? Oh ya, and this is interesting. I was just watching my college team the Gonzaga Bulldogs get beat, but out of nowhere I felt the need to look and the time in the last half and it said 7:11. Now I'm just starting to see these 11's outside clocks! Thanks for allowing me to post. Shaggy.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #84 on: April 01, 2014, 10:26:48 PM »
It all started with me over 20 years ago, I don't wear a watch so I looked at the clock every now and then to check the time, it was constantly either 11.11 or 10.11 in other words it was nearly always 11 past the hour or 11 or 11.11.  Then when I was driving something would turn my head and there would be bus stop 11 or number 11 prominently displayed on a building or signboard.  Again I would be compelled to look down while driving at someone's number plate and there it was number 11 or 111 or 1111 in the number plate.  This went on and on and on so much so that I told my daughter and then I would point it out to her when she was with me and it happened.
One day I was going to my singing lesson and on the way (40 minute drive) I experienced it so much that when I spoke to my singing teacher telling her what was happening, she went white, left the room and brought back her husband, she then said tell him what you just told me.  When I embarrassingly told him, he said "you too" then I really got worried. 
There was no Google back then so I did not know how to find out anything and you can't just ask people because they think you are going crazy. 
I kept this to myself for all these years until last week when I told and old school friend who Googled it and that is how I found this site.
I have also had an experience of losing over 2 hours of my life which I have not looked into either.  So I just go on with my life but now after reading some of these experiences at least I know it is not just me and there must be a reason but noone seems to really know what. 
I look forward to one day finding out what is going on, and yes it does come and go and at the moment is is not as strong but then it pops it's head up again and away we go.
thanks for listening


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #85 on: April 14, 2014, 02:33:38 PM »
Hello all. Im new to all of this. For many months I've looked at the clock and sometimes it would be 11 min. past the hr. This became more and more frequent and it prompted me to look into what it meant. i chalked it up to spirits being present which I fully believed.
On April 4, 2014 my beloved grandmother passed peacefully with all of her loving family by her side (me included). She had some up's and down over the past four months, so at 93, this was not a surprise. The first week was very emotional for me. I had many buckets of tears over her passing. Since then EVERYTHING is 11. If it's not 11 min. past an hour then it adds up to 11. It feels quite special. I do not know if it's her. I do feel peace when I see it. My 11 yr. old daughter is a 'Rainbow child' and she too has been seeing 11 for quite some time....
Thanks for letting me share.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #86 on: April 19, 2014, 08:31:36 PM »
My experience with the number 11 started about 2 months ago. At first, I began seeing the number 911 everywhere. I saw it in pictures, movies, clock, computer, cell phone, gas station etc. It got to the point where I could no longer consider it a coincidence. After sometime, I just started seeing the number 11, mostly the time being 11 minutes after the hour. I still see 911 more frequently than any other number coupled with 11, but 11 now its like some kind of sign. Im not religious and spiritually speaking, I'm not really sure if I even believe in anything like that, but this cannot be a coincidence and one thing I do believe in is that everything happens for a reason. I am almost certain it is some kind of sign! I was very surprised that there are many people who have this same experience and just like everyone else I really want to find out why we experience this!

Reading some of the posts here, I don't see to much negativity and I feel like I would connect with some of you really well!

As for myself, I believe that I am a good hearted person and I am considered friendly and amiable by others. I have good intentions, but I've always said and believed that I was "special" not to say that it makes me any better than anyone else and I also think many other people feel that way anyways. I just felt as if I was meant to do something "great", but at 25 still working part-time and being a single father I felt like my life isn't where I thought it would be. One thing that I have noticed though is everything always seems to work out well and fall into place for me, even when things don't seem that way. I recently applied for this full-time job and I feel though I might get it :) but if I don't get it I won't be to upset, because it was for a reason.

I've gotten some great stuff from this forum and has lead me to apply the laws of attraction and advice from Earl Nightingale to my life in an attempt to bring more success and happiness to my life and the lives of those around me.

I am also very big into personality types that are pertinent to the Myers-Briggs test. I will post a link to the most accurate Myers-Briggs test I have encountered yet! Everyone, and I mean everyone who takes this test is absolutely amazed at how well this describes their own personality. Perhaps we make have similar personality traits and that could possibly help us to understand why we all have the same experiences.

I am an INFJ, which is apparently the rarest personality type. See what kind of personality type you are and maybe you can learn something meaningful about yourself!

« Last Edit: April 19, 2014, 08:38:22 PM by Jcp267 »


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #87 on: June 10, 2014, 05:44:45 PM »
I have been seeing the number 11 for about 7 years now.  It started with 9 with 11 then I noticed 11 was "following me", I would say.  After a while I would verbally acknowledge 11 and started to annoy my husband and he would tease me about it.  He now believes me, as he sees 11 too.  It happens like most, on the clock, room numbers, license plates, purchase totals, and most of our special dates contain 11 or multiple of 11.  I have always felt it a positive thing, but do wonder if there is a deeper meaning.  That is why I am here, to see others experiences/thoughts. 

I do have a question for you....lately, I have noticed there have been a couple days when I am a minute off the entire day....either a minute late or early.  It hasnt happened very often but after years of seeing 11 after the hour, then having an entire day of being off by a minute is a little unsettling.   


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #88 on: June 10, 2014, 06:44:46 PM »
Well you nailed your post time 5:44:45 I look at the post times all the time that people post, because it appears when we post our 11's carry through when we are posting a point  that has meaning to us.    As for being a minute  early or late days same has happened to me,  It doesn't bother me really but after so many 11's in my life I stop to ask the clock literally I do this "Wierd why am I a minute off today"  I've never seen anything bad come from it.  The 11's can come and go, but lately I've been more on then off.


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Re: What are your experiences with the number 11?
« Reply #89 on: June 11, 2014, 10:13:03 AM »
Haha...I totally did! I didn't even notice.  I wonder how many times I miss seeing it.  Thanks for your input,  glad to know I'm not the only one "off" at times  ;)